Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1260 It’s actually all a misunderstanding

Of course, there is a possibility that this filial son will be stupid, but Noah will not gamble on such an opportunity.

The Akatsuki organization stopped their pursuit, but Hei Zetsu's mouth didn't stop.

I've had enough of you! Why do you suddenly show up and cause so many things? Why can't you go as planned?

Why didn't Madara just beat you to death in the first place? Why? Why? Why?

Why are there no reliable descendants of Uchiha? All idiots! idiot!

Time and space are used worse than shit, and the same move can be used twice! twice? ! !

Um, Hei Ze's mentality is a bit broken.

The sword energy and will that Noah left in his body kept burning his soul, which already made Zetsu very irritable. Uchiha Madara thought that he could control Noah, so he didn't take this bastard away, which was the second level of irritation.

Uchiha Obito's stupid operations and successive rollovers further fueled this sentiment.

This time, he insisted on seizing the Akatsuki organization and refused to listen to the persuasion to pursue death, which really broke his heart.

It has been thousands of years. This is the closest to success. Why are there so many ups and downs? It really makes Despair Moon cry.


Let me go now! Otherwise, I'll destroy Nagato's eyes. You can stop Obito's body but you can't stop me. Don't even think about one day of peace in the Land of Rain. Burning the world? Dreaming!!!

After threatening for a long time, Noah nodded.

Actually, it was all a misunderstanding.

You tmd%¥#@%¥ @%

Black Zetsu cursed so loudly that Obito almost died, Hey. Even now he is in a state of mental coma.

This body has been tortured to death by you, and now you are telling me that it is a misunderstanding?

Noah was not happy about why he was so uncivilized, so he spoke a little harder.

I said~ It's all! Yes! Wrong! Yes!


Black Obito took a deep breath and gritted his teeth almost to pieces, but the teeth were already broken. He began to swallow the blood into his stomach, along with the tears.

Yes, it's all a misunderstanding. Can I leave then?

The Land of Rain is not a place where you can come and leave as you please. Uchiha Madara left a curse mark on my soul, so it's not too much for me to leave something on the new Uchiha Madara.

Black Zetsu's energy and blood rushed straight to his forehead. He almost took control of Obito's body and fought with this bastard. This was too much!

Wait, I am the product of my mother's will. In the ninja world, nothing can hurt him except Noah's sword energy and will.

So it was engraved on Obito? That's okay.

First of all, many curse seals are ineffective against strong people, secondly, many of them can be removed, and finally, if Obito commits such stupid things again in the future, he can stop it.

You can also execute the plan by changing to another Uchiha bloodline and using the Kamui Sharingan.

Ahem, do you want to place a curse? Come on.

It's not me. Our Akatsuki organization has a dedicated sealing master.

After a while, a woman with long red hair wearing an evil ghost mask was brought over by Xiaonan.

Hiss~~~Hei Zetsu is a little worried about Obito. This person's aura is slightly familiar, and he has met him recently.

How could it be her? After the tailed beast is drawn out, it's a heretic demon.

The red-haired woman came here and looked at the half of her face where she could vaguely see her former face. Her eyes were complicated, and the violent murderous intent and terrifying resentment in them were frightening.

The hatred of killing her husband, the hatred of being trapped in a small space with a pipe every day, and the pain of separation between parent and child.

It only takes a matter of minutes for this woman to turn dark.

I've seen the battle, and it seems that it really can't be killed.

Not now. When I have the opportunity in the future, I will find a way for you to kill him with your own hands.

My son can do it too.

Your son might forgive him. So for now let's put some interesting seals on this guy.

The two people's conversation as if no one else was around made Kuro Obito completely lose his temper and couldn't bear it anymore.

After that, there was a large-scale show of sealing skills from the Kingdom of Whirlpool, and it felt like Kushina had used all she had learned throughout her life.

A dazzling operation was completely completed with the assistance of Bai Zetsu and Nine-Tails Chakra.

Don't get me wrong, this is a special induction technique. If you are close to the Kingdom of Rain or a member of the Akatsuki organization, your body will tell you to stay away.

Of course, you can ignore this warning if you want to completely fall out in the future.

But from today on, you cannot step into the Kingdom of Rain, and even our ninjas who go out of the Kingdom of Rain should not make any plans.

Otherwise, the Moon Eye Project could declare bankruptcy.

Go ahead and realize your dreams elsewhere in the ninja world. come on.

Black Zetsu controlled Obito and limped away from this sad place.

Did Obito's consciousness wake up after leaving the border of the Land of Rain? Black Zetsu also exited this body and became a Delong Grass again.

Where are we now.

Not in the Land of Rain.

That's good, no, I mean it's okay. Did we escape?

He let us go and asked not to appear in the Country of Rain in the future and not to take action against the Akatsuki organization.

Okay, let's leave those bastards alone for now. Thanks this time.

Does Hei Jue really want to criticize you for being a loose horse? Minato Namikaze was released, and the Akatsuki organization was released.

But why do I always feel heavy on my body? It's different from when I was injured.

One of the conditions for leaving is a small, insignificant price.

Obito was already numb, and even though he knew someone had placed a seal on his brain, there was still no change.

This trip to the Kingdom of Rain left him riddled with wounds from body to soul.

Go to the Kingdom of Water and hibernate for a while. The Ninja Continent is not a place we can touch yet.

Well, sooner or later I will come back and fight!

At this point, the Obito invasion incident officially ended.

After the battle, Noah gave a few brief instructions and let everyone disperse, especially since it was not easy for Kushina to go out, and her life was charged by the minute.

Although today's battle was not long, the calculations and danger involved were countless times higher than those on an ordinary battlefield.

The intensity is also a grand scene that has never happened in the ninja world in recent decades.

Kyuubi's Tailed Beast Jade is a range-clearing skill, and even the body cannot be found if the core is hit.

Obito's divine power and cutting technique will also result in an instant kill if he is hit.

Not to mention that other S-level ninjutsu were thrown around as if they were free, and even Yahiko used an A-level dark walking jutsu.

Many members need to calm down, such as Mr. Kakuzu.

Noah, I seriously say that this matter cannot be solved with 1 million taels.

Two million taels, can you stay here and clean up the battlefield?

I'll take care of you and walk slowly.

The Obito incident has come to an end, and Noah has no intention of speculating on how it will develop in the future.

He wants to complete the final work for the next stage of the Kingdom of Rain.

In the distant Konoha Village, Kakashi was reading a book under the midnight lights.

It was still some time before Jiraiya wrote the magic book of intimacy with heaven, so he looked at the Will of Fire and the correspondence between Noah and him.

If the Will of Fire continues to develop according to this idea, the Sandaime may be the biggest oppressor and exploiter of Konoha Village.

Those in authority.

Benefit distribution. Redistribution.

I finally have a clue, but I am very weak on my own. How can I find like-minded people?

Yes, we can develop Mr. Adam first!

Young Kakashi had a bold idea, and he thought that people all over the world would think him a madman if they knew about it.

But he wants to save Konoha!

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