Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 113 The fruits of surgery

Rosinandi was walking around outside the medical room, which gave Noah a headache for two hours. He didn't know how to persuade him, so he had to find a topic to distract him.

Rosinandi, haven't you been to Drum Island before? This is said to be a holy land of medicine. Besides, don't you know the legend of the witch?

What? This is Drum Island?

Well, this guy has been staying in space, and when he goes out, he is in the witch's castle.

We have been to Cigu Island before, and we went to many doctors but couldn't find a good solution. Some doctors thought it was an infectious disease and returned to Beihai after it was not cured here.

Noah just said, how could he not come to such a famous place in the medical field?

Don't worry, Dr. Kuleha is the most powerful doctor I have ever seen. If she can't do anything,...

Suddenly, the door was pushed open.

I can't cure it.

Pia.pia, pia.'s slap in the face sounded, and Noah was filled with grief and anger. Doctor, did you hear me talking outside?

Rosinandi knelt down immediately after hearing the sound, with tears streaming down his face. He was so sad that he punched the ground with his fists. The blood on his hands was particularly dazzling on the floor tiles.

Luo. Damn it. He is such a good boy, how could fate be so cruel to him?

But he can govern himself.


The hundred-year-old witch showed a malicious smile, so angry.

Noah covered his face with his hands, what a bad idea this was. Rosinandi fell into a state of dementia. The ups and downs of life were full of ups and downs. He was seriously injured, and then he fainted and lay directly on the ground motionless. It might be a recurrence of old injuries, or it might be that his emotions were ruined.

Isn't my joke so funny?

You call this a joke?

It's funny, he fainted from happiness. Noah explained with an expressionless face.

Okay, let's drag him in too. It looks like he still has a lot of injuries that need to be treated. We finally caught a big fat sheep and treated them all. Is there anyone else who needs a particularly expensive or good medical examination?

Need not!

Noah dragged Rosinandi into the treatment room with a black line and threw him on the hospital bed. What a big fat sheep, what a particularly expensive thing, just pretend you didn’t hear it.

Looking at Luo sleeping on the hospital bed with a relaxed brow on the other side, Noah couldn't help but ask.

What is the specific situation? What is self-rescue?

Let's wait until they both wake up, so I won't have to explain it again. By the way, there's been a lot of noise at the foot of the mountain these days. Don't go down there and join in the fun. You'll get me into trouble, you know?

If you have nothing to do, just go to the snowy mountains to practice swordsmanship. Just don't act like a domineering king. Go quickly.

The witch who examined Rocinante was very impatient and drove Noah out again.

Trouble at the foot of the mountain? What is it? I always feel like I have an impression of what's going on.

OMG! That idiot who ate the Tuntun fruit! At that time, he killed the person with a sword. Let’s not talk about it anymore. Let’s find a room to rest first. The chop has already been done, so it’s not important anymore. After finding a guest room, Noah also fell asleep.

The next morning, Noah stretched out his waist and woke up from bed. Looking at the good weather outside, his mood became even better. I consciously walked to the restaurant to see what was available for breakfast.

Pushing open the door of the restaurant, Dr. Kuleha was eating breakfast calmly. When she saw Noah coming, she took the time to swallow the last bite of bread.

Hey, good morning, do you have anything to eat? I'm so hungry. Noah showed a hearty smile.

Kuleha silently raised a few table knives, took aim, and used force.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Noah broke out in a cold sweat immediately. An iron bridge came up early in the morning, and he saw table knives flying over the sky. The nearest one was almost touching his nose. The wooden door behind him made a buzzing sound, full of strength.

Doctor, is there any misunderstanding? Stay calm!!!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

I'm very calm. I heard that you went to the small square at the foot of the mountain in such an emergency yesterday. What did you do? Tell me, um~!

This is embarrassing. Did you tell Kuleha that it was the idiot who bumped into the sword by himself?

It was an accident, hahahahahahaha. I just landed to check the direction, but the bad guy who looked like a ball and ducked like a man wanted to kill me. What should I do? The enemy of my world has no face?

Okay, okay, it's all coincidence. Originally, any tyrannical king who oppressed the people needed to be overthrown, but I was pressed for time, so I did not deal with the follow-up issues. When Luo's illness is resolved, I will go down the mountain to treat this country's illness. Although studying medicine can't save Cigu Island, I can save it.

Hearing that Noah was willing to accept the subsequent mess, Dr. Kuleha let him go. After living on Cigu Island for so many years, I still don’t want this place to become hopeless.

Hmph, those two are awake, come with me. Kuleha turned around and left, completely ignoring the fact that there were still people who hadn't had breakfast, so Noah had no choice but to follow.

He pushed open the door to the therapist, startling the two people inside. Seeing the doctor coming, Rosinandi immediately fell to the ground and thanked the doctor for saving his life.

“You’re welcome, as long as someone pays the bill.

Let’s talk about that kid first. During the treatment, this kid's stance space appeared and disappeared, so if I read it correctly, it was the result of the surgery, right? The desire to survive inspired the fruit to save itself, which is really an incredible qualification. In fact, if he hadn't come to my place, this kid might have created a miracle.

Rosinandi was shocked, is he so powerful? Can you recognize the results of the surgery at a glance?

Don't look at me like that, I've just seen it before. This is not the first time this kind of thing with an eternal curse appears on the sea.

Let’s talk about this brat. I can delay him for a month, learn the medical knowledge related to the liver and the development of fruit abilities within a month, and then with my cooperation, perform surgery on myself. The success rate should be 99% - between 100%.

It’s really a fruit that makes doctors jealous~~”

Seeing Kuleha's story-telling tone, she is worthy of being a beautiful woman who has lived for more than 100 years. She also knows a little too much about the fruits of surgery, and her heart for gossip is aroused.

Now let's talk about the price. The guy in clown makeup has a lot of external and internal injuries and excessive blood loss, but most of his illnesses have been treated in advance. Let's just charge 5 million Baileys.

That kid, one month of life extension, 50 million beli, and liver medical knowledge worth 20 million beli. A total of 75 million beli. They are all old customers. I will give you a discount, 74 million beli.

What about teaching the initial development of surgical results?

The witch took a deep look at Noah.

One hundred million beli.

make a deal.

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