Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1083 Danzo takes more and more blame

He even proposed using Yahiko and Konan as a trap to surround and kill Hanzo-sama. We absolutely disagree with this plan, so we have collected this information and handed it over to you this time.

You may believe it or not, but this is what actually happened.

The atmosphere was somewhat silent.

How could I not believe it?

Just like the sound coming from hell, Hanzo's murderous intent could no longer be restrained.

Who else knows this except Danzo Shimura of Konoha Village? It’s impossible for someone to predict this and then use it to plot and plot, hahahahaha.

The seal that eliminates the root cause of tongue trouble is a good thing. I am indeed careless.

At this time, Danzo, who was still underground somewhere in Konoha, suddenly felt a cold feeling on the back of his head. Is there really someone plotting against me?

Ryoma, prepare the information and I will write another letter to Hanzo. If the Kingdom of Rain is not solved, Konoha will face too much pressure in the future.

Yes, Lord Danzo.

Ryoma's eyes were full of fanaticism, because in the eyes of their subordinates, Danzo-sama had really paid too much for Konoha to survive, constantly traveling to various battlefields and villages.

When the Iwa Ninja instigated the Iwakage to besiege and kill the Third Raikage by tens of thousands of people, it was Danzo-sama himself who took action.

There were also subsequent attacks by several countries on each other, and Zhonggen also played a large role in it. This time, it was just a casual attack on the Kingdom of Rain.

I believe that with the help of Danzo-sama, that country can also be plunged into war.

Danzo, who got the pen and paper, thought for a while and continued to study the words of encouragement very seriously.

At the same time, they also attached the information they collected about Noah.

This mysterious Noah is a very dangerous figure.

Danzo is very concerned about the ability and means currently shown by the other party. It may not be taken seriously in other countries, but to Danzo, a guy who has been planning for a while, it is as conspicuous as a light in the dark.

The Akatsuki organization's current system is getting more and more complete. Moreover, what they are doing is to preserve the civilians and active forces of the Kingdom of Rain. This is very out of sync with the five major countries that have been beaten to death.

It must be targeted severely. At the same time, the appearance of the other party has some benefits for him, that is, it can aggravate the suspicion and suspicion of that guy Hanzo.

Danzo said that the threat from the Akatsuki organization is increasing day by day, and Nebe even obtained some evidence of the conversation between Yahiko and the daimyo of Rain Country and information on support supplies.

If the Akatsuki organization gets support from daimyo, it will be really different from ordinary civilian peace organizations.

This represents a very ambitious internal force carrying out rebellion.

For example, he would never dare to secretly collude with the Fire Nation daimyo when his old friend Hiruzen was still at the top of his game.

Otherwise, that guy would still be ruthless in the face of power, and he would not be his opponent yet.

It has to be said that Genbu’s ability in intelligence is undoubtedly powerful.

Danzo believed that with this piece of information, he could definitely make Hanzo, a very suspicious and jealous guy, fall into his trap.

When the time comes, the Kingdom of Rain will also fall into war, and this will be Konoha's good neighbor.

As the Kingdom of Rain is in chaos at the junction of the Three Kingdoms, even if Iwa Ninja makes a large-scale advance from there, he will be greatly hindered.

He smiled proudly at the thought.

The Kingdom of Rain is under control, and no one understands people's hearts better than me!

Hiruzen! I am the man most suitable to become Hokage. You will only make Konoha weak.

At this moment, Hanzo also ended his conversation with the four members of the Akatsuki organization on the high tower of the Land of Rain. He did not agree on the spot, but just kept the information for further study.

No matter what, someone needs to be sent to investigate these contents out of ninja caution.

He now wanted to have a few words with Noah alone.

Although the three disciples were a little worried about their teacher's health, they were driven away by Noah's eyes.

In terms of combat power, his current physical condition is indeed at a disadvantage, but Hanzo will die as long as he has the chance to strike with a sword.

Who told Hanzo to reveal that he was a man with weaknesses after his reincarnation in the dirt? The sansho fish poison sac in his abdomen was the way to death for the great swordsman.

A sword cuts through everything and hits everything.

So it seems that Hanzo has the advantage, but in fact his life and death in the closed space is already under Noah's control.

Mr. Noah, I am very satisfied with the sincerity shown by the Akatsuki organization today. At the same time, that child Yahiko has the ideal of world peace. I will tell you that I also had this idea when I was young.

There is no problem with any of this, but what I want to ask is why Mr. Noah would do such a thing with your talent. It seems that you don't get anything from it.

All the fame and fortune belong to me and those brats from the Akatsuki organization. What about you? You are not even from the Kingdom of Rain.

This is what Sansho Hanzo is most puzzled about at the moment. The other party tried so hard to preserve the Akatsuki organization and even offered fame and fortune without hesitation.

He admitted that he was tempted and was indeed willing to accept it, but Noah's existence itself was a factor that made people feel uncertain.

Because my dream is also world peace, but the five major countries are unable and unwilling to achieve this. Only second-tier countries like the Country of Rain have a chance.

A very calm answer, this ideal coincides with Yahiko's unexpectedly, is this the reason?

Is there really going to be world peace? Is it really possible to make this world without war?

Of course it will. As long as everyone is fed, there will be no reason to fight. This is why I study agriculture.

And as long as people understand each other in some way, there will be fewer reasons to start a war. Doing it is ultimately better than not doing it.

I believe there will be such a day, and I hope everyone will work together to realize this wish.

In the words of a ninja: Doing what you say is my way of ninja!

These words, which are very consistent with the values ​​​​of the Naruto world, made Hanzo unexpectedly moved, and he became somewhat convinced.

In fact, of course Noah would not tell the truth. He did not tell Hanzo that he would probably drag the Kingdom of Rain into a world war, or even be the starting point of the war.

I think if this guy really knew, he might try his best to keep Noah here, but even Yahiko and the others didn't know, so how could Hanzo know?

Finally, the leader of the Rain Ninja Village said that I still need to think about it again and stopped the conversation this time.

Sure enough, this kind of thing cannot be settled in one go, but Noah’s second visit can be considered a fruitful one.

At least Hanzo was stabilized and part of Danzo's tricks were eliminated.

From now on, every letter from Danzo, the old silver coin, will be an assist for the Akatsuki organization. This is the advantage of using foresight.

I believe that when I come here for the third time, it will be time to completely enter the Rain Ninja Village.

Danzo who is far away in Konoha, you have to work harder.

The situation is a little better, and the plot has been reorganized.

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