Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1238 Kushinabai pulling the cart

Chapter 1238 Kushina Shiro pulling the cart

This is thanks to Orochimaru sacrificing two top psychic beasts to lead the opponent step by step to the outskirts of the village to avoid causing greater casualties.

Regarding compensation for the ninjas, I would like to use some ninjutsu from the village and myself.

The village really has no money, so it can only use these more precious ninjutsu to compensate the Jin ninja family. For the ninja, this is also a more acceptable choice than financial comfort.

But after the third war, the village was once again covered with white sails. It was really a natural disaster.

After sorting out the loss of the village, the next topic is the mysterious swordsman.

Everyone was so confused about this that they couldn't say anything at all.

The era of samurai passed thousands of years ago, so no one thought that person was a pure swordsman.

The cold and arrogant style is somewhat similar to that of a former samurai family like Hatake.

The other party seems to have no intention of having any contact with the people of Konoha, but he has not done anything to Konoha. Is it true that he is not sure?

The decision that Noah took away the other half of the Kyuubi was made in the presence of him, Minato and Kushina, and the others were not clear about it.

Therefore, the villainous aura that Noah wanted to show did not achieve the effect at all. Some people even suspected that this was a strong man attracted by the Senju clan or a clan member with connections in Konoha.

Of course, there are also those who think Noah is a villain but can’t provide any evidence, such as Shimura Danzo.

This person must be coveting something in Konoha. How could someone do good deeds for free?

Hiruzen, I suggest setting up a special investigation team, and the funding will be based on the previous standards.

Very few people agreed. This elder's words are still so exaggerated.

Threat theory requires funding.

That is to say, it was much more restrained when the Yondaime was around, and now it is relapsing in a solid state.

He didn't want to think that the other party had defeated Kyuubi and saved Konoha. Even a ninja with low morals would not want to provoke this boss.

Kakashi was in the crowd looking at Danzo's neck and thinking.

The stunning sword light last night made people yearn for it. This might be the kind of swordsman in the pirate world that Adam told him about.

With that kind of swordsmanship, you can really cut off anything you want to cut off, and you can also protect whatever you want to protect.

The White Fang Blade, which he had clearly decided to put down for the sake of the overall situation, seemed to be calling to the White Fang's son.

He fell into another round of thinking, such as trying a knife on a certain one-eyed dragon.

As for the Sandaime, let’s see.

In the end, they didn't come up with any clues about the mysterious swordsman, so they put it aside for the time being and started discussing the next more sensitive issue.

How should the Uchiha clan deal with this?

When he said this, there were people present who glanced at Orochimaru. After all, he appeared on the battlefield with Uchiha Shisui last night, and Shisui's performance in the battle was obvious to everyone, so he was a little sensitive.

But after all, the resentment in the dead family broke through the restraint, and began to attack Uchiha crazily under the leadership of someone.

It is basically established that Uchiha can control the Nine-Tails, but how to control it is still unclear.

So it’s not too much to add more surveillance in daily life, and it’s not too much to encounter more difficulties in tasks.

The Sandaime was also laissez-faire about this, and even had some guidance in it.

His last trace of trust in Uchiha had been exhausted last night, and he even regretted why he didn't eradicate this evil family earlier, which caused Konoha to suffer this disaster.

Orochimaru didn't say a word at this time and allowed them to discuss. In his heart, he also disliked Uchiha's attitude of looking at people with his nostrils.

In the end, the elder Danzo expressed his willingness to fight this evil family.

Just to give everyone a bright future.

This insidious guy's remarks about taking the initiative to deal with Uchiha were unanimously recognized by everyone.

There had never been a moment when they believed in Danzo so much. This person is definitely a master to do this kind of thing. Some people have even seen Uchiha's sad life in the future.

After the topic of Uchiha came the final question, the legacy left by the Fourth Hokage.

There was no room for discussion, so the Sandaime directly announced that Naruto's custody would be temporarily handed over to him.

When Danzo, who had been in the limelight before, wanted to say a few words, he was shocked by the old man's murderous eyes.

After the meeting, Sarutobi Hiruzen left Orochimaru behind.

Orochimaru, are you interested in the position of Fifth Hokage?

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, feeling ridiculous inside. Come again?

I left here saying it depends on the teacher's arrangements.

After seeing the broader world here, Noah no longer has such a deep obsession. If the position of Hokage has to be thrown into his hands, it is not impossible.

It was impossible to just continue staring at the bones like a dog. He was a snake, the kind with a temper that would bite back.

He plans to take Shisui out of the village in a few months to learn the will of fire. According to Noah, this child is about to awaken.

At the same time, the projects and laboratories in the Country of Rain have been prepared, and it is said that a lot of new materials have been added that are very powerful at first sight. Sure enough, it is more in line with my own wishes.

The last trace of friendship for Konoha is here before I leave.

In short, the aftermath of the Night of the Nine-Tails within Konoha has just begun to ferment.

The entire Uchiha clan also received a message from their roots, indicating that they were free to go out without any other unnecessary explanation.

This attitude also made Uchiha, who was locked up in the clan territory all night, feel extremely disrespected.

Fugaku was not surprised and accepted this ending calmly.

After Namikaze Minato's death, his relationship with the village could never be restored.

The choice of force and peace is not ours.

When the ninja world and Konoha were in an uproar, there was a small car on a small road heading towards the Land of Rain.

Noah was sitting in the car thinking about the problem. Some people changed their destiny this night, and some people didn't. This is a good sign.

The big trends are also piled up by countless small trends.

Hey! How far is it?

It takes another day to walk along this path, crossing two rivers and a hill to reach the border.

Don't ask yourself whether it's okay or not. It's weird.

Then I'll grow a head on your shoulder?

Please don't, this is fine.

Well, the person pulling the cart in front is Kushina Shiro.

When did the bloody red pepper do such a thing? If Minato Namikaze could see it in the sky, he would probably call out again.

But Kushina pulled the car and there was really nothing she could do.

That night, after they hurriedly left the vicinity of the battlefield and ran far away, Noah suddenly fell to the ground and turned pale.

Frightened, Kushina quickly checked to see what was going on. Whether she could survive now depended on whether this mysterious swordsman's promise could be fulfilled.

I have given up so many things just to see little Naruto grow up, so don't let any more accidents happen.

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