Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1341 The complicated third generation

For example, a certain youth group within Konoha has long been stimulated to the point of burning with passion, and a certain young master has also unintentionally changed many things.

Just as the Sandaime was smoking alone until late at night, the traitor broke in again.

The Third Hokage! Please allow me to go to the battlefield and fight for Konoha.

Get out of here, now is not the time for you to play ninja games. When will a mere chuunin be qualified to intervene in such a battle?

Still asking for a fight? Only Jonin is qualified to lead the team to the front line. Come back and perform the mission well for me!

Sarutobi Hiruzen was already irritable at this time, but this stupid son still wanted to die.

But is the obedient Asuma still Asuma?

Old man! All the companions in the village have been inspired by that guy Kakashi to have the will of fire, and everyone wants to go to the front line to fight for Konoha.

Didn't you always say that I'm not as good as Kakashi? Let me go to the battlefield and give it a try, then we will know?

I am an old enemy recognized by Bloody Thunder, and I must be present in this era!

The Sandaime didn't listen at all to Asuma's impassioned and impassioned speech, but was rather interested in the first half.

You said everyone in the village is asking for a fight, right?

Yes, Bloody Thunder can achieve such military exploits, which shows that our Konoha is still very strong, and there will always be new generations who can take over.

Even that brat Iruka could speak impassionedly about the will of fire in the village, using Kakashi as an example. Can I not understand?

As Asuma rambled, the balance in the Sandaime's heart tilted once again.

Then... give me one last chance.

The will of fire is the foundation of Konoha, and Kakashi has slowly become a war hero.

The changes in the situation may no longer be caused by the will of himself and others.

If Kakashi can survive the attack of the Fourth Raikage, then the war will continue.

No matter what, no matter what, I go to the front line to meet the Fourth Raikage for a while.

With the decision made, Sandai's mood improved a little. No matter what, there is no choice.

Okay Asma, please step back, you are not qualified to say this to me now.

When will you be able to practice extinguishing the heroic fire and let you go to the front line to make some contribution?

Otherwise, if you go, you will be adding a burden to others. The Sarutobi family is also a part of Konoha, so don't be embarrassed.


This question really made people angry, and Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath.


After all, ninjas are not flowers in the greenhouse, and the Sandaime's vision of education is absolutely ruthless.

If Asuma completes some more moves, he will be eligible to be put on the main frontal battlefield. With the protection of the ninja army of the Sarutobi clan, there is a high probability that nothing will happen.

There are many reasons for the rope tree incident. After learning a lesson, I will not do it again.

Asuma was also very excited after receiving his old father's approval. It was rare that he did not continue the storm output but went home to practice ninjutsu.

'Kakashi, wait for me! ’

In the middle of the night, the Sandaime activated the Hokage's warrant to summon the heads of the major ninja clans and several elders.

Danzo was in high spirits, feeling that Hiruzen had not escaped his hypocritical character after all and made the decision he wanted.

He had already thought of betraying Kakashi's location to the Raikage, and then finding a way to save the bloody thunder at the critical moment, so that he could keep the sharpest knife in his pocket.

No matter how this white-haired kid betrayed him before, Kakashi's value now can offset the previous small misunderstanding.

There is always a lack of a powerful weapon at the root, first the strong one, then the tailed beast, then the position of Hokage will be stable!

As a result, Hiruzen made a different decision.

Send the order! Order Akimichi Tifeng to send troops to the front line of the battlefield to prepare for Kakashi at any time. Be careful not to go deep.

Order the ANBU team to contain the Kumogakure ANBU and make sure to buy Kakashi time.

Herald the roots!

Everyone in Danzo was dumbfounded. Team Root had always been affiliated with the ANBU and had never been pointed out so openly.

And this guy is so courageous? !

Hiruzen, the village

Follow your orders!

Danzo's teeth were broken, but he didn't have the courage to disobey in public.


Try every possible means to slow down the Fourth Raikage.


This order is almost at the cost of the lives of his own men.

Danzo's gloomy eyes were full of resentment, wondering who had ruined his good deeds.

The other ninja clan leaders were also baffled by the change in the third generation's purpose this night, but the leader who could do this still gained everyone's respect.

I hope everyone understands that everyone knows the strength of Konoha now, and being able to achieve this level is already the limit.

Just for the sake of Konoha, I hope everyone can continue to persevere.

Everyone nodded. Although the war was unbearable for everyone, what everyone wanted to see was what the Sandaime did.

Who doesn't want to see a boss who can protect him at critical moments?

Besides, it had just been a year since the war started and they were not at the end of their rope yet, and they were still very tolerant of the village's war heroes.

This kind of behavior can be regarded as stabilizing part of the military's morale, so that's it for the time being.

Shimura Danzo was about to say something, but was shocked by the old man's eyes, as if he was saying that this is the Hokage Tower and I am the Hokage.

After the meeting ended, he turned around and left. The two elders also wanted to say a few words but were still driven away.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who blew out a puff of smoke, was actually very uneasy in his heart. He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to do so.

He was not very optimistic, but felt a sense of sadness.

The principle that a ninja who has done meritorious deeds needs to be protected has been shaken by himself, and he even needs the traitor to strengthen his confidence.

It's already been so difficult one year since the war started. Can you still maintain your bottom line if you persist for another two years?

The battle with himself has never stopped since he took the position of Hokage.

He held on during the 2nd Ninja War, but his bottom line was shaken during the 3rd Ninja War.

This time the confrontation and war between Lei Huo has shaken even more. Sooner or later, he may make a decision that he will regret.

If only Minato was still alive, then I would always be the Third Hokage of the past.

The power of time and the fear of being cold at high places are eroding Naruto's heart step by step, and the desire for power is the poison that penetrates the intestines and constantly drags people into the abyss.

The boy at the beginning is already an old man with age spots, and his ideals will eventually fade.

Akimichi Tifeng, who received the order from the frontline headquarters, was thoughtful.

After all, there is a bottom line, Hiruzen, I hope you can stick to it.

So he began to arrange the response troops. According to the order, only when Kakashi was seen near the main battlefield could he fully rescue him.

With the authority of the commander-in-chief, it is natural to move the position of the main battlefield boundary line slightly, so that it can be responded flexibly.

The morale of the frontline headquarters has been very high recently, so he must reciprocate and help Sakumo's children.

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