Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1138 One Piece Extra 4 Comrades who disappeared one after another

The aura in the conference room was so solemn that even the slightest aura could stun ordinary people.

In the past ten years, the New World Alliance has held only a handful of emergency meetings, and almost every time it was accompanied by bad news such as the death of a comrade, or a sudden and malignant incident.

This time is no exception.

Xiao Feng from the complex intelligence department discovered that something was seriously wrong after using all the channels at hand and failing to obtain any information.

With the help of various instruments from the scientific research department, it was difficult for many secrets in this sea to escape targeted searches, but this time he was unable to do anything.

There is a shadow that has appeared on the sea since 1524 and has been hiding in the darkness, constantly coming into contact with some special information.

Unnamed Island in the East China Sea, the historical text of the original O'Hara, the Capital of the Seven Waters, the Chambord Islands, the ruins of the Red Earth Continent, and the Country of Wano.

After Xiao Feng took over the intelligence department, he caught the other party's tail more than once. Unfortunately, the other party became smarter and smarter.

He didn't know if what was happening now was related to the other party, so he decided to give all the clues to Long.

The sand crocodiles have literally been gone for a month.

There are traces of fighting in the burial hall.

This guy is a careerist and has never given up the idea of ​​making trouble. This guy should not have been allowed to cause trouble in Alabasta in the first place.

At this time, Kidd, the second leader of the revolutionary army, said angrily. He looked down upon this guy who always maintained the attitude of an old-school pirate.

What else could he pretend to do when all the pirates were gone, especially since the other party always talked about his battle with Noah, as if he was some great person.

Well, it was that last point that Kidd resented the most.

Queen Vivi doesn't mind this, and Crocodile is a member of the Alabasta Senate.

Long glared at Kidd with disgust.

How could the second-generation revolutionary army leader he selected be so unstable? Although he has made great progress with the help of Sabo and Kira, this temper still needs to be changed.

But the disappearance of sand crocodiles is indeed a big problem.

The other party entrenched in Alabasta is neither resistant nor accepting of the transformation of revolutionary ideas.

It seems that I am always in trouble of wanting to do something but not being able to do anything.

It is said that the other party will sometimes be very crazy and run into the desert to burst out his own Shasha Fruit crazily, and then yell at Noah, seeming to have intermittent mental disorders.

For such a careerist who has never been very successful in his life, he has always been one of the key personnel under secret surveillance by the World Parliament.

As a result, the Sand Crocodile suddenly disappeared a month ago, and it seemed that he left after receiving some information.

This is very intriguing. Could it be that this guy is still ambitious and wants to cause trouble? He shouldn't be that stupid.

Even though the older generation of strong men have sacrificed a lot in the confrontation, the new generation of strong men are also emerging in endlessly.

With the implementation of science and culture, the potential of everyone in the One Piece world will be unleashed.

New generations of geniuses are constantly being sent to military institutions such as the Navy or the Revolution for training.

With scientific training methods, medication without side effects, and high-energy diet, the success rate is blowing out.

Except that no one has ever broken through to the general level, the overall strength is much stronger than before.

Rebellion at this time is a very stupid thing no matter how you look at it. Sand Crocodile doesn't look like such a fool.

At this time, the current marshal Qingzhi of the navy said with a frown.

A month ago? The disappearance of the sand crocodile may not be an isolated case.

The last Marshal Kizaru has been swimming away from the sea since he resigned, but he has not contacted me for a month. Could it be related?

Last contact was at Summer Island Beach. Passed the last version of the Labor Amendment Bill to Smoker and never heard from him again.

I just said at the end that I saw an old friend.

Qingzhi didn't want to say it originally, because as strong men at their level, they have absolute free will and will not be controlled.

What Kizaru wants to do after retirement depends on his own mind. Whether it is sunbathing or walking, it is his own business.

It's just that this time point inexplicably coincides with the time when the Sand Crocodile disappeared.

Um? !

This time everyone sat up straight, something didn't seem right.

Sand Crocodile has become a general-level powerhouse after his breakthrough through drugs. When he disappears, everyone may think that he is trying to cause trouble.

This guy is a rare and determined unsuccessful person. Except for Noah, no one else can trust him.

But Kizaru is completely different. As a former navy marshal, he is a very sensible person, and his worldly skills are second to none.

In that chaotic era, he single-handedly moved between the various factions of the World Government, the Revolutionary Army, and the Navy Headquarters.

When boring people in the new era rank smart people, this guy has never fallen out of the top three.

Noah, Bucky, Kizaru

This is the ranking of the smartest people on the sea, and it seems like something strange is mixed in.

Comments on Kizaru are that he is a miraculous marshal who leads the navy on the road to reform with his perfect acting skills and outstanding vision.

Moreover, with this salty fish personality, even if he could lie face down on a certain beach for several days without turning over, his sudden disappearance is really a bit mysterious.

As for the power of those with the ability to coerce the light fruit by force, it was most vividly demonstrated in the battle of liberation, and it is even more unmatched when used on the road.

Aokiji had never considered the reason for Kizaru's disappearance before. He had also seen the reveal column in Morgans' magazine, and only later did he realize the horror of Porusalino.

At this time, Xiao Feng's intelligence made him start to worry about this old comrade who had lost contact.


The second-generation Speaker smelled a conspiracy. There was a huge conspiracy here.

Kizaru has a special status. As the naval marshal of the new era, he consolidated the fruits of the revolution in the early stages.

He also had the courage to take the lead in self-correction and self-examination, correcting the bad habits of the navy, and has always had a mixed image internally.

Most of the navy regards him as the representative figure who led the navy to regain its life.

It would really cause turmoil if he disappeared.

Even more troublesome is the memory ball.

The three memories that Noah left behind from an unknown place are the dragon, the ape, and the Robin.

There are many people around the world who covet this piece of information. After all, people's desires are endless.

Not only Long thought of this, but everyone present also thought of it.

Several ministers and some powerful national representatives began to frown.

I decided to reorganize a team and let someone who is absolutely trustworthy lead the team to explore information.

Long did not dig deep into the ground in a big way. In fact, the level of strong people involved in this matter could no longer be captured by simply casting a net.

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