A month later, Kuina was stabbing leaves in the woods. A wooden sword was as fast as the wind, steady and accurate. This was Noah's request. She was practicing seriously.

Guina has good talent and a solid foundation, and she will be able to move to the next step soon. During this period, except for the occasional green algae head, no one bothered Kuina. According to Sauron, he didn't come here specially, he just came here while walking. Noah believed this.

Noah was not idle during this period, but slowly mastered the strength he had just broken through, started practicing from the basics again, and then returned to the realm of a great swordsman day by day, finally mastering the current realm of swordsmanship.

With his current mastery of the sword, Overlord Color Coil can be used easily. But the sword that cut the sky that day still didn't work. When the breakthrough was made, it was the result of so many years of accumulation of swordsmanship. Now that it has returned to normal, it no longer has the power to soar to the sky that day, so it is still necessary to continue to accumulate energy.

Watching Guina getting better, Noah came to the side and prepared to talk to Long. It took a month before he remembered that Helong was showing off his strength. Noah felt that he was really a low-key man.

He took out the encrypted phone bug and looked at the appearance of the software phone bug. He was wondering when Dr. Tsukimi's communicator would be ready. He really didn't like this thing. Although it was a bit ugly and cute, he always felt sick. Terrestrial animals of the class Pedopods have mucus, which makes them feel particularly uncomfortable.

I look forward to the doctor researching it quickly. I don’t count on smart phones. A big brother is always possible. The basic principles have been explained to Dr. Tsukimi. Many technologies in the communication system already exist in this world and are very mature. They can cooperate with the terminal number 0. The base station, the communication system belonging to the revolutionary army, should be available soon.

Brumuru, burubru,

When the call was connected, the phone bug turned serious in an instant.

Noah? What's going on?

It's nothing big. I just made some breakthroughs in the East China Sea, and then I accepted a young apprentice.

Apprentice? Kuina?

Um, how did you know?

On the first night in Shuoyue Village, Koushiro mentioned this matter. I thought you would definitely accept it, so I didn't say anything.

Damn, is this guy so taciturn? What if I confiscate it? Oh, it’s okay if you don’t accept it. You can still practice swordsmanship if you take it to the Island of Resurrection, and there will still be various conditions to satisfy her. This dragon is quite cunning.

The dragon over there was quite speechless. He thought it was something big, and he had to be embarrassed to accept a disciple? He now knew something about the revolutionary lights.

Although the previous image he gave people was that he was bold and crazy, fanatical and strategic, but overall he was stable and passionate. But essentially he is still a young man. Sometimes the behavior is a bit in line with young people, and the dragon will be very happy.

Dragging the Revolutionary Army all the way to this day, he is still able to find joy under the heavy pressure of the World Government. This is a very tenacious mental state. He has rarely laughed since he became the leader of the Revolutionary Army.

By the way, Noah just said that there was a slight breakthrough in strength? Could it be

On the other side of Shuangyue Village, the cold expression of the phone bug slowly collapsed.

By the way, Noah, what do you mean when you say your strength has made some breakthrough?

Oh, it's nothing, I just broke through to the great swordsman, hahaha, it's a small matter, a low profile.

There was no sound on the other end of the phone for a while. Was it dropped?

The call was not dropped, but he was just a little surprised for a moment. Long Zai tried his best to control his expression and did not want the phone bug to convey his devastated expression to the other party, but there was a pleasant breeze around him. He was truly a person who brought miracles.

Noah, you did a great job.

No matter how Long suppressed him, when he saw Phone Bug's expression gradually distorting, Noah seemed to see the serious macho man hiding his joy.

So happy, it seems that the pressure on Long is not small. With another official general-level combat force, the revolutionary army's foundation has once again been strengthened, and the gap with the world government's high-end combat power has once again narrowed.

Ahem, let's drink together when you come back.


No, what do you mean by waiting for me to come back? Noah had an ominous premonition.

Long, where are you now?

The Island of Resurrection. The latest intelligence shows that there will be Celestial Dragons coming to the East China Sea to play. You know the World Government's murderous intentions towards the two of us. If both of us are active in the East China Sea, the target will be too big, so I will come back first. .When you return to the Island of Life, I will go to the East China Sea to do some business.

Damn it, you’re done. Why did he return to the Island of Rebirth? He’s already in the East China Sea. Why don’t you go to the Kingdom of Goa to meet your son? Your son is being led astray by his red hair!

What about Saab, get blown to pieces and then fed to the fish? After failing to resist his noble parents, he went to sea and sank, thus killing the amnesiac staff officer of the revolutionary army.

Moreover, the plot has been changed so much, Mariejoia has been beaten twice, and there are still Tianlong people who dare to come out and wander around. This is looking down on the enemies of my world. My hands are a little itchy. This is a breakthrough for the great swordsman. I have to cut some. What kind of commemoration is there? I don’t know if one Celestial Dragon is enough.

Since the dragon is not here, I have to do it on my own. In the place where destiny begins, I will use the blood of the Creator to forge the name of a great swordsman. Done!

Hey, Noah, what's up?

It's okay, it's just the Celestial Dragon's dog head, I want it.

Oh, it's up to you. It's fine.


The big event that shocked the sea was settled in these few words, and the courage of the strong man was vividly displayed.

Pulling out the word Wado and looking at the patterns on the sword, he still remembered what Koshiro said he would make its name resound across the sea. In the past, I was famous for my big events. Let’s try using pure force this time.

This year, Windmill Village can be described as a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. The whole ship of the red-haired pirates is there. Afterwards, Garp will return to Windmill Village and hand over Luffy to the bandit Dadan to take care of. Finally, the Celestial Dragons will come to the Kingdom of Goa.

Red hair, strong swordsman, a fight wouldn't be too much. Not only can you learn some knowledge on the path to becoming a great swordsman, but the risk to your life is not high, you can start this. The general-level floor tiles took the initiative to trip up the future Fourth Emperor.

Forget it about Garp, just avoid it for the time being. If you fight Garp, it will be a life and death battle between the two forces. This kind of battle is not the time now.

Noah instinctively felt that something was wrong with the Celestial Dragon who came to Goa Kingdom. The World Government is not a fool, so there may be an ambush. Find out the situation in advance. If things cannot be done, give up. If there is a chance, kill by force. To show the rest of the Tianlong people, this is the end of a street kid.

So at this moment, go to the meeting alone and weigh the red hair!

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