Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1239 The Kingdom of Rain does not raise idlers and idle foxes

Sorry, I'm not in good health. Usually when I go on a long trip, Xiaobai takes me out.

After such a fierce battle with Kyuubi, I can't bear the long journey now, so can I trouble you to get a car?

I pull the car? ! ! !

Even if I'm not Mrs. Hokage, I'm still a beauty, but at worst, I'm still a dying beauty!

Even Kushina, who was in the midst of grief over Minato's death, felt her anger rising. She really wanted to punch the bastard in front of her.

You said you're not in good health? ! !

When I chopped off the Nine-Tails before, I chopped the stinky fox to the ground with great vigor and vigor. But then you told me that you are not in good health, and the Nine-Tails will cry, you bastard!

Besides, if your health is not good, my health will be fine?

I'm going to die. If I can't reach the place you mentioned in five days, I can go see Minato.

Then he felt impatiently and almost made his eyes pop out.

Fuck! Why aren't you dead yet?

In an instant, the look in Noah's eyes looked like he was seeing a ghost.

If Kushina's vitality is like the remaining candle in the wind, then Noah is simply the remaining smoke after the candle is extinguished, okay?

His vitality is as weak as grass, and the injuries all over his body are enough to sustain him for a month.

But if you take a closer look, you can feel that there is a sun stuffed into the grass seed.

Being able to survive under internal and external difficulties is considered a miracle of life. According to the picture in Kushina's mind, it is a scene of a balloon exploding with a bang.

My situation is special. As long as I don't want to die, I basically won't die.

In the past, it was Xiaobai who pulled the cart, but now that he is fused with you and cannot leave your body, he can only make trouble.

So Kushina Shiro endured the humiliation and began her journey of pulling the cart.

From the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, the wife of the Fourth Hokage became a cart driver. The ups and downs of her life were clearly revealed to her on this day.

On the road, I had to follow the path of the real coachman in my body, acting like a lunatic talking to himself.

And he has to bring Noah back to the Kingdom of Rain within 5 days to have a chance to save his own life. What's going on?

Under backup, Kushina turned on the rampage mode, and sparks almost appeared from the wheels of the cart.

Noah, who was sitting in the car, was helpless. Who would have thought that only half of his plan to go out this time was realized.

But being able to bring back half of the Nine Tails and a sealing master is considered a profit.

Um? ! !

Unknown bloody chakra gathered on the surface of the body, and that unique aura suddenly brought the former Jinchuriki back to his senses, and he almost threw Noah out with a sudden brake.

This is Kyuubi going berserk. I'll help you strengthen the seal.

No, I'll go talk to it. Just keep pulling the car.

Pull a car! do not care!

When Kushina thought about it, this pervert could cut down the Nine Tails like that, so she didn't need to worry about it. The most important thing was to get to the destination and save herself.

When Noah closed his eyes, he came directly to the sealed space. Unlike Naruto's small dark room, the space here was much larger. It was definitely enough for Jiu Xiaoxiao to roll around and run around.

Human! You... deserve to die!!!

Kyuubi swooped and hit the iron cage and was bounced back. The entire sealed space remained motionless.

The seal is connected to his own will, and Noah's will can only be said to be able to lock the Nine Lamas away forever.

Despicable devil, I will kill you sooner or later after I get out.

The Nine Lamas were shouting crazily inside. The yin-type creature still remembered the incident when it was beaten to the ground before.

If it was just like this, forget it, but I happened to hear the conversation between Noah and Kushina, about being in bad health, being seriously injured and about to die, etc., and instantly felt that I was okay again.

It turned out that the guy had been seriously injured by him~~ A wonderful misunderstanding arose, and then he started trying to escape from prison and making noises.

Even if this iron sealing gate is completely solid, it can only be regarded as Minato's sealing skills are extremely high.

Noah stretched out his hands and feet in the sealed space with great interest. This is the gathering place of chakra and will, and there seemed to be no physical impact.

The seal of the Six Paths Old Man can also be bypassed a little bit. So.what does this mean?

It manifests its own character of river. He walked calmly into the iron gate, leaving the Nine Lamas stunned.

Is this guy looking for death? Didn’t you say you were seriously injured? The old fox felt something was wrong.

The weapons we used outside didn't work well before. How about we have another fight?

boom! ! ! ! !

Without waiting for Kyuubi's consent, Noah's body erupted with a terrifying sense of oppression.

First, a light lit up from the heart, and then the raging flames quickly swept across all directions with itself as the origin.

The small lights shine brightly in the sealed space, and every inch of space is occupied by this extremely overbearing will power.

Endless red descended here, and the will of billions of holy spirits was also giving support to the man through the firelight.

The huge tailed beast was forcefully suppressed to the ground by will without any resistance and was trembling all over.

What is this?!!!

Light, this is a red soul crystal from an unknown dimension. The soul of will and firmness tempered by the vicissitudes of war. It has carried the hopes of countless human beings. It has ignited the evil of filth, the tyrannical king, and the destruction of the world. The God of God, after the curtain had fallen, was gently given a silent blessing by that [world]——[Fire].

Maybe you don't understand it very well, that's okay, I'll teach you.

No!!! Don't come over!!!

The tail of the nine lamas who were trying to escape was caught and dragged back bit by bit.

The fox's screams echoed in the sealed space, and it took a long time for Noah to finally put down the sword in his hand.

This unbeatable fox is easy to use and comfortable.

I'll see you again in a few days. Even if the tailed beast doesn't study, it won't work. We can't be illiterate foxes.

After saying that, he walked out of the iron railing of the sealed space and returned to the outside world. The nine horns behind him were already slumped there like orange-red mud, and there was no trace of the tailed beast lord's style.

Damn it. Hagoromo~~This world is so scary~~

Close your eyes, open your eyes, the world is still so beautiful.

Huh? Have you suppressed that stinky fox?

There's nothing to suppress. Nine Lama is a pretty good fox. I think you all misunderstood him.

It's just uneducated, so it's incompatible with everyone. It will change a lot after it learns my will of revolutionary fire. Just wait and see.

Kushina felt that Minato had sealed other strange things into the Bagua seal.

The fox basically had no way of communicating other than grumpy growls.

Forget it, it’s important to save your own life.

After rushing all the way slowly, we arrived at the Land of Rain on the fifth day.

With Noah brushing his face, he was naturally able to travel unimpeded in the Rain Country, and he rushed to the outside demon statue like the wind.

Everyone who sees this thing will be so surprised that they can't speak, and Kushina is no exception.

The nine tails on Noah's body sensed that the ten tails' body first exploded and then lay flat. Forget it, I have no choice.

Afterwards, regardless of Kushina's ugly reasons for refusing, he connected a tube from the golem and inserted it into her back.

So Mrs. Fourth Hokage's forced induction was successful.

The Akatsuki organization welcomes you, now you can be a peripheral member.

Normally, I will be a sealing teacher. We in the Kingdom of Rain do not raise idlers.

Let’s fight, everyone gives us votes! ! ! !

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