Starting from pirates and burning the world

It’s been a whole year since I wrote the book! ! !

Today is April 23, 2023.

It’s been 365 days, and my writing career has been more tiring than working. It’s been a full year! ! !

From the impulsiveness of 2022 to the extreme exhaustion this year, the experience of writing online articles is really complicated.

To be honest, all my desire to talk this year has been used in this book.

Opening the book was a coincidence.

Because the epidemic and all kinds of unfortunate things in life have come to my door, I feel a lot of aggrieved words in my heart.

But it’s not appropriate to say it. As a man, it will look very pretentious.

But emotions always need a breakthrough.

So I logged in to the starting point, found the writer area, and started coding.

On the first day, because my emotions were very difficult to control, I just wrote 7,000 words.

After that, I continued to write more than 5,000 words a day. At that time, I was really depressed and my output was super high.

Looking back now, I find it incredible.

What’s even more outrageous is that I made many, many mistakes because I only knew a little about writing online articles.

The writing was really bad in the early days, but of course it's only slightly better now.

I was able to sign the contract thanks to the editor's help. I was very happy when I signed the contract for 50,000 words.

At the same time, this is also a huge stroke of luck. I can get my first book signed and put on the shelves.

It will be very difficult after the passion period. During the free period, I wrote 240,000 words and only stopped updating for one day.

Because some not very good things happened in my hometown, I was separated from the stable writing environment.

On the day it was released, I happened to be on the train and continued typing.

Even worse after it was put on the shelves, he was involved in a civil dispute without his knowledge.

Things happened one after another at home, and all kinds of pressure made me almost breathless.

I can only calm down by immersing myself in writing during my time outside of work.

I don’t know if this is a blessing in disguise, but if I had the choice, I would rather not have it.

In the end, I persisted.

It has not been updated once since it was put on the shelves, and not a single request for leave has been used, including the same updates during the New Year.

Step by step, write, write, write.

It has been difficult to earn 4,000 a day, to a stable 6,000 a day, to an occasional 8,000 a day, and now there are still a few days a month where you can earn 10,000 a day.

It’s a slow accumulation.

I once broke down in the middle of the night because of lack of time, but I still got through it.

Kavin was also very broken, especially at the end of the pirate chapter.

I have lost my manuscript three times, and the manuscripts were all lost at critical moments, which makes people feel bad.

Sometimes I code in a taxi, on a bus, or on the subway for entertainment or work reasons.

I code in the park, at my relatives’ house, and in the hallway.

I have been really busy in many, many weird places.

I also want to thank my readers for being tolerant of me and giving me the motivation to continue updating.

I watch every compliment and encouragement over and over again, and I can’t get enough of it.

The inspiration given by everyone is also endless. On several occasions, I relied on the collective efforts of everyone in the comment area to help me tide over difficulties.

Because I have received help from everyone, I also like to give some feedback.

I will also add some plots that readers in the group want to see without affecting the big story. This is the interaction between the author and book friends.

My performance has improved a little since this year. It has been included in several book lists. There are also readers outside the site who are helping me promote it voluntarily. At the same time, I have also gained my first alliance leader.

Everything is slowly getting better. I hope everyone reading the book will also get better. This is my blessing.

In short, this year of writing still gave me an answer, although there is no way to compare it with others.

But I'm really, really satisfied.

Thank you to the starting point, thank you readers, and thank you to those who support me in other places.

I hope you can always support me, thank you!

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