Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1137 One Piece Extra 3 Ten Years and Disappearance

Betty took the cultural propaganda points written by Noah to her and played a leading role in it, so she naturally became the director of the station.

The deputy is Morgans. The World Economic News has also been integrated into this department at this time, and reports truthfully on the development of the entire sea and various issues.

Of course, this guy also opened a magazine himself, which told anecdotes about famous people, including stories about him and Noah, and this sales volume was the best.

Next is Bucky's story. The number of viewers of the big movie The Last Pirate King has reached the highest number in the ocean.

When Betty received the graduates this time, she also spotted a few good prospects to say hello in advance.

Now all departments of the New World Alliance are very short of manpower, and everyone is trying every means to recruit people for their departments.

Regardless of the navy's boot camp or other colleges and universities in several seas, the quality of graduates is still not comparable to the students of the Resurrection Island in the South China Sea, and they are very popular.

After taking out the collector's edition of Noah's interview records and locking in several graduates, he left with satisfaction.

Of course, being able to appear here so accurately was only possible because of Morgans' intelligence. That guy is really an excellent gossip king.

Then Gu Yina took the graduates and passed through several departments.

There is a scale at the door of the economic department. People coming in and out are jogging, and some are even using physical skills to speed up.

The economic department, you know, is one of the busiest departments right now.

While the basic aspects of people's livelihood are booming, the world's economy is also recovering across the board.

After all, as life improves, people also have spare money in their hands for more mobile needs.

As a result, the finance and taxation departments of economic professionals such as Tezog came online to conduct a new co-ordination of the sea.

At least there shouldn't be too many loopholes. Noah relied on the primitive economic foundation of the world government to obtain a lot of development funds.

All original banknotes were abolished and the currency of the New World Alliance was minted.

The image on the banknotes originally used the image of revolutionary lights, but the design was redesigned after the first-generation Minister of Education refused.

Also, because the term Pele as a monetary unit has been circulating in the world for a long time, they did not want to change it, so they still used the term Pele.

Tezog also stood under the scales with a smile on his face and greeted several young people he liked cheerfully.

When it comes to intelligence capabilities, he's not bad either.

Minister Kuina, please take care of Bonnie's recent affairs.

As the Minister of Education, Guina still has a lot of say in the employment arrangements for the new generation of students. Tezog, an economist who is very understanding of people and the world, is naturally very enthusiastic.

But this time he was arrogant about his friend's affairs. It had been a long time since Bonnie went to Egg Head Island to assist in scientific research, and there had been no news. He was a little worried.

Tezog knew that Guina's identity was quite special, and her information channels were more comprehensive than his own, which was why today's scene happened.

Well, I'll ask baby-5 when I get back.

Basically, there are only so many departments left on the Ark. The other departments are inconvenient to be here due to special reasons.

For example, Dantou Island, where the scientific research department is located, was transformed into a floating island floating in the uninhabited sea.

According to Minister Bega Punk's words, it is to reduce the possibility of unnecessary losses and accidental injuries.

This is understandable. Don’t ask too many questions about scientists.

Of course, the New World Alliance still sent Franky as deputy minister to supervise science and ethics. Sometimes scientists are better at destroying the world.

The current research direction is mainly the development of energy and people's livelihood technology.

Increased food production, travel tools, resource extraction, resource utilization, etc. In short, the existence of the scientific research department is changing the world and taking the position of the primary productive force.

The research on Devil Fruits is also steadily progressing, and naturally they will not give up on this shortcut of scientific research.

There is also a special department built in the grounds of Pelton.

The internal inspection department is located here.

Minister Otohime, deputy ministers Magellan and Tina.

Along with the war and turmoil in the world, darkness and various gray areas have sprung up.

It is also extremely normal for moral decline to occur in economic development.

Many generals who once fought desperately for the people of the world have also been corrupted.

In this regard, Minister Otohime led the law enforcers of the former naval department to be ruthless and selfless, and dozens of gallows were erected on the sea.

It is the job of the prosecution to show no mercy to these internal degenerates.

The Navy and representatives from other countries in the World Parliament also formed a review team, and the two parties conducted cross-reviews to ensure that there would be no cover-up or loopholes.

At the same time, he boldly worked with people in the science and technology department to develop a lot of unknown equipment, and his ability to obtain information was extremely strong.

Under the iron fist of the ruthless minister and all parties, the unhealthy trends in peacetime were completely curbed.

But the fight against human nature is long-term, so the atmosphere in this place will always be gloomy and bloody.

