Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1385 Don’t worry, it’s unfortunate that Nine Tails follows me

Spreading out the scroll, Orochimaru's face turned into an embarrassing shape. What the hell.

The items are laid out in too much detail.

Unexpectedly, the blockade of the Holy Land is not composed of magical abilities, but complex sealing techniques and many ancient incantations.

Frequency, energy ratio, dual coordinate authentication, pass.

Taken together, it is more like a system authority, the last essence of the natural energy system before Kaguya's arrival.

The transcendent nature of the holy land is no longer simply located where natural energy gathers, but controls the natural energy to converge into it.

The techniques involved are very complicated, and if he relied on his own research, he might not be able to pry even a single bit apart within a few years.

But looking at this scroll, I was quite speechless. The methods and methods in it were so mature.

It's like a plan written by someone who has been planning it for a long time.

This is.

The door opening method kindly provided by Miaomu Mountain means that it has a very good visiting effect on Ryūchi Cave and is guaranteed to be stable.

Toads and snakes are really interesting.

Who says it isn't?

A cheerful atmosphere ripples in the laboratory. The two people looked at each other and smiled, and the conspiracy in their eyes was very strong.

White Snake Sage has the ability to listen to information from the ninja world, so Noah will use the power of will to eliminate interference every time he discusses.

The old monster still doesn't know that two people have secretly obtained the key to its house and are going to go in and have a very friendly chat with it.

When can it be done?

It will take at least three months to prepare, and you will need Kushina's assistance.

That's okay. I just have to wait for Nine-Tails to finish practicing the sage mode in Shigulin Forest. I have a feeling that the fox will bring back a surprise.

Noah really liked the feeling of bringing Kyuubi to visit him. He was just a nobody in the ninja world, and his intimidating power was obviously not as good as this fox's fame.

Noah Tailed Beast, what are your plans? The road is a bit dangerous now.

Orochimaru gave a somewhat worried warning. As a scientist, he felt the potential of Nine-Tails' abnormal evolutionary path.

Don't forget that this is only half a body. It's hard to say whether his thoughts will change after merging with the half body of Konoha.

Maybe he was inspired by some Holy Mother, and then there would be nothing but chicken feathers all over the place.

Chakra has reached the pinnacle in the ninja world, and the fox has also learned the sealing technique as a method of restraint.

If you still need to learn immortality now, it will be too dangerous after you get rid of the control of the reincarnation eye.

After all, tailed beasts have no lifespan limit. Will immortal species without flaws really have a suitable place in future plans?

The problem of the half body is easy to solve. The unified action of the power of will can ensure that it will not be neutralized.

The Jinchuuriki of Konoha Village are too protected by the Third Generation to be difficult to contact, but we will make arrangements when the war is over.

No matter how much those people say, a mother who can give everything for her children will never be more infectious.

As for continuous evolution, I feel guilty every time I am promoted to Nine Lamas.

What Noah said made Orochimaru confused. Helping to improve his strength was almost the same as a gift in the eyes of many people.

Perhaps the greatest misfortune is that Kyuubi and I are together. The enemies we will face in the future will also be monsters that are so powerful that they are immortal.

To be honest, Jiu Lama has been tortured since he met Noah, forced to study in various ways, and guided to study.

The purpose of learning is to save lives.

Orochimaru probably heard something that was not admonishing him. There was no difference between the Nine-Tails and the Akatsuki organization.

Everyone was brought together by Noah, and everyone had a share in the improvement of various resources.

The internal organs were enhanced, and almost all the bosses were injected with life potion, as well as chakra metal and other supplies.

There is a high probability that a popular version of Immortal Technique will be developed in the later period and will be open to leaders. What does this mean?

It shows that they will also encounter greater dangers and challenges following Noah in the future.

For such a monster to be constantly preparing, the windmills of the ninja world are about to burst into smoke.

Then you should give Hongdou some special training. There will be a time lag before he breaks through the Holy Land space for the second time.

Orochimaru is equivalent to a five-star good citizen, and he will almost never succeed in reverse channeling for the first time.

As a new contractor, Hongdou is probably a good citizen of Samsung, so he can only use this little girl as a pioneer.

Orochimaru didn't want one of them to be missing when they returned to Konoha in a while. The old subordinates of the Mitarai family would be sad.

Of course, there are a lot of excuses and moisture here. If this little girl goes there alone, she is going to Longdi Cave Wushuang with a plug-in. How can she really play PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to make a deal.

Which one of the characters who can be specially trained by Noah is not the proud one of heaven, the first three leaders of the Akatsuki organization, the bloody thunder who is famous in the ninja world, and the unlimited potential Uchiha Shisui.

Putting Mitarai red beans in it really lowers the quality.

But since you have become a good teacher, you cannot give up halfway and strive for some benefits.

One day later.

Zhisui led the fully armed Anko through several sealing barriers to the training ground.

What kind of mission requires Mr. Noah to personally train?

Anko, you don't understand. It's an honor for you to have this opportunity. The special treatment we get is due to the value of Orochimaru-sensei.


Little Anko doesn't understand the value of special training yet, nor does she understand Orochimaru's good intentions.

He even naively fantasized that he could use his outstanding performance to bring glory to his teacher and make Master Noah, who was in awe of everyone, turn pale.

Until now, she thought she was getting a script for Shuangwen's heroine. This child was indeed naive.

But when the last layer of barrier was lifted, she was a little confused.

Broken rocks, charred trees, unnatural canyons, broken rivers, burned lens pits, and the unpredictable and strange climate in the sky.

The strong smell of blood almost overwhelmed the little girl who had just arrived.

Zhizhi. Zhisui. Where is this place? Why is the earth red?

This is Teacher Noah's special training ground. Master Konan and others, as well as some powerful men who are famous in the ninja world, have practiced here. Are you touched?

Then where did all this blood come from?

Of course it's a psychic beast, yes, it belongs to a psychic beast.

Shisui smiled and tried to calm Anko's emotions, but it didn't seem to work very well.

Just as Noah finished what he was doing, he rushed over.

Okay, don't worry.

It's just a simple training. Look, I also brought a slug here.

One of the benefits of contracting the Shigu Forest is that the medical power has been unprecedentedly strengthened.

As long as it can be maintained above the dead line and no limbs are broken, it can be restored in a short time.

Shisui went to Orochimaru to inject the Yin-type potion in stage 2.


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