Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1261 The tenderness of ANBU Kakashi

The country of Sichuan.

A rebellious ninja was walking through the forest, with a panicked look like a frightened rabbit.

Sometimes it accelerates and sometimes changes direction, and it is also highly nervous and vigilant as if it is being chased by some terrifying enemy.

But when he heard the chirping of 1,000 birds, he knew that he was doomed. The terrible god of death in Konoha's ANBU had arrived.

The arc of electricity flashed away in the afterglow, leaving only an indelible blue mark in his pupils.

In the last perspective, the blood-red eyes are filled with ruthless killing intent.

Rebel Ninja Kitagawa, mission accomplished.

The white-haired ANBU stood beside the corpse and began to examine the body with an expressionless expression.

Then he asked the team members behind him to come over to clean up the scene and recover the bodies, which were to be returned to Konoha's ANBU headquarters for verification.

Several people clearly divided the work and quickly completed the cleanup, even the soil on the ground was lifted.

Captain, I didn't expect that this person actually hid for a month before we caught him. He is really hiding. And he was able to detect our roundup in advance and start to escape. The ANBU's job is really difficult.

Mrill, the aura of your previous Earth Escape and Stealth Technique was exposed before the other party noticed it.

The ANBU named Mandrill felt a chill on his neck. This legendary ANBU captain was very stern and ruthless. The best thing that could happen would be to be severely reprimanded.

I will help you perfect this Earth Escape move when you get back. If you make the same mistake next time, you will die.


The ANBU named Mandrill felt something was wrong. The captain's tone was still so cold, but the content was a bit unexpected.

Although I am a new ninja who joined ANBU, I still know the behavior of this young senior. Why is he suddenly a little kind?

After that, the team started heading towards the village without saying a word.

Kakashi is now trying to adjust his image and is no longer the lone wolf in the ANBU team like before.

He deeply realized that the teammates around him were ninjas without high talents and needed to be treated in a better way, such as this mandrill.

Born as a civilian ninja, he doesn't have many family ninjutsu or skills, and he has no bloodstains.

Earth Release is a C-level and B-level ninjutsu obtained through meritorious service in war. It is normal for problems to arise during practice without the guidance of a professional teacher.

As for the ANBU's guidance, it was also very rudimentary, mainly using methods such as assassination, tracking, and aura restraint.

Ninjutsu is really a big barrier, and it is not easy for ordinary people to break through.

The level gap between people is so big due to resources. Although he is still relatively famous in ANBU, this is not a reason to look down on others.

And he wanted to unite the comrades around him more. Even if the ANBU was directly under the Hokage, he wanted to do something different.

Maybe it was immature and rough, but I still took this step.

He quickly hurried back to the ANBU and handed over the task. After that, he started to instruct the members of his team in the earth escape ninjutsu as agreed.

It is a very happy thing to have a jounin guide like Kakashi who has a famous family.

Guiding and teaching after leaving the Ninja School is a very precious thing. There are very few ninjas in Konoha Village who can independently study the changes in the properties of lightning.

This is also the reason why everyone is optimistic about Kakashi's future. The last genius ninja who became famous for his own ninjutsu was named Namikaze Minato.

In terms of the development and application of ninjutsu, including the idea of ​​improvement, for a genius, you can really start to produce changes by using your brain and then your hands. Talent is so unreasonable.

Moreover, this kind of unprofitable thing can only happen if there is a particularly good relationship or an equivalent exchange of benefits.

The relationship between captains and superiors among ANBU alone cannot reach this level.

Your Earth Escape must be fast and instinctive

In the ANBU training ground, Kakashi started giving tutoring lessons to the team members like a mature old ninja, and his posture actually imitated the Yondaime Hokage.

But his tone was still tough, and he couldn't hold back his anger about the other party's learning ability.

Isn't this Earth Release just a matter of doing this first and then doing that? If you keep your aura like this, just a little bit more.

Finally, I remembered the teacher's patience when teaching Obito and began to calm down again. I even felt that the team members' abilities were quite good.

Sometimes a floor-penetrating lower limit is also of great use.

Not bad, keep working hard, you are much better than my former friends.

Relying on recalling Obito's past, Kakashi got through the first teaching stage safely and learned to be calm.

Sure enough, everyone has his own special value.

Obito, I miss you.

After the instruction was completed, Kakashi bowed with gratitude and left without being polite. Even if he wanted to come to deliver gifts, he refused.

It's just what I'm supposed to do.

When I said this sentence, I felt a sublime feeling in my heart. It was truly a unique experience.

Someone else among the ANBU recorded Kakashi's behavior and quietly reported it to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The old man in the Hokage's office was a little confused.

The young man who has experienced so many human tragedies is not wasting his time secretly, but is instead profoundly implementing the will of fire?

His own fetters fell in the Land of Grass and he left a gift that will never be forgotten. Another person who needed to risk his life to protect died in his own hands. Minato and Kushina, who cared about him the most, died before the Nine-Tails. Ye Jinshu died, and even the truth about his father's death was known.

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked himself that if he had experienced the above blows, not to say that he would not be able to recover, he would at least fall into darkness for a while.

The result turned out to be so positive, and my original personality improved and I became more proactive in integrating into the group.

Is it possible that these experiences can still give people positive energy?

“That’s outrageous~~~”

The Sandaime encountered something he couldn't understand. Does the Will of Fire still have such a function? Why didn't he know?

Why was Asuma so rebellious after understanding the will of fire, and even said stupid things about reimplementing the new will of fire?

Compared with Kakashi, his own son is not even as good as the Inuzuka family dog.

Such progress made him feel both the joy of the progress of some younger people in the village and a slight headache.

Sighing again, it would have been better if Danzo hadn't said that.

Then he began to pick and choose new tasks for the ANBU team. Some geniuses need long-term tasks to hone themselves.

Single mission, the Land of Snow, this is fine.

I remember that although the chakra armor of Snow Country is a bit useless, it is still very difficult for ninjas who do not have enough chakra to break it.

So that's it, ninjas have to bear more burdens.

After all, we still have to focus on the overall situation. If Kakashi is still very good after the next Hokage takes over, he will still have a chance to get ahead.

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