This place is not suitable for visiting.

Minister Guina, emergency meeting!

? !

Okay, come and help me take care of these students.

Gu Yina immediately ran away. The emergency meeting has not been held for a long time.

It's best not to have bad news like before. Kikuichimonji norizon's sharp blade hasn't drank blood for a long time.

Deputy Minister of Education Dasqi took over the next publicity task.

Hmm. There seems to be no difference.

The vigorous sea transformation project includes all races and countries from all over the world.

In the content of the Universal Declaration, all races are equal, the slave trade was abolished, etc., so the major races frequently appeared in other sea areas, truly forming a beautiful vision of the great integration of the people of the world.

Everything seems to be developing as Noah envisioned before his sacrifice.

After 10 years of transformation and 10 years of construction, many major events have happened during this period.

Fisher Tiger fell into a trap during the cleaning war in the first year and was rounded up and killed.

This caused Jinbei to go berserk and set off huge waves that directly flooded a medium-sized island and wiped out all the enemies.

But it didn't help. A generation of revolutionary leaders of the fish people, the hero of the sea, died.

The uprising of some fishmen was suppressed by White Star, and the impact of this incident was slowly eliminated with the passage of time.

Under the temptation of the restoration forces of Wano, Kozuki Momonosuke finally couldn't control his ambition. When Hiyori went to Ark to participate in the World Council, he launched a rebellion and tried to isolate the country again.

Kinbunmen and Lei Zang, two former Red Scabbard Nine Heroes, and their young master broke into the Wano Parliament Hall without authorization and announced their succession to the shogunate.

After the civil strife broke out, the Capital of Flowers was in chaos. Xiaoju was caught off guard and seriously injured in a sneak attack. In the end, she died of exhaustion fighting endlessly to protect the new generation of scholars in the Capital of Flowers.

Later, the restoration forces were defeated in front of Yamato and the group of overseas-study samurai led by Denjiro.

Jinwenmen, Raizo, and Kozuki Momonosuke were captured.

Kozuki Hiyori hurried back and remained silent for three days, and finally executed Momonosuke with his own hands. Jinwenmen and Lei Zang were sent to the Ministry of Supervision to be hanged.

Feeling that he was ashamed of Wano Country and Xiaoju, Hiyori finally resigned from the position of parliament speaker and left Wano Country without a trace.

Koushiro Shigetsuki was seriously injured in the final battle. Even after treatment by Luo and others, the original damage could not be saved.

As for the life potion of the Millennium Dragon, he also refused to take it, and happily accepted the return of death.

He left this world peacefully in the year 1529 of the Haiyuan calendar.

I have nothing to regret in my life. Shuangyue Kendo has reached a place that none of my ancestors have been in my own hands. I will die without regrets.

So Sauron ended his training abroad and returned to Shuangyue Village to inherit the Shuangyue Gym.

Dr. Tsukimi also died in Bika 6 years after his victory.

In his last words, he said that the last twenty years of his life were the most challenging times in his life, and that initial enthusiasm for studying science returned.

Everything researched is meaningful and not just a castle in the air.

Most of the masterpieces that can benefit the whole sea are his own achievements, and this is more than Vegapunk.

Although the two have different research routes, the doctor is extremely proud.

Finally, all the research results will be donated to the parliament for free, hoping that the concept of science will never be silenced.

Robin, the first education minister, also left his post two years ago after completing preliminary work on revolutionary education.

He returned to the West Sea and asked his comrades from the fish-men tribe to help raise an island and maintain it above the sea through technological means.

Countless flower seeds were re-sowed there, and saplings of the World Tree provided by the Giant Kingdom were planted. It is said that the saplings of the Tree of Omniscience came from there.

Robin didn't think about how big this sapling would grow, he just left a place for sustenance.

A huge library was built on the same site. Books from all over the world are placed here, as well as all the historical materials she has translated in recent years.

What’s the new O’Hara without the Tree of Omniscient Books?

Finally, Ark's educational journey is over, and these young people are about to step into the wave of building a new world in the sea.

Ten years are so cruel and cannot be deflected by anyone's will.

At this time, the second-generation Speaker of Parliament, Monchi D. Long, was sitting in the parliament hall for an emergency meeting.

Several ministers who can determine the fate of the world and representatives of various large countries came here. At this small meeting, they were discussing a very difficult matter.

Are you saying he really disappeared for a long time?

Rather than saying it is a side story, it is more like giving an explanation to readers. What follows is a very interesting plot, and the final ending of One Piece can be written in about two or three days.

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