Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1386 A training ground with no retreat

Without looking at Anko's pleading eyes, Shisui disappeared into the field in an instant, leaving only the lonely little girl.

red beans.


The King of Children no longer felt any majesty at this moment, and his voice even trembled a little.

Don't think that she is a tough ninja just by looking at the way she shows off her power in front of the Uzumaki clan and Jugo Kimimaro. In fact, she is relatively weak in terms of inner firmness.

The occasional crazy criticism is also the style of a child, which is very different from a true pervert.

In the original work, he was abandoned by Orochimaru because he lacked firm determination.

Since Noah was entrusted with Orochimaru's next task, he decided to use some mental nitrogen pump first.

Actually, I don't have to choose you for this task.


“There are countless potential stocks among the new generation within the organization, waiting for opportunities.”

It's just a contract with Longdi Cave, it's not a very special qualification,

Shisui and Kabuto are both more talented than you. Even Kimimaro and the others have unique advantages.

It's Orochimaru, he found me and told me


Hongdou, that's my most trusted disciple.

That's why we have today's special training. Orochimaru doesn't want me to let you know the story behind it. It's just that I don't want Master Qi's hard work to go to waste, so I tell you.

A slightly gory story was spun out in an instant. To deal with this kind of little girl Noah, all it took was one successful attack and she was out of power.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Teacher

Damn it~~~!!!!!

Come here now, Mitarashi Anko will let you know even if I die here today! The teacher did not trust the wrong person!!!

The girl wiped away the tears from her eyes, and her inner strength was continuously emerging.

As long as your will is strong enough

Very good, I will lay the foundation for you on the first day, and then my disciples will train you. Everyone wants to help you improve.

It was impossible for Noah to spend so much time on this kind of thing, and Hongdou's foundation couldn't bear the intensity.

So the three disciples had something to do, just in time to accumulate experience.

Half a month later.

Damn it~~ Is this hell?

The crisis of faith comes immediately, and sometimes the test is so ruthless.

The lofty ideals will also be unpredictable when they are on the line of death. Noah saw that this was not going to work.

Get the second buff.

Anko, do you want to go back to Konoha?


This sentence made Hongdou, who was already a little broken, almost burst into tears, and she was still crying bitterly.

Looking up at the light in hell, the saying that home is the warmest harbor is no joke.

The child has been away from home for such a long time and has never been back except to write letters. Of course, he was thinking about it.

But Anko is not a fool. If what Orochimaru-sensei is doing here is revealed, it will be over. It is appropriate to rebel against Ninja.

I have good news for you. After completing the mission, you will return to Konoha.

? !

Orochimaru-sensei doesn't want me anymore!

Hongdou's first reaction was this. Could it be that he was abandoned because he didn't perform well in training?

A feeling of panic appeared in my heart.

Don't think too much, Shisui will go back too.

After all, you are ninjas of Konoha, how can you stay in the Land of Rain for so long?

Wow, that makes sense. Hongdou couldn't complain anymore.

So train hard and use the resources here to develop a good skill and return home with a good job, isn't it?

Maybe he can become Konoha's new war hero.

Thinking about Kakashi's current glory, don't you feel longing for it?

It is simply the whisper of the devil.

For the child king of Konoha, becoming a war hero and then becoming the Hokage under the spotlight is simply a dream that makes you wake up laughing.

I don't know where the strength came from, but he got up from the ground in a flash.

Lord Noah! Please train me strictly!

I think this strength is far from enough. I, Anko Mitarashi, will let everyone see what a new generation of strong people is!

The spiritual power is immediately fully charged, and it is like a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire? Hahaha, even if I, Hongdou, frowned, I would be considered a loser.

Very good! Take this potion first.

Hong Dou, the life potion, naturally knew about it. He had taken the first type before, but this one had a different concentration.

Is it such a precious potion?

That's right, because we can't let you die miserably here.

Hongdou stayed at the training ground without hesitation and began special training in the dark.

Xiao Nan and others also come here every day to give this passionate little girl a little shock.

In the end, even Shisui joined the special training course. He was the trainer responsible for illusion resistance.

Noah is consciously developing the educational abilities of others.

As for the return of the new generation to Konoha, it has been put on the agenda.

Konoha Village, the center of the ninja world, is about to enter a very complicated situation.

The War of Thunder and Fire is still in a confrontation period. Except for the occasional news that Blood Thunder is fighting on the front line, neither country has made any major moves.

According to the intelligence, the economic and public security situation in Konoha Village is getting worse and worse, and the Cloud Ninja Village is not getting any better.

The war is really coming to an end.

As the representative of the Young Faction, Kakashi is afraid that his status as a war hero will not be an advantage at that time.

But it is also the best period for Kakashi to establish his own team, and the biggest chaos in the chaos has begun to take shape.

It is also the best time for some people to take action.

There are already complaints in the village against Hiruzen Sarutobi and Kakashi, and some remarks indicate that the war was started by two careerists.

It is also said that the acting Hokage and the war heroes dragged Konoha into the quagmire of war in order to maintain their own status.

Such anti-intellectual remarks spread to such a small extent that even the ANBU did not pay attention.

Only a tactician like Noah who is good at public opinion knows that this is the fluctuation before the wind blows.

It would be a bit of a disadvantage to engage in a public opinion war in Konoha Village without Kabuki.

Sarutobi Hiruzen probably wouldn't do this, so is that guy Danzo really so brave?

Could it be that Black Zetsu and Danzo are getting involved?

Kakashi needs more people to support him if he wants to get something out of the fire. Surviving the storm will lay the foundation for Konoha's liberation.

For this reason, Noah has made several countermeasures plans. I hope everything goes well.

A few months later.

Kyuubi finally graduated from Shigulin.

Why do you feel that there is no difference except that the color seems to be lighter? The temperament is much calmer.

Do you think I still have eye shadow and the like? There is no change in the use of natural energy by the Lord of the Three Holy Lands.

That's right. How are you practicing your magic skills?

Part of it.

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