Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1270 Yagura delivers the goods to your door

Goji Yagura, who is less than 1.5 meters tall, has a baby face. He is the only candidate to become the fourth Mizukage.

Although he looks like a teenager, he is actually older than his grandparents. The birth wave after the war was the same in the Land of Water. His grandson, Goju Kagura, was just born this year.

The Kingdom of Water does not have the will of fire, and will not worry about finding successors from the new generation.

Whoever has a big fist and strong power can support this village.

Moreover, the aging Third Kage has not found a suitable young successor.

Now this trouble has been left to the quasi-fourth generation Goju Yagura.

Babyface never expected that he would have to consider the new generation before he took over completely. The downfall of the Water Kingdom really cannot be concealed.

Mei Terumi has just emerged and has great potential. Unfortunately, she is too old and her combat power has not yet developed, and there is no suitable force behind her to invest in her.

You can ask the Genshi to help her grow steadily. This female ninja may be the next Mizukage candidate.

Iniki Kaki Kisame is a new star who performs tasks under the Suikoyama Fugu Oni. He is very loyal to the village but lacks ability. If he has not experienced big changes in the future, he will not be mentally strong enough.

What's more, the pufferfish ghost will not support this junior, and there are no other forces in the ANBU that can help this young man grow.

Momochi Zabuza? He is just a young man who has just emerged. He has no characteristics except madness. He is like a splash in the ninja world.

There is really no comparison between the new generation of the Water Kingdom and the Fire Kingdom.

Yagura felt irritated when he thought of this. The village was already like this, but the blood successor families kept arguing about the distribution of benefits.

He doesn't care about anything and doesn't give civilian ninjas a way out at all.

The more I think about it, the more unfair I feel. There are many Bloodstained families in Konoha and they are all very strong families. Why are they not as difficult to deal with as these families in the village?

In terms of top bloodline, the Kingdom of Water is truly the Kingdom of Fire.

Onito, Minazuki, and Kaguya are also powerful blood successors who are famous in the ninja world. Excluding Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, they are not inferior to Senju, Uchiha and Hinata.

Not to mention the inferior blood-step families, there are so many of them.

But they just couldn't get it together, and there were all kinds of frictions and troubles between them.

A large part of Mizukage's job involves dealing with the troubles between these families.

The Oniden family and the Minazuki family have Mizukage families who are very arrogant. They occupy too many resources with top blood successors like themselves.

Forget about being arrogant, the two families also had a lot of turmoil due to the rivalry between their blood successors and the relationship between the two generations of shadows, and they would get into some quarrels with each other from time to time.

One is hydration and the other is ice escape. Restrained to the death.

I really don’t know why they were able to gather under the command of the first Mizukage-sama in the first place.

And the Kaguya clan is even more outrageous. They act like they are very hard-boned and a dick. They are really idiots of the entire clan.

I really don’t understand why people with higher levels of blood inheritance have worse brains?

Yagura's unintentional comment made sense. The top families of Senju Uchiha, Uzumaki Kaguya and Hinata all have their own absolute flaws.

Not in terms of ability, but in terms of brain.

The more ancestral the bloodline is, the more powerful it is, and the strongest will always be the DNA passed down from the Otsutsuki clan.

The biggest problem is that there was something wrong with Liu Dao himself and he gave birth to two stupid sons.

Chakra can penetrate the spirit, and the power of all things can be reincarnated continuously.

However, Indra and Asura are not smart people at all, and they are very stubborn.

As a result, these powerful ninjas who have returned to their ancestors have more or less spiritual effects. Of course, it will be much better if they are diluted a lot by distant relatives or over time.

As for the blood inheritance limit created by fusion attribute escape technique, there are no worries in this regard, but the upper limit of power is not high.

Yagura gave up after thinking to no avail, and could only wait until he officially became the fourth generation to slowly adjust the direction of the village.

Now it's time to go on patrol, and the bastard who hunted Kirigakure half a year ago appears again. Many of Kirigakure's ANBU have been dealt with.

A hero shows his true colors when there is no leader. This time, he allowed himself to use the enemy's head to ascend to the position of Mizukage.

He soon discovered the clues with his understanding of the terrain and his perception of water vapor.

There was an abnormal fog, mixed with a lot of bloody smell.

Is this the battle just over?

Wind Escape·The typhoon is over!

The strong wind blew away the thick fog, and the scene inside made him feel extremely angry.

There were four bodies of Kirigakure on the ground. It was the jounin teacher who was leading a team of three junior ninjas. This is the future of Kirigakure!

There is no nonsense to ask who the other party is, it is already a fight to the death.

One is a pitcher plant weirdo that is half black and half black. There is also a disabled person in a wheelchair.

According to the law of the ninja world, the more flashy and eccentric your clothes are, the more you have to be careful. There is a high chance that they are not just passers-by.

The courage and ability to dare to come to the Kingdom of Water to kill people are not ordinary strong people.

But if you have to do this while sitting in a wheelchair, what's the point of hatred?

No matter what, let's die here!

Water escape. Water dragon bullet!

The starting point is a water dragon of tens of meters, which fully demonstrates Yagura's superb water escape ability.

The reason why he can become the only candidate for the Fourth Mizukage is because he defeated everyone in the other ninja clan and relied on his strength to fight his way out.

A master of water escape, a master of physical arts, and a secret technique of his own.

Among them, the Water Mirror Jutsu can create a mirror made of water. A person who looks exactly like the enemy will appear in the mirror, and the same ninjutsu as the opponent can be used with the same power.

Looking at the ninja world, there are top secret techniques, and in the entire history of the Kingdom of Water, only the first generation Mizukage successfully practiced it.

In addition to being easily broken by the first generation Hokage and Uchiha Madara, the worst situation against anyone is a 50-50 situation.

After Yagura mastered this move, his position as the fourth generation was stable, and he was not young at all and had rich combat experience.

He is at the peak of his powers as a ninja, which can be seen from the tens of meters of water dragon he started with.

The water dragon was so powerful that it even scared the two people opposite it to the point where they became motionless.

Because this water dragon brought back memories of not long ago.

In their eyes, Black Zetsu and Obito seemed to see five giant dragons several hundred meters high flying in the sky, and endless destructive power erupted between heaven and earth.

When I came back to my senses, what was the difference between the small water dragon and the loach, which were dozens of meters tall?

But the anger in my heart was aroused.

Now these two guys are still in the state of stress reaction to water dragon bombs and other techniques, and even Hei Jue's body trembles.

Divine power!

The middle section of the water dragon was directly twisted into nothingness, and after letting out a last wailing cry, it turned into water and fell to the ground.

Obito was no longer in the mood to play his hunting game, the target had already been reached, and he had foolishly angered himself.

The red light of the Mangekyou Sharingan flashed away, and the battle ended.

Yagura saw the Sharingan, which covered the entire mind at an incredible speed.

‘Sharingan? Why’

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