Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 112 A convenient knife

Damn it, why did it happen so quickly? Didn't you wait until you ran to the neighbor town of Swallow Island and rested in a nearby cave before using the fruit's ability for the first time?

He stepped forward and gave Luo a shot of hormone to stimulate his vitality and temporarily escape the danger of his life.

One day! Just hold on for one day, and I'll have a way to save him.

Okay. Ah.

Luo squeezed out a few words through his teeth.

Now I'm taking Luo for treatment. Rosinandi, you should follow me. But the place we go to this time must be kept secret, do you understand? Including the person who contacted you!

Rosinandy seemed to be grasping at straws at this time, nodding her head repeatedly, not even thinking about Noah's last sentence.

Tiger, please take the Voyager back with Terzog, and pay attention to safety. After Terzog returns, arrange to enter the recruit training camp and practice hard.


With lives at stake, Tiger didn't mess around at all and went directly to the cab, started the Voyager to adjust and set off in the opposite direction.

Open the space door and let Rosinandi take Luo inside. Then we have to rush on our way with all our strength. I hope that there is enough time. I hope that Luo will perform surgery on his liver like the original plot. The risk is too great and he can’t tell anyone. It’s gone.

Squatting half on the boat, he gathered his strength, burst into the sky, and rushed to the sky step by step. After reaching an altitude of 10,000 meters, he took out the permanent pointer.

‘In that direction, then sprint with all your strength. ’

Launched in the air, opened the door, opened it again, opened it again, opened it again, and a series of space doors brought out an afterimage high in the sky, streaking through the clouds.

Towards the direction of the Grand Line, using the acceleration of the fall and the space gate, a race against life begins.

Noah, who was far away in the clouds, relied on the permanent pointer to accelerate crazily, crossing the windless zone and the red earth continent in just half a day.

In the dimensional space, Rosinandi was accompanying Luo, helpless as he looked at Luo's pain. The hormones increased vitality, but could not block the pain. Sweat was dripping from the boy's pale face.

Luo, keep at it, we've reached this point, don't give up.

No, yes, I will not succumb to fate,

In the countdown to life, Luo saw his family, his sister, the nuns, his companions, and his home burning with fire.

The will to survive is stronger than ever. He wants to survive until he changes the world.

Noah in the outside world spent another long time looking at the islands in the distance, and finally arrived at his destination. He dropped directly downwards and landed in a small square. Ciggu Island has arrived!

When it comes to saving lives, the first thing in his mind is the witch, so he just came to Drum Island as soon as possible.

The permanent pointer can only point to the island itself. If you look inside the island, you still have to see it with the naked eye, otherwise it will be easy to fly over and randomly land in a small square. People nearby will stay away when they see unknown objects falling. Far.

Hey, get out of here quickly, you scared the great King of the Drum Kingdom, King Valpo.

Um? A man in the distance is fat and ugly. A guy with dark purple hair, a huge mouth, and a cylindrical tin plate attached to his chin was standing on a high platform, surrounded by guards.

The people surrounded in the center of the square look like doctors?

Didn't you hear me? Get out of here quickly and ask the doctors not to come here again. This country will soon banish all doctors. Leave quickly.

Valpo was in a bad mood. He hadn't eaten in a charcoal-grilled hut for a long time recently. These doctors were so annoying, so he had to drive them all away. As a result, when the decree was announced, some people dared to cause trouble, so he immediately ordered his guard captain.

Moohahaha, Dalton, what are you waiting for? Go kill him quickly. This is the king's order!

The surrounding soldiers are now waiting for Dalton's command to kill this man who fell from the sky.

Noah stood there and used his sense of sight to identify the specific direction, and said casually.

Sorry, I'm in a hurry.

What, the guard captain didn’t hear what Noah said clearly, he was in a hurry or something.


Noah disappeared in front of everyone and appeared behind Valpo. He took out Hedao Yiji with his right hand, cut off the head with a knife, dropped the head to the ground, and sheathed the sword.

Really in a hurry. Goodbye.

Open the door and disappear in front of everyone.

The ministers and the escorts were all dumbfounded. Was it so straightforward and they didn't even say anything? This is the king. You kill the king without giving a reason. At least you can read out evidence of guilt or something. For example, Valpo tortured and killed his people, for example, Valpo grilled people's houses and ate them, for example, Valpo expelled all the doctors in the territory, and so on.

The doctors present also looked at each other, this is... no need to leave? The king died, and the decree was not finished. Who else has the skill and kindness to take that fool's head back?

Forget it, let's go home. The doctors left in groups, leaving the ministers and guards behind. Valpo is the heir left by the previous king, and there are no descendants anymore. What will happen to this country?

What followed was the intrigue among the ministers and the division of the king's property. Valpo's body was collected by Dalton and taken to the Royal Cemetery for burial.

Noah, who rushed all the way to the witch's residence, was also helpless. He gave up such a good opportunity to show off, but he was in a hurry. Taking a second to kill that idiot would only give him face.

Kick open the door

Dr. Kuleha, come help, someone is dying.

Why are you making such a fuss! Why are you such a troublemaker again! Double the price!


Saying this, Noah opened the door to the dimensional space.

When Rosinandi saw the door to the dimensional space open, he immediately rushed out holding Luo in his arms.

Doctor, come help, someone is dying.

Are you a repeater? Let me see.

Um? Dr. Kuleha frowned when he looked at Luo's physical condition. He was really close to death from this disease, or it was not normal to be alive.

He took out a tube of reagent from somewhere and fed it, which made Luo's expression feel better. Then he mentioned Luo and rushed back to the medical room.

You two just stay at the door, don't come in, just wait.

With a bang, the door closed.

Noah casually sat down on the ground and collapsed. He was too tired. The use of fruit abilities has always been very energy-consuming, but there are many physical monsters in the sea, so he usually doesn't feel anything.

This ultra-frequency burst was a bit overloaded after a whole day of use. Even if Whitebeard had to use the Shock Fruit overload every second for a whole day, he would still be numb.

Noah sat peacefully on the ground, while Rosinandi opposite him was in a state of crazy spinning in circles.

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