Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1338 Qilin falls to the earth

The first forceful killing could not hide the instinct of the strong towards danger and death.

The value of killing ordinary chuunin was too low, so he took aim at the seal barrier ninjas carrying scrolls.

This kind of ninja is the most troublesome. If you can't kill it immediately, you will be dragged into an environment and venue that is extremely unfavorable to you.

Kakashi continued to wait and suppress his earth escape fluctuations.

The floating positive and negative charges in the sky make the Chakra of Thunder Release extremely active and can also disturb the range of the sensing ninja.

After all, sensing where the power of thunder is present is very risky, and there is not much difference between actively distributing chakra for detection and acting as a lightning rod.

Unknowingly, the thickness of the dark clouds above Yun Nin's head was much thicker than normal clouds.

Finally, when they arrived here in advance, the Konoha team in front suddenly stopped.

The Kumo ninja present didn't know whether to continue or not.

Fire escape. Fireball! Water escape, water formation wall! Wind escape, blast!

After releasing their last ninjutsu, the ANBU members suddenly began to evacuate the mountainous area, fleeing frantically under the guidance of Hizashi.

They're running away, chase them!

Yun Ninja was shocked, could he let the duck he got run away? ! My thunder escape armor! ! !

And the time Kakashi had been waiting for had come.

There's only one chance, so let's put on a gorgeous show.

Breaking out of the ground, gorgeous flash bombs exploded close to the face, and the mixture of lime powder and poisonous powder began to disperse with the wind in a primitive way.

The formation was in chaos, and the earth escape was instantly switched to the thunder escape chakra mode, and then the ninjas in the sealing class tasted the feast of death.

The battle between swords and light has officially begun.

The moment Kakashi broke through the ground, the three jounin reacted and immediately rushed towards the place of fluctuation.

Regardless of what kind of trap it might be, this group is so confident.

They are all masters of Ninjutsu. They are very powerful and have magical weapons to help them.

But by the time they arrived, it was already too late. The silver-haired boy left the spot within 0.1 seconds, and all the barrier class he brought with him were dead.

All that was left was an indescribably valuable pure chakra metal long knife!

The blue electric arc extended from the handle of the knife into the mid-air. It turned out that Kakashi had arrived between the clouds and the earth.

His hands were forming seals crazily, and the Sharingan was emitting the light of death.

It was obviously impossible to fight a protracted battle with this kind of besieging and killing troops, so he decided to use his ultimate move to directly clear the ground.

It was as if he was back in that hell, being struck by endless thunder.

In mid-air, Kakashi felt the violent electric charges around him and felt very familiar and at ease.

After the reception was completed, a small beam of lightning flew into the clouds and seemed to stimulate some kind of terrifying thunder beast.

boom! ! ! ! ! boom! ! ! ! boom! ! ! !

The sky was full of blue lightning, lighting up the faces of the Kumo ninja troops on the ground pale. There could be a death trap here, but it's too late.

It turns out that this was how the teacher felt at the time. It was really refreshing!

Click! ! ! Click! ! ! Click! ! !

The wandering thunder appeared behind Kakashi, like a huge unicorn.

Without the teacher's ability to change the climate with his body, he recreated this unicorn with the help of his subordinates and his perfect control of the thunder attribute.

The Sharingan is spinning crazily, and the control of Yin chakra is approaching the critical value.

Only this kind of control can help Kakashi control the new peak of form changes and attribute changes at this age.

So! Are you ready?

Looking at the bloody thunder in the sky, which was like a thunder god, the cloud ninja felt bitter, and then he died without waiting for a reply and was not ready.

Qilin struck directly in the direction of the metal sword!

In other words, there was not just one unicorn, but countless unicorns falling from the sky.

The ultimate thunder escape caused the entire cloud layer of Yunlei Mountain to produce a discharge phenomenon, and the chain reaction turned the place into a thunder hell.

Divine beasts flew between the sky and the earth, and the blue light covered the living creatures like a downpour.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! .! ! ! ! !

Continuous thunder exploded in the valley, countless rocks were broken by resonance, and even the earth in the distance was cracking.

Endless heat and current flowed wildly across the field, and huge shock waves and air currents continued to rise on the battlefield.

The ANBU team on the edge of the battlefield retreated again and again. Just now, a thunderbolt hit their feet, but crystals melted in the pit.

Hizashi's white eyes almost popped out with black eyes. What an astonishing sight this was, and such a hellish scene was created by his own captain.

What kind of crazy experience did he have to come up with such a crazy ninjutsu? Are we going to die together?

Normal people in the Hyuga family really can't figure it out, and Byakugan can't see the scene in the Thunder Hell at this moment.

In the end, the four members of the team looked at each other. They could no longer intervene in such a battle and could only wait for the result.

Kakashi, who was on the battlefield, had already fallen from the sky and was running continuously in the thunder.

When the first thunder fell, he began to save himself. The power of thunder and lightning in nature is not yet within his control.

The remaining unicorns all attack indiscriminately, and everyone has to fight for the power of heaven and earth.

But just like Meng returned to his home court, Kakashi showed proficiency in chasing the Thunder, and even took the time to replenish his military food pills to restore chakra.

The skin, bones, blood, and soul are all very calm. It’s just about surviving in the thunder hell. I’ve done this countless times.

As soon as his skin tightened, he turned sideways and calmly dodged the trajectory of the thunder. This blue arc is as flexible as the same kind that came down from the clouds.

Here they are playing a game of life and death, but over there the Kumo ninja are miserable.

Thunder Cleansing was a tactic that they had never thought of. The death of the entire boundary class gave them no chance to survive.

After the last unicorn disappeared on the ground, only scattered thunderstorms remained on the battlefield.

The dark clouds that had been accumulating over Yunlei Gorge had dissipated a lot, and the blue sky behind was rarely revealed.

The excessive discharge of electric charge has directly dissipated the cloud layer, and has the battlefield calmed down? No, the battle between Thunder and Fire has just entered its most brutal stage.

Kakashi came to the long chakra metal knife and used ninjutsu to cool it down. After pulling it out, it was still extremely sharp.

The weapon the teacher gave me must be very famous in history. I really don't know where I picked it up.

After a few swings, he slashed at the remaining three cloud ninjas on the opposite side.

The balance of war was drawn into a new situation by Kakashi.

However, the surviving Cloud Ninjas fell into endless pain both physically and mentally.

Tudai, the Jonin of Cloud Hidden Village in the Kingdom of Thunder, the courtier of the Raikage in the past, and the reviewer of the Thunder Plow Hot Knife in the past, has the blood inheritance limit of Melting Escape.

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