
This... what is this, master!

Guina looked at the pile of books on the table with tears in her eyes. Just take a quick look at it and you'll see things like land reform, the contradictions between classes, the destruction of utopias, and the like. I know all the words, but I don’t even recognize them together. The intellectual elder sister at the desk is looking at me with eyes full of pressure.

She looked helplessly at the master she had just become, hoping to be relieved. She was here to learn swordsmanship, not to take lessons with her eldest sister.

Noah looked at his little apprentice's eyes and understood that the introduction was missing.

To introduce you solemnly, the person standing in front of you is Nicole Robin, an O'Hara scholar and holder of a doctorate in history. She is also my sister. From now on, she will teach you about cultural classes. Don't worry, she She is a very good person and knowledgeable, and she basically understands everything in books.”

A heart-warming smile was given back to little Guina, the master did a good job, right?

Guina was a little broken, Master, you misunderstood, and then she asked weakly.

Master, do I have to learn these? Are we all swordsmen like this?

Of course, our group is taking the path of integrating knowledge and action. We must know that knowledge is the intention of action, and action is the effort of knowing; knowledge is the beginning of action, and action is the completion of knowledge.

It’s hard to do, hard to learn. What I teach now is knowledge and morality. In the future, you must practice the knowledge and morality you have learned when using the sword. understand?

How to practice with a sword?

Is it considered practice to make disobedient people obedient when they see your sword?

Guina thought, this master seems to be deceiving people, but he is under the eaves.


Okay, you are indeed my good apprentice. Learn slowly and there will be exams every month in the future. Hahahaha.

Kuina had no choice but to slowly read the book under Robin's supervision to survive this painful time, and practice swordsmanship with Noah in the afternoon.

get out of class finally ended at noon. Although the introductory knowledge was not difficult, reading was really uncomfortable for Kuina who was used to holding a sword. Even if she read books before, she only read kendo classics and the like.

Teacher Robin's supervision is also very strict. Even though she is busy with her own things, she will still find her laziness, and sometimes her brain will break and she will be hit on the forehead.

Kuina will never forget her horror when she saw a hand growing out of the table for the first time. Her SAN value dropped wildly, and her sense of evil was completely heightened. She screamed, pulled out her wooden sword and tried to fight back against the strange hand, but was struck by the sword with her bare hand. She admitted that she was confused at the time, how could such a weird thing be able to catch her sword, after so many years of swordsmanship? Is spiritual practice fake?

The self-doubt didn't last long, because the strange hand dropped the wooden sword and gave herself a head-on collapse. It was extremely painful, as if she had been hit by a small hammer, and she was rolling on the ground in pain.

She should feel lucky that Robin's methods were much more vicious than they are now when he was taking lessons on the Island of Resurrection. The guys in the boot camp are all one-in-a-thousand in physical fitness, and their ability to resist beatings is pretty good, so entry-level moves like Brain Break are rarely used. Dabi Tou's technique, passive head cantilevering and passive cone stabbing are all good at it.

After the pain subsided slightly, Kuina looked very depressed as she looked at Noah who was nibbling Naole and Robin who didn't seem to know anything.

She probably knew that this was the Devil Fruit user her father had mentioned. His abilities were indeed weird and unpredictable, and difficult to guard against. Recall that it is a female hand, so it is Teacher Robin! ?

Really, you are still pretending not to know anything, why is Teacher Robin so evil?

Ah la ah la, I've been discovered, but little Kuina's reaction is so interesting, hehehe.

Robin covered her mouth and chuckled. Underneath her gentle elder sister's skin, she was very sinister.

Guina could only sigh, get up and continue reading. Once she gets lazy, she has no way to hide. No matter how she dodges, it is expected by that palm, as if she bumped into it. Is Teacher Robin so strong?

In terms of sheer domineering power, Robin is indeed very strong. Her flowers and fruits also enhance her ability to gather information, and her information-gathering ability is MAX. If she catches someone slacking off, it will really make a fuss out of a molehill.

After class, Guina was in a daze, and it took her a while to regain her composure.

After having lunch and resting for a while, Kuina came to the mountain behind Shuangyue Village and was extremely excited. She could finally practice swordsmanship seriously.

Master, what is our first step?

Noah took out a book from his arms, opened it and flipped through it.

At this time, Guina felt disillusioned. Why was she reading again? She wants to learn that move that cuts the sky with one sword!

Well~ I took a look and found it. Sorry, it's been a long time since I finished writing this book and I haven't even read it.

Secrets of swordsmanship?

Yes, I wrote it myself when I entered the realm of sword masters. How about Detailed Explanation of Sword Dao, From Beginner to Sword Master? Is the name easy to understand?

Uh, yeah.

Kuina already roughly understands Noah's style, and can easily cope with such a book title that has no sense of high-end.

I gave this book to your father before, but he didn't seem to use it. I don't know why. So I will use the knowledge compiled in it to give preliminary teaching.

In fact, it's not that Koushiro doesn't use this book, it's that even if this book lowers the threshold for practice, not many people in this small monastery in the East China Sea can meet the conditions.

One is the basic qualifications, most of which are still not enough. If you can't go far in the way of swordsmanship, you won't need them. The second is material conditions. Some food supplements and drug supplements are not supported by many qualified people, but their family conditions do not support them. The third is character, which is also the most difficult level of screening. Over the years, some people have met the above two conditions, but they have not passed the character level.

This is not a simple self-defense swordsmanship, but an all-round system that can produce a swordsman early. Koushiro does not want to teach a person without moral character in the end. Such a swordsman will only kill endlessly, which is inconsistent with his Their temperaments are not consistent, so only three or five people have received private guidance over the years.

It's a pity that not everyone is lucky enough to make it to the end. Some people give up on swordsmanship in the end, some go out to sea and get killed, and some get greedy and want to grab books and are killed.

Finally, until now, no one from Shuangyue Gym has truly completed the journey of being a swordsman. It seems that this book is more suitable for big forces, with good training conditions and basic protection during the growth stage, so that the success rate is high.

As for Kuina, it was because she was laying the foundation of Shuangyue Kendo before and had not yet reached the bottom line to take the next path. This time, it was a certainty that Noah would teach her personally.

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