No matter how rich the combat experience is, he still cannot prevent this sudden pupil technique.

Normally, members of the Uchiha family must wear the family emblem no matter what they do, and the three magatama are always hanging in their eye sockets, wanting to tell everyone that they are Uchiha and that I am strong.

However, this disabled man's eyes had ordinary pupils when he appeared on the stage, so he still lacked some protection against pupils.

What's more, with his strength, the three magatama illusions and the like can be said to have little effect, and the kaleidoscope is too unfamiliar to the ninja world.


Obito began to cough up blood in pain, and the blood and tears in his eyes began to flow down as if they were free of money.

This illusion was activated by the pupil power left behind by Madara. The pupil power in his own eyes was too squeezed before and he could not use it too much. Now the entire kaleidoscope is sluggish.

Is everything okay?

It's okay. As long as you don't die, it doesn't matter whether it's eye power or body. We must hurry up with the Eye of the Moon plan.

Obito was sitting in a wheelchair, constantly trying to control the shaking of his body caused by pain.

It took a while to calm down,

Now do what a Yondaime Mizukage should do.

Obito showed a sick smile, and Yagura turned around and left after accepting the instruction.

In the Sandaime's ward, the Sandaime, whose time was running out, completely relaxed his body and mind. The village already had a suitable next-generation Kage, and he could finally rest.

Hey, Yagura, why are you here?

Wait, aren't you an Uchiha?

Damn it, for the sake of the village!

Blood spread in the ward, and the blood mist began with the life of the third Mizukage.

In the night, Obito and Black Zetsu arrived at the Mizukage Building, where Yagura sat expressionless.

Now Kirigakure belongs to us.

Sooner or later we will have to counterattack back to the Ninja Continent.

The moon in Obito's eyes turned blood-colored.

Bird country.

Kakashi was walking through the crowd holding a short sword.

A life was lost with every strike of the sword. With the dynamic vision of the Sharingan and his own sword skills, he was able to handle this chaotic situation with ease, and finally eliminated all these people without using a single ninjutsu.

Among them were two or three Nami ninja who were at least chuunin strong, and all of them had their heads cut off.

It is a kind of training to use only swordsmanship without using ninjutsu.

This was already the third gang he had dealt with that dared to attack him, so it was still qualified as training material.

At the same time, I also found that the current ninja world is too chaotic. It would be great if there was some way to curb this trend.

The Kingdom of Rain has dealt with it very well. If you have time, you should ask Mr. Adam how they did it. Even the Kingdom of Fire has never been able to eliminate banditry.

These bandits who were hacked to death also had something to say. Why did they encounter such powerful Konoha ninjas when they were all entrenched in the Kingdom of Birds?

These wandering ninjas and rebellious ninjas came to the small country just to dominate and dominate.

Bandits from the five major countries are not easy to deal with, and they will be killed by a ninja team at any time as a C-level mission. Those who resist strongly will provoke even more powerful people.

They will not go to particularly remote places. Places with severe wind, frost, rain and snow will make it more difficult for them to survive in the wilderness.

The last option is a small country like the Rain Country, but for some reason, there is suddenly an Akatsuki organization, and Sansho Hanzo, who was not so in charge before, suddenly became great.

It was really about catching the bandits and encircling them. So far, they have not heard any news from any of their colleagues from the Rain Country, and they all assumed that they had their heads chopped off.

As a result, a large number of wave ninjas came to take up residence in countries such as the Kingdom of Birds and the Kingdom of Stone.

When you see a white-haired boy walking alone in the mountains and forests, you will inevitably have some twisted thoughts.

How strong can such a ninja be? He looks very young.

After the war, they finally escaped, but because there were so many companions, they sometimes didn't have enough to eat. They were so hungry that they could do anything.

The result was that he became the dead soul under the sword of this white-haired god of death.

Kakashi was wiping his dagger when a voice came from the trees.

Do you think this counts as practicing swordsmanship?

The voice was cold, but what was even colder was Kakashi's heart.

With the Sharingan, even with a kunai, even with a kitchen knife, you can wipe out the lives of all garbage. What is the tool in your hand?

tell me!

boom! ! !

Accompanying the sound was a huge and incredible murderous aura, as well as a sword intent as thick as a sacred mountain, everything pressed on his body and mind.

Cold sweat broke out in layers on his forehead, his bones were creaking, his blood was flowing at high speed, his heart was beating uncontrollably, and the hand holding the knife began to tremble.

This voice Kakashi will never forget in his life, it is that mysterious swordsman! A swordsman who calls himself Sephiroth Soyousuke.

He had no time to think about why the other party appeared here, because his spirit had been taken to another illusion.

The battlefield, the endless battlefield.

Waves, corpses, gun smoke, blood, and above the sky are roaring dark clouds, with red lightning shuttling among them.

The breath of death and war was poured into his internal organs. The pressure from unknown sources was burdened on his body and he could not move. He would faint even if he relaxed slightly.

What's even more terrifying is that there is a sword standing there between heaven and earth, exuding endless sharp energy. Just looking at it made my eyes sting.

Why is it so sharp without Kaifeng? Is there anything in this world that can stop it?

There are red veins breathing rhythmically among the gray iron bars, and the hot breath is like a big sun approaching.

Kakashi felt fear as he was being burned.

So the sword got bigger and bigger, and the world got bigger and bigger.

What's even more frightening is that the sword is tilting, and the foreknowledge of death that overturns the world is impacting his brain.

Can't stop it, can't escape.

The feeling of being as small as an ant made him want to kneel on the ground and kill him by his neck, otherwise he would be driven crazy by such pressure.

Just when he was exhausted and ready to kneel down, he suddenly thought of the story Adam told him.

The swordsmen there don't care whether they are good or evil, but they have never flinched from using their swords, even when facing powerful and invincible enemies.

And the protagonist Noah has to face the whole world without flinching. Will he just kneel down and die like this?

Konoha Village has not been saved yet, and his friends are still living there and may be sacrificed as tools at any time.

What you want to do has just begun, how can you give in like this? !!

The reluctance and anger seemed so insignificant amidst the huge fear, but it was this insignificant reluctance that made him tighten his grip on the short blade in his hand.

Although it is a pity that he suffered such misfortune just after he tried to save Konoha, but life is like this.

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