Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1117 The Country of Rain cannot lose Hanzo, just like

Noah is back safely, and he likes to mention plug-ins and resources.

Further accelerated the rapid development of Xiao organization.

The war left them little time.

Those ninjas of the Akatsuki organization who yearned for peace began to continue their studies and classes, and the basic courses were taken over by Xiaonan.

Noah just needs to control the direction and answer some questions.

The style of this organization has increasingly deviated from the traditional ninja organization. In addition to combat tasks, those ninjas are also responsible for protecting farmland, counting the population, and exploring the resources of the Kingdom of Rain.

It must be said that the training foundation of ninjas gives them super learning and adaptability, and the completion rate of most new tasks is very high.

Especially since most of the chuunin have reached the point where they can stand alone.

Both the computing power and the overall planning ability are excellent.

This is just a chuunin from a small country. Wouldn't it be a higher level for the chuunin and jounin from those big countries.

Sure enough, a group of ninjas who have gone through the most brutal training can do a lot after they open up their minds.

The ninjas in Yuyin Village are also slowly being transformed, and there are dedicated people responsible for connecting and communicating with this group.

Unfortunately, in a Ninja Village with a normal atmosphere, the philosophy of the Akatsuki organization is not very adaptable, and the progress is not very big.

It also needs to be adjusted according to the actual situation.

For example, the treatment of the ninja's family members and the future transformation of the village will allow them to slowly break away from their original life and mission rhythm.

Surrounding Ninja Village from all aspects of life, being gentle enough to hold it in the palm of your hand.

This is Noah's strategy for Yuyin Village. Although the village's combat power is not very high except for Hanzo, the Akatsuki organization is not much stronger after removing Noah and others.

Force is always a last resort.

Since the ninjas of the Land of Rain no longer have to worry about it, stabilizing the ordinary class is the top priority.

We can't let them be intimidated by those small farm owners and famous owners.

Because the ownership of land will be temporarily controlled during the war, but it will theoretically be returned after the war.


land! I don’t want to give it, man! I want it too.

This was the new idea of ​​the Akatsuki organization, and rounds of spiritual propaganda began.

No matter how much I say, it’s better to come up with something more affordable.

It can make people eat and drink without worry, and the feeling of being alive is really lethal.

Last year's distribution system has completely become a weapon of terror, spreading like a virus in the hearts of all those who can cultivate it.

Human desires cannot be taken back.

And under the propaganda of the Akatsuki organization, everyone knows that there will be better distribution methods after the war, and the research and development of agricultural tools and seeds is in progress.

Strive for everyone to have more income in the new year.

The backward industrial and scientific research base requires some high-level talents and a large number of ordinary people with a certain knowledge base.

Now that the crisis in the Akatsuki organization has not been completely overcome, and the Third Ninja War has not ended, it is not convenient to poach people.

However, the target has been locked, and even the methods of poaching people are almost completed, so there is no problem.

The issue of education is urgent, no matter how the Kingdom of Rain develops in the future.

The education level of the people must be improved, so as to provide fertile ground for the birth of cutting-edge science.

The problem of children's enrollment is also being solved. A new elementary school is being built in the camp. It is not a ninja school but a school for ordinary people.

The popularization of education is really a bit ahead of its time. This era and thinking still do not understand the power of knowledge.

However, the Akatsuki organization will need a large number of talents to build the Kingdom of Rain in the future, and they can only be trained in this way.

In order for those families to release their labor force, better agricultural assistance programs must be provided. In short, everything must operate within a framework.

The new model brought new problems, and even Noah began to feel the pressure.

This kind of connected continent is really difficult to deal with.

Maybe the only thing that is easy to do in this environment is business.

Materials and culture can be easily spread on this continent.

This can be regarded as one of Noah's advantages, when it comes to business and cultural export hehehehe.

He could even whitewash Madara Uchiha, or give him some alternative publicity.

This kind of excitement makes the Akatsuki organization's camp full of life, highlighting the loneliness of Yuyin Village.

Even ninjas are now more willing to come to the Akatsuki organization's camp to spend money. After all, the layout planning and product features here are very attractive.

The feeling of freedom is also very comfortable. It is a good choice to have a drink or two after a tense ninja mission.

Hanzo didn't have any idea when he saw this young organization prospering. After all, Yahiko and others were too good.

Noah personally took out the scythe with the chain from Uchiha Madara's legacy, knowing that it was the trophy that Battle Rose took from that place.

If I remember correctly, Hanzo used such a weapon.

Naturally, I feel distressed to give away such a weapon, but it is still light compared to what I will use this old man to do next, or in other words, the blame I will bear.

Oh, Brother Hanzo~~The Kingdom of Rain really depends on you.

So Yahiko sent the letters and weapons to this old friend of the Akatsuki organization as usual, and also sent the title of the honorary leader of the Akatsuki organization.

Hanzo was reserved and did not open the box containing the weapons, but opened the envelope first.

The letter was written with sincerity, stating that the organizations in the Rain Country must be under Hanzo-sama in order to rebuild their glory.

The Land of Rain without Hanzo-sama is like Konoha without Senju Hashirama, and the Ninja World without Six Paths Sage.

The redevelopment of this country depends entirely on you.

It's too exaggerated. The Akatsuki organization only needs to do its part.

Of course, I can still provide some protection within my capabilities.

Even though half of Hanzo's face was covered by the respirator, you could see that his eyes were extremely relaxed.

But... the honorary leader of the Akatsuki organization

As the boss of Yuyin Village, he still retains some sobriety. It may not be a good thing for the other party to rush to praise him so much.

Master Hanzo, please see if the contents in the box are what you want.

Yahiko didn't give the person in front of him a chance to refuse, and directly hit the decisive blow.

Oh~~~You still have this!! This is...

Hanzo touched it with his slightly trembling hands, feeling the strength of his heart.

After opening the box, he felt a hint of coldness, and the sharp breath was like a magic weapon.

A scythe that was perfect from all aspects was just lying in the box.

What a weapon! And extremely luxurious!

The sickle is made of pure chakra metal, and even the chain connected behind it is made of chakra metal.

What's this? This is the ultimate enjoyment.

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