Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1339 Ai will come to you

He is the most respected subordinate of the Third Raikage. Even the combination of the Fourth Raikage and Kirabi was witnessed by him as the proctor.

It can be said that he is the real senior leader of Yunyin Village and the senior respected by the fourth generation Ai.

This time, the strangulation force that besieged Kakashi was also personally commanded by him. After all, the Raid Armor cannot really fall into the hands of people outside the Raikage family, and the Kumo Ninja Village is not all monolithic.

As a famous strategist in the Kingdom of Thunder, he is good at forcing opponents into desperate situations step by step.

Something just happened.

That brat from Konoha completed the counterattack in a way that went beyond common sense, and even used the thunder of the entire Yunlei Mountain to gamble on life and death.


When the thunder fell, he immediately blocked the first impact, and then immediately commanded the remaining two jounin to get closer to him. The three of them used their joint secret techniques to support themselves.

The price paid was to ruthlessly exclude all other ninjas, not allowing them to approach, and even actively killing those ninjas who tried to seek asylum.

Only in this way can they survive with this kind of ninjutsu.

It was a cruel decision, but it also preserved the core strength of the encircling and killing troops.

Just the fact that he pushed his subordinates into hell with his own hands made Todai's face look like a demon from hell.

As a man who loves the village, he never thought that he would do this with his own hands.

With their eyes red, they immediately locked onto the culprit after escaping Thunder's purge.

This demon must be taken away in this battle. After returning to the village and recovering his life, Tutai decided to go to the main battlefield and launch a desperate charge to atone for his sins.

So the three of them surrounded the young man with red eyes.

Blood Thunder. You are fine.

Now is the time to pay your debt!

Although their chakra consumption was huge, they did not believe that the boy opposite did not consume chakra.

The opponent must have paid a huge price to survive the fury of thunder, and now they should be as exhausted as they are.

But I'm wrong. Kakashi consumed a lot of chakra in the first half. In the second half, he just relied on his instinct to swim in the thunder, and the chakra consumed was not particularly large.

Moreover, the reason why I chose to use the Ninja Sword in conjunction with the Sharingan was to save chakra, but I changed my tactics slightly after meeting the teacher.

So in the next battle, Kakashi showed his unusual swordsmanship experience to the three jounin.

Soyousuke-sensei is a master of swordsmanship, and his previous ninjutsu was only an aspect that the teacher was not very good at.

The swordsmanship from the teacher sealed in Sharingan's eyes began to be displayed one by one.

This is a swordsmanship recorded with the screams of the body, without mercy or hesitation.

Even without turning on the Thunder Chakra mode, Kakashi's speed was so fast that it left an afterimage. After all, a certain teacher didn't care whether his disciple had chakra or not.

At high speed, there was a battle situation where Kakashi surrounded three Kumo ninjas alone. The power of this sword actually suppressed the three Dodai who were eager for revenge.

Quick, ruthless, absolutely, one sword is faster than the other, and one sword is harder than the other.

This kind of sword light pulled the three ninjas into the edge, and if they didn't pay attention, blood would bloom.

Unexpectedly, Kumo Ninja, the strongest in ninjutsu, would be at a disadvantage in close combat, and Dodai felt even more humiliated.

He decisively started to use ninjutsu to counterattack, letting the other two ninjas protect him.

This is how a three-person team has the advantage of being able to change formations and tactics at any time.

They have regarded the Konoha ninjas opposite them as stronger than themselves, and there is no shame in doing so.

So Kakashi held the sword in one hand and began to form seals with the remaining hand.

There are all kinds of fancy ninjutsu, mainly C-level ninjutsu. After all, there is really not much chakra.

The use of the Five Elements Escape Technique made Todai doubt whether they were facing a young ninja from Konoha.

Why are there other Ninja Village techniques, and the timing of using them is very sophisticated?

As the two sides fought each other, Kakashi's speed became slower and slower, while the morale of the Kumo ninja became higher and higher.

Try harder, his energy and chakra are almost exhausted!

The dawn of victory was right in front of him, and even the Jonin was a little over the top. He had never fought such a tragic and difficult battle.

It's just that they ignored that the shaky white-haired boy never ran away even when the battle reached such a situation, because his teacher said that Shuoyue Kendo cannot be limited to the situation.

When there are more people than there are fewer, it can be considered the way of the sword.

There is no army of millions, but Kakashi has four teammates.

When Hizashi's Byakugan saw the battle situation, he made a decisive decision and led the Konoha team to the final battlefield.

The dense pits and heat waves on the road made it difficult for them to breathe. It was really hard to imagine how powerful the monster was that could survive such ninjutsu and still fight.

Finally, they arrived.

And Yun Ren's heart became cold.

Help me contain the two Jonin for 3 seconds.


Hizashi gritted his teeth and took away Dodai. This one-eyed dragon looked a bit strong, and the remaining one was surrounded by Konoha Anbu.

The remaining Yun Ninja showed a sad smile, and the fate of the duel was already sealed.

Illusion, kill!

Without any nonsense, Kakashi's opponent couldn't withstand it for more than three seconds with all his firepower.

A jounin with bottomless physical chakra and willpower is a piece of cake for a boy with full willpower.

Immediately afterwards, the second jounin was knocked down by himself by sneaking in the soil and stabbing him in the waist. The effect of this move was very cruel.

Sneak attacks are the conventional way of fighting for ninjas. The advantage of being so cautious is that they avoid the enemy's detonating water ghost tactics.

The fallen jounin was already preparing to explode under his clothes. It was really dangerous.

Sure enough, every jonin should not be underestimated. Their determination and ability are what ordinary ninjas look up to.

In the end, there was only one earth platform left, the Raikage's right-hand man.

Kakashi did not step forward but asked Hizashi and the rest of the Konoha team to besiege and consume the enemy's last stamina, while he ate military food pills to replenish his energy.

Blood Thunder! I have been the courtier of Raikage for generations, why don't you take my head yourself!


Coward, can I intimidate the so-called geniuses of Konoha like this? Hahahahahaha.

Killing a few Kumogakure ninjas is indeed not considered a genius.

Is it because the Fourth Raikage thinks you are a hero and you can't even carry out the final blow?

Respect the old and love the young.

Don't I, Tutai, deserve to have a final showdown with you?!

As long as you know.

No matter how much Dodai yelled and taunted Kakashi during the siege, he remained unmoved. This veteran jounin must have a move that will kill him together. Now is not the time to take action.

It's just that when has my faction ever suffered a loss in Mouth Escape, so every time I fight back, I make the enemy angry until the wounds bleed.

The besieging team members also saw Kakashi's Mouth Release Kendo for the first time, and it was indeed sharp.

Finally, when Dodai couldn't hold on anymore and planned to drag the Byakugan ninja back to the west, Kakashi took action.

There was a flash of lightning!

Blue light passed through the surrounding circle.


Sheath the sword.

What a fast sword, Ai will come to you.

After saying that, Tutai died.

This battle with great disparity in combat power ended, and everyone felt intense fatigue.

From the moment they entered the Kingdom of Thunder, all the effort and emotion they put into plotting this battle was draining away from them.

Especially Hizashi, the melting escape where Tutai died together in the end was simply terrifying.

Clean the battlefield and prepare to withdraw to the frontline headquarters.

team leader?

The Raikage's courtiers are not so easy to kill.

Kakashi didn't expect that this kind of person would take command before he took action, so he had to retreat immediately.

The Fourth Raikage would go crazy.

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