Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1082 The sword of fame and fortune cuts off the legend

Then Noah handed over another book.

Hero of the Land of Rain, the Legend of Hanzo! 》

The book is composed of Hanzo's folklore stories, plus stories about the ninja world such as defeating the three ninjas. It is very exciting after Noah's polishing.

Among them are Yahiko and other new generations. It turns out that Yahiko and others also embarked on the path of finding peace under the influence of Hanzo-sama and founded the Akatsuki Organization and the like.

After a vote by colleagues in the Akatsuki organization, I hope that Lord Hanzo can become one of the honorary leaders of the Akatsuki organization.

? !

In addition to benefits, do we also need to give away the organization? What is this operation?

Lord Hanzo is the protector of the Land of Rain. This has been proven countless times over the past few decades.

Without you, this country would have fallen into a more chaotic quagmire, and we would have no hope of survival.

The Akatsuki organization will spread Hanzo-sama's reputation and stories to let everyone know that we are a closely connected community and that the Kingdom of Rain is unbreakable.

Everyone who can have enough to eat and live a good life should be grateful to Hanzo-sama, as well as the new generation of guardian gods like Yahiko, and the ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village who have contributed to the country.

When Noah said the last sentence, he glanced at all the ninjas present, and everyone he saw held their heads high.

Finally, let your name be spread forever in the Kingdom of Rain, and even become a monument. The traces of Sanshouyu Hanzo must be engraved in history, and no matter how long the years pass, they will never be forgotten by the public.

These words completely touched Hanzo's somewhat selfish heart. As a normal person, who doesn’t want to be remembered by history.

He really wanted to brag about the title of Sannin for the rest of his life, but the pressure from Konoha prevented him from talking about it casually.

And even though he is already the patron saint of the Land of Rain, only the Sage of Six Paths and the First Hokage have been able to achieve this in hundreds of years.

Only a great force who created an era deserves such an honor.

And Hanzo still has the opportunity to become such a figure in the Land of Rain. It is really too fatal a temptation.

As for becoming the leader of the Akatsuki organization in terms of honor, that's not bad either.

Seeing the uncontrollable joy in Hanzo's eyes, Noah knew that these two swords were executed perfectly.

The sword of fame and fortune cuts down heroes.

How could there be no objection within the Akatsuki organization? They were handing over the benefits they had worked so hard to gain, and they were giving honor to Hanzo who had not contributed much.

Even the Rain ninja, who has always regarded Hanzo as his idol, cannot accept it.

But Noah still insisted on doing it and convinced everyone.

What is taken before must be given first.

Just one Akatsuki organization can't realize