Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1372: Against the third person in Konoha’s layout

Hmph, Danzo! Look at the good things you've done.

Sure enough, it happened again. How could he have imagined that this child's growth had exceeded the limit of his imagination? Shimura Danzo really didn't understand the realm of genius.

Afterwards, Koharu and Mito Monobu also walked in and started discussing the returning strong man.

Hiruzen, if Kakashi is put back to the front line now, he will be like a dragon in the sea. If he makes some achievements then, he will be the Hokage, not him.

You have to be careful when choosing the Fifth Hokage.

Let's wait until the war with the Kingdom of Thunder is over. In a peaceful era, there will be no need for war heroes.

Although the two later ones were not as fierce as Danzo's words, they would not be too supportive if they said they were more supportive. They were even slightly biased.

After all, it is unrealistic to blame Sarutobi Hiruzen alone for Hatake Sakumo's matter. Several elders either sat back or contributed to the situation.

Once the position of Hokage is replaced, the new Hokage will have to clean up the old forces after taking office, and their interests will suffer heavy losses.

Although Namikaze Minato was very capable, he was from a civilian background with little background resources. There is no family support behind him.

They can also accept a slow transition. The point is that there is no grudge between the two parties.

But Kakashi is different. Although the Hatake clan has a small number of people, it is a ninja clan. There are more or less connections with other ninja clans.

When the whole village spurned Hatake Sakumo, there were too many dirty things, and the child had not behaved like an obedient child since he was a child.

After all, Minato pretended to be that kind of sunny and harmless man at the beginning. Even though he looked dark when cut out, his methods were acceptable to everyone.

What if Kakashi, a kid like Mr. Tobirama, has a strong desire for reform and the other party's radical will of fire, what will these old guys do?

The Third Hokage felt a little upset when he looked at the three people in front of him, and the content of each sentence was almost the same.

How come all the heroes who once shed blood for Konoha are like this now.

But his eyes reflected in the crystal ball were also full of nostalgia for power. Ask yourself, is he really willing to give up the position of Hokage for the second time?

This complex feeling of looking directly into his own inner darkness made him feel violent and eventually drove everyone out.

Okay, I will handle the issue about Kakashi.

Hiruzhan! You will regret it! It's me


Why would you be like this if you hadn't? If you continue to talk nonsense, just come to the training ground and say it!

Danzo could only curse in his heart and leave. If he hadn't really been unable to defeat Gao Lu, he would have said a few words.

Now that the roots are starting to work again, we need to take the opportunity to get more money and more manpower to do a few major things.

He could see that counting on Sarutobi Hiruzen and those two guys was unreliable, and in the end he might have to solve the problem once and for all.

The combat power of Bloody Thunder, haha.

No one is invincible as long as there are weaknesses that can be targeted.

Return to the underground root base and order your subordinates to start collecting intelligence.

The first step was to collect the actions of those Kabo teams. It was impossible to deal with Hatake Sakumo.

In order to save his teammates, Kakashi went deep into the enemy's country as a bait alone, and he has already built a golden body among the ninja community.

His personal strength has also been confirmed from Hiruzen's mouth and ANBU's report, and he is most likely to be stronger than himself.

What's even more disgusting is that there is a communication team in the village that belongs to Kakashi alone to consolidate his reputation and achievements.

This man is nothing like his stupid father, he is so gloomy!

It's really tricky to take action now. Sarutobi Hiruzen's son is actually supporting Kakashi.

Isn't that old guy still thinking about passing on the position of Hokage peacefully? Is he hedging his bets? It doesn't quite fit the character of an old friend.

But Danzo didn't allow it.

Roots currently has three big things on hand.

The first thing is the War of Thunder and Fire, which must hinder the progress of the war in the Kingdom of Thunder and the collection of various intelligence.

The second thing is to seize Uchiha's flaws and weaknesses, and then destroy the family to eliminate hidden dangers.

Now the third thing is to target Kakashi! And the most important thing.

Because the biggest competitor for the Fifth Hokage position has appeared, that damn brat.

Don't you all know that only Konoha led by you can reach the top?

Although he was beaten to death by Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo still had a trump card.

During the past six months, a mysterious person from the outside world reached a deal with him and was willing to assist him in reaching the top of Hokage.

The process of setting up the deal was extremely embarrassing but he swallowed the bitter pill.

Because the other party also proved its strength, at the cost of the tragic death of two root teams in the root base.

The great power of Mu Dun reappears in the world!

It's not a defective product like Tenzo, the other party's ability has reached the level of an inferior product.

It turns out that this is not a natural blood inheritance limit, but achieved through terrifying scientific research capabilities, which is a hundred times more reliable than that bastard Orochimaru.

As long as he helps the other party provide materials and the necessary resources and strength to do things, the other party is willing to help him inherit the power of the God of the Ninja World.

Even though there was no way to control the other party's details, he still agreed for the sake of Konoha.

This is what gives Danzo the confidence to continue to bear the humiliation under Hiruzen.

Waiting until he completes the transplant and then repairs the last weakness will lead Konoha to true glory instead of being in this miserable situation.

The entire ninja world will be in the era of Konoha, and the mysterious man will be buried in a deserted corner.

I almost laughed out loud as I thought about it, and began to seriously prepare various resources to send to the other party.

And Hei Jue was also very happy.

After being severely beaten by Noah, it was discovered that Obito's divine sharingan alone was no longer enough to control the next situation. The biggest change in thousands of years required more and more powerful power.

According to the current situation, we need to support a truly powerful force and a spokesperson with relatively cruel tactics.

A bad guy with huge ambitions, cruel methods, strong ability to get things done, and a background

So what could be more suitable than the Darkness of the Ninja World, which I have secretly observed countless times?

This person has been conquered by himself to a certain extent. No matter what he does, he does it for the good of Konoha. In order to become the Hokage, he becomes a devilish person who is Black Zetsu's favorite.

It is perfect in every aspect, except that it lacks some strength and Sharingan.

But it doesn't matter. Later, he will be equipped with Wooden Release and a bunch of Sharingan. In this way, a perfect Sharingan keeper will be born.

At that time, with the power of the two major kingdoms, the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Fire, they could fight Noah no matter what.

The success rate of the nine-tailed beast collection plan will also be high. No matter what the process is, as long as the result is to create 10 jinchūriki, then victory belongs to mom.

The darkness of the ninja world, a thousand-year-old filial son, and a man who is crazy about love.

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