Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1373 The jam group reunites

This villain alliance is still very interesting, at least these people are one of the best in causing trouble.

The secret battle has just begun. Perhaps the position of Hokage in the Land of Fire will be the first confrontation between the two sides over the Burning World and the Eye of the Moon plan.

In Konoha Village, Kakashi had just returned home to put down his equipment and wash away his fatigue when he was blocked by his friends who broke in.

Well, it was Asuma Sarutobi, the nemesis he developed in the first place, who came to see him.

Behind him were a somewhat embarrassed Hong and Kai with burning eyes, as well as the Will of Fire propagandist Umino Iruka whom he was optimistic about.

Are these 4 people the Konoha kabuki 4-person group that the teacher said?

The tone at that time was both ridiculing and praising, and Noah approved of this operation very much.

If you don't want to take the position of public opinion, don't blame it for being occupied by the enemy. The Konoha Village is not monolithic.

The Third Hokage's ability to sit firmly in the position of Hokage and control his thoughts also accounted for a lot of credit. The Yondaime instinctively walked into the crowd to gain support.

Orochimaru was at a disadvantage because he did not have his own base. He only had the support of the ninjas on the front line but did not get the support from the rear. In the end, he was overturned.

If Kakashi still wants to ensure his prestige after the war, he must continue to consolidate it.

It's just that the word Kachui makes me feel particularly embarrassed, as if I am some kind of national idol.

Kakashi also didn't expect that his few moves of idle chess would achieve such good results.

Iruka helped him gain a good popularity base among the new generation, while Asuma helped him completely revitalize the situation in Konoha Village.

He is truly worthy of being the son of Hokage, his abilities and wisdom have been demonstrated.

He couldn't resist the other party's enthusiasm and felt a little shortchanged, so he was sent to a place like a barbecue restaurant.

While on the road, Asuma was shouting about old enemies and the like in a high-profile manner, and Kai was also constantly inviting invitations to duels.

These two people made more noise than the people on the street and attracted a lot of attention.

Asuma was madly trying to prove his equal status with Kakashi. In the eyes of passers-by, this was like his subordinate trying to improve his boss's status.

Kai. Just making fun of you.

Hong stood a little far away, and she felt that few of these people were normal.

Secretly lamenting that it was really hard for Kakashi to be entangled with Asuma, and what that idiot said would be very distressing.

Hmm. It can be seen that this little girl’s taste is not very good.

Iruka just followed silently, it was very shameless to go out with an idol, okay? Have you seen all the friends on the roadside? This is my eldest brother!

I came to the barbecue restaurant and said hello to Akimichi Giyu, the member of the Akimichi clan, and sat down and started ordering.

I'll treat you to this meal today!

The son of the Hokage's worth will naturally not be doubted, but it is a pity that Kakashi still took the limelight.

I didn't expect Kakashi-sama to come here in such a grand way. All purchases in the store are free today.

As a war hero, Kakashi came to the BBQ restaurant and the Akimichi family naturally wanted to show some respect.

But I was rejected because the free stuff was too expensive.

The record in the Land of Thunder is worth several S-level missions. Kakashi may have suffered, but he has never been poor.

Next is everyone's curiosity about the battlefield.

Even Kurenai pricked up her ears, because the Third Shinobi World War they participated in was the most fringe among the fringes.

At most, one shuriken can be chopped away or the explosion effect of the detonating talisman can be seen from a distance. I have never seen any combined ninjutsu at the beginning of the main battlefield.

Naturally, he was curious about the perspective of this ruthless man who had turned the enemy upside down.

Kakashi would not spoil everyone's interest, so he talked about the situation on the battlefield.

The aspects involving confidentiality were passed by in a flash, and the highlight performance of the comrades was something to write home about.

In particular, Hinata and Hizashi also talked about the role of Hizashi a few more times. If the opponent makes a name for himself on the front line, then he must reciprocate the favor from the rear.

The fight of the 4th generation Raikage that everyone is most concerned about is just mentioned casually to avoid misleading the new generation.

Later, the entire barbecue restaurant was quietly listening to the battle hero's story. This scene was the same as what the Fourth Hokage did when he returned to the village to rest during the Third World War.

In short, the war on the front line is always winning, and Konoha will not lose.

After they finished eating and they went for a walk by the river, Kakashi seriously told the truth about the battlefield.

As he matures, he knows what words to say on what occasions. What Konoha lacks most now is confidence.

So there were all kinds of victories just now.

But the reality is that Konoha, the main battlefield, is in a defensive posture and has no energy left to launch a counterattack.

Akimichi Tofaze's age and strength are unable to actively provoke a war, and Konoha lacks a flag for the frontal battlefield.

And there are no gorgeous ninjutsu, no tactics to reach the peak in seconds, just a frontal walk between life and death.

There was the pain of having a kunai pierced into the body, and the sadness and anger of witnessing the sacrifice of his comrades. There were wails, collapses, and even ninjas trying to escape.

Smelling the smell of blood every day is not pleasant, especially when you are at a disadvantage.

Everyone fell silent at this point. It turned out that this was the real battlefield.

So is there a way to stop the war?

Iruka asked with some pain. Although the ninja students no longer have to go to the battlefield for the time being, there will still be news that friends and family members have died.


The shortest and fastest way is to have a strong man defeat Yunyin Village head-on, but it is difficult.

The Fourth Raikage is very strong. Even if I escape from death and face him again, I have no confidence of victory, and even my certainty of survival is not stable.

A slower method is for the two sides to confront each other. The pressure on Konoha is great, and the pressure on the Cloud Ninja Village will not be less. If both sides cannot bear the threat of external forces, they may cease the war.

During the long confrontation, there will still be relatives fighting on the front lines, and Hong's father is on the main battlefield at the moment.

So she asked a little sadly.

Is there really no way to eliminate war?

The ninja world allows children to see the cruel world early and allows them to start thinking about issues that are beyond their understanding.

Kakashi walked to the river and looked at the sunset, his face illuminated by the red light.

Yes, spread the new will of fire throughout the ninja continent.

Use ideas to break the barriers between Ninja Village and Ninja Village, and allow most people to communicate through economic and cultural exchanges, so that a consensus for peace will be formed in the overall situation.

Not just ninjas, but all ordinary people are involved in the big plan.

The goal I strive for is lasting peace!

Kakashi felt like his whole body was glowing at this moment, and Asuma and his friends seemed to see a light flickering in their friend's eyebrows.

Okay, just say whatever you want.

You are still too weak now, and you are far behind even if you want to help me.


What a realistic statement.

Except for Iruka, everyone else felt that it was a bit too arrogant.

Find a chance to have a fight, Kakashi!

Okay, you guys will come together then.

Finally, they all dispersed after agreeing on a time for battle practice by the river.

After Hong returned home, she began to sort out her experience in genjutsu. After being ignited, she always wanted to do something.

Kai had already started training frantically around the village before returning home, unable to accept the feeling of being distanced.

Asuma found a tutor to practice his taijutsu. Kakashi said that ninjas who are partial to the battlefield will die the fastest.

Iruka was practicing water escape with an old man on the lake.

They didn't want to lose the chance to stand by their comrades.

The Sandaime, who had been thinking hard for a whole day in the Hokage Tower, also figured out how to use Kakashi.

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