Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1342 Like the Nidaime-sama

It’s just that the Fourth Raikage’s test was really difficult.

The reputation of Bloody Thunder spread not only to the two countries of Thunder and Fire, but also to the other three countries.

Konoha's geniuses are heard throughout the ninja world one after another, and many people already think that this strong man is likely to be the candidate to succeed the 5th Hokage.

In the Kingdom of Wind, Chiyo shot a poisonous kunai on the head of the white-haired puppet.

Haha, let's see if Hatake can come back alive.

The Kingdom of Water showed no response.

The wars fought within the family are more exciting than the wars outside. The daily assassinations and entanglements between rebel forces have taken up everyone's time.

In the Land of Earth, Onoki is getting angry.

Kakashi of the Fire Country is killing everyone, and he is teaching a little yellow hair whose mind is full of art.

His talent is really good, and he can also create ninjutsu divergently on his own.

It's just that this brain is really twisted.

We in Iwagakure are all macho men who have understood the perseverance and unyielding Will of Stone. How come we have raised a kid who likes to explode all day long?

As a ninja, you must learn to use your brain. The bloody thunder that you have always been curious about will become a flash of fireworks.

Ohnoki used Kakashi as a negative teaching material to educate Xiao Huangmao, but he was criticized.

If the most beautiful light can bloom in an instant, this is art, stinky old man!!!

Earth Release·Aggravated Rock Technique!

Reflect on yourself here, kid!

After Ohnoki left, Xiao Huangmao still did not give in.

I will definitely leave here and find a companion on the road of art.

The ninja villages of the other three countries did not make any move. They were all waiting and watching, waiting to see whether the bloody thunder could survive the destruction of the Fourth Raikage. Only those who survived would be qualified to talk about the future.

They just have a pessimistic attitude.

A certain sage in the ninja world looked at the letter from a writer friend in his hand and thought of his disciple, and the information from the Kingdom of Thunder made Jiraiya realize the danger of Kakashi.

The kid who inherited Minato's legacy is now on his own. If that's the case, we can't let it go. The Immortal will fight hard this time.

In the original work, Kakashi's own decadence may have made Jiraiya feel no need to help a person who doesn't help himself, but the current Bloody Thunder is different.

That kind of heart that is cold on the outside and hot on the inside has been seen by the immortal, so it is not impossible to visit the Kingdom of Thunder.

The Kingdom of Thunder.

The Konoha assassination team no longer had the spirit of showing off their military exploits at Yunlei Mountain, and was now running away in a very embarrassed manner.

Everyone's hair looked like it had been gnawed by dogs, their clothes were in tatters, and the blood stains had become filthy after emergency treatment.

After countless transfers, he was in a small mountain col, panting heavily and quickly replenishing his physical strength.

Under such a large-scale ANBU search, even those with Byakugan would no longer be able to survive.

Captain, what should we do now? All the checkpoints ahead have been blocked, and we simply cannot break through the last three lines of defense.

It is said that the 4th Raikage is coming soon, but now the pace is slightly hindered by trivial matters. But... there is really no time.

Kakashi thought for a moment and then made his decision.

“The one they want to hunt down is Bloody Thunder, so they will go separately.

You continue to retreat in the direction of Konoha's main battlefield, while I stay here and continue to cause a scene.


It was said to be a big fuss, but the tragic meaning in it made everyone feel sad.

It is obvious that he is using himself as bait to attract the attention of all enemies and then give them a way out.

This kind of top talent with unlimited potential is willing to sacrifice himself for mediocre ninjas. Words cannot describe the shock to the team members.

Wherever the leaves are flying, the fire will continue to grow. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and make new leaves sprout.

Now I am the flying leaf. Although I am not as good as you in age, my combat power and position are enough to shine on the village.

The team members are all people who have experienced the test of war, and they understand that the value of Bloody Thunder is many times higher than themselves.

So he wanted to replace Kakashi and execute the fatal bait tactic.

Captain, it's up to me to do this.

Shut up! This is an order, not a request. You just need to complete the last instruction given by me, the captain.

Remember, those who cannot protect their companions do not deserve to be called ninjas. And I will never let my companions be killed.

Kakashi thought of Obito, Rin, Namikaze Minato, and his father.

The time has come for me to implement the Way of Ninja.

ANBU was very strict about controlling their emotions, but new members like Mandrill already had tears in their eyes.

Even Hizashi, a reserved and reserved Hyuga clan member, had some red eyes.

This is Bloody Thunder. If he is lucky enough to go back alive, he must let Neji remember this hero.

Pack up your equipment now. Set off on time in half an hour.

Yes, Captain!

The unhappy people finally waited for the moment of separation, and under Kakashi's stern orders, they were ready to sprint towards Konoha.

And Bloody Thunder himself climbed to the top of the cliff.

The thunderous sound of thousands of birds echoed in the mountains and fields, attracting countless attention.

The blue electric arc reappeared in the world, like an unstoppable thunder dragon that descended from the sky and instantly killed several chuunin in the search force and then rushed to the front line.

In the end, he was blocked by the combined ninjutsu, and then Kakashi turned around and left, and the people on the three lines of defense also chased after him.

It's Bloody Thunder! He can't hide it anymore, hurry up and chase him.

Then his teammates.

A few small characters are not important at all. Just leave a few people to guard them. Hurry up and chase them.

After the attention of the large force was attracted, Hizashi and other team members immediately moved towards Konoha's front. They could not waste the gap that the captain had torn with his life.

When the team members encountered the responding troops after going through all kinds of hardships and narrowly escaped death, they fell down helplessly.

In order to break out of the tight siege, they suffered extremely serious injuries. Even Hizashi had a knife mark on his face and his eyeballs were almost gouged out.

Captain, he is for us.

When this tragic story was circulated in the frontline base, everyone was silent.

Heroes may be great, but the most memorable heroes are always tragic.

It was absolutely impossible to fight against the Ninja Village on their own. They almost all assumed that Lei Ming would disappear among the mountains and rivers.

Wherever the leaves are flying, the fire is endless. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and cause new leaves to sprout.

Someone is using his life to interpret the weight of this sentence.

Akimichi Tifeng seemed to see his teacher.

It was the same conflict between thunder and fire, the same being hunted, the same white-haired strong man made the same choice.

That is - sacrificing yourself.

Teacher, I finally found the flag of Konoha, but can he return?

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