Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1423 Yun Nin is on the mic


“Konoha has failed in this war and needs to pay the price for the war.

We Yinren have always been a country with the theme of peace, if you hadn’t started a war without authorization.”

Nurui, jumping up and down at this moment, showed off his status as the leader of the Kingdom of Thunder.

Konoha F4, who was sitting opposite, looked livid at the moment.

The envoys entered the village in the morning and were immediately invited to the conference room.

Ninja is a profession that emphasizes efficiency, and there is generally very little political showmanship involved.

The third generation is considered an alternative among them, but now it has omitted unnecessary rituals, because the money lost every day of war is unbearable.

Just get down to business.

Tell me how we can cease the war.

But why did Yun Ninja send someone like this to be the team leader?

All kinds of arrogance and domineering people treat this place as a cloud ninja village, and the continuous provocation of customs and slang makes me want to crush this trash to death.

With Sarutobi Hiruzen's self-restraint, he didn't even want to say another word to this guy, which seemed very embarrassing.

Danzo, on the other hand, looked at this idiot secretly. It was really a bad idea to use such tactics during negotiations.

But it doesn't matter, I can tolerate this with my old buddy's heart.

Why are you looking at a one-eyed dragon? Could it be that your wrapped one is also a Sharingan?

The disabled old man will find a corner where no one is around and won't go out. If you don't accept it, raise your right hand and hit me!

The secret of the Ninja World couldn't laugh anymore. It was really unexpected that the painting style changed and came directly to him.

This bastard doesn't want to live at all. I'm not a big-hearted person.

Raise your right hand? I took out my right hand and was shocked!

But under the eyes of everyone, he could only secretly swallow this bad breath.

Letting the opponent jump up and down, it was finally left to Nara Shikaku of Nara Group to deal with it.

Although Shikaku had not yet taken the position of captain of the Jonin squad at this time, he had already received special approval to participate in various matters related to the Land of Fire.

After calmly arguing with the other party for a long time, he realized that he was actually the fool.

Except for sticking to the bottom line of Yun Nin, this guy is just messing around. Sometimes we can’t even get in touch with each other.

He had an ominous feeling that this kind of nonsense negotiation would probably last for several days before the other party came up with the final bottom line.

All previous conversations were a waste of time.

So what's the reason?

Shikaku began to use his brain. These people must have a purpose in delaying time.

Mabuyi, who was sitting in the deputy seat of the envoy, had very calm eyes.

The agreement signed with the Fire Country itself is not that harsh, but if it is made too easy for the other party, there will be changes.

So wouldn't it be nice to start with the lion's opening, then go on for a few days of back-and-forth, and finally sign a peace agreement that was obtained after a lot of hard work.

Only by following this set of procedures can the suspicion from the other party be alleviated a little.

It also began to pave the way for Nuruyi's death here.

The leader of the envoy who was jumping up and down was killed in retaliation. Konoha unilaterally tore up the peace agreement for good reasons.

Both sides are waiting for the passage of time in tacit understanding.

After lunch, I continued the meaningless torture in the afternoon.

Abuyi closed her eyes slightly and was thinking about the information about the Hyuga clan.

The family's position, general strength, and information about the powerful people all flashed through his mind.

It is too difficult to invade a large family with top-notch detection capabilities.

Byakugan's super long-distance perspective is like cheating on the battlefield. On the contrary, in Konoha Village, it is restricted by the village's regulations and it is not convenient to scan at any time.

Konoha Village is not that big in total. It would be over if the Hyuga clan would just walk around the village with their Byakugan open from time to time.

Before the Kumo ninja came here to plot, this family was first praised by Konoha itself, how hateful it was.

When the village was first founded, the second generation talked about this matter with the Hyuga clan. It was well known that Tobirama was good at doing some inhumane research and making some powerful strategies.

In terms of hiding things that cannot be seen, there are many more hidden things than Orochimaru, so it is very normal to have this worry.

Later, there were certain restrictions on opening eyes in the village in the clan rules.

This historical issue provides a very good opportunity for the Cloud Ninja Plan.

In a few days, it will be the third birthday celebration of the legitimate son of the Hyuga family, which is a very critical time.

Presumably after the celebration, it is also the most relaxing time, and it may be the only chance to take action.

The price Hyuga Hinata paid for this information Kumo-nin was unimaginable.

It's not that he steals the little girl's eyes, which is basically impossible, but that he targets Hinata Hinata in exchange for the Hyuga tribe's help.

Time control is particularly important, and the entire mission must be involved when necessary.

Just as I was thinking about it, the atmosphere suddenly took a turn for the worse.

Nuruyi may not have been so unbridled before, and his freedom of expression was a bit too much.

Blood Thunder is a war criminal, he should be handed over to our Cloud Ninjas to deal with!

? ? ? ?

The whole place was quiet. Mabuyi, who heard these words in a trance, suddenly felt her heart beat faster. Something might have happened!

The old men and women across from me looked confused. Did you really say this after thinking through the human brain?

Hand over Bloody Thunder, hehehehehe.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had been silent for almost a day, finally spoke. There was irrepressible anger in his tone.

This thing is absolutely impossible, Konoha is not a poor fifth ninja village like Suna Ninja Village.

Although he and Kakashi had a fundamental break and conflict, wouldn't handing over Blood Thunder in this case be tantamount to personally destroying the Will of Fire system he established?

Whether on the front line or in the village, that child always spoke the will of fire, as if he were a direct descendant of the Hokage.

In the past few years, when I used it to motivate villagers and divert conflicts, I often used Kakashi's deeds as testimony.

The fact that Konoha has survived until now is the result of the joint efforts of him and that brat.

Besides, war heroes, how dare you make this request.

Konoha's frontline troops have not yet withdrawn from the outside world, and there are also many ninjas in the village who are recuperating and rotating.

Are even the eyes of Shikaku, who has always been calm, filled with murderous intent?

Only those who are out of their minds would give up a powerful person for this reason, and Yun Nin still cannot pay this price.

Even Danzo, who most wanted to kill his competitor, did not add insult to injury at this time.

It's not that they share the same hatred with the enemy. In his heart, Konoha is him, he is Konoha, and everyone except himself can be abandoned.

It was purely because I had been severely injured and on the verge of death by Sarutobi's old dog several times before, so I knew where the old man's bottom line was.

So without saying a word, he leaned back on his chair and waited for the next performance.

The murderous aura is spreading in the field, the floor under the chairs is beginning to crack, and the spirit of having experienced countless brutal fights is unfolding.

Nurui's chest was so tight that he turned pale and could not speak.

And Mabuyi could only stand up and apologize despite the pressure from the Third Hokage.

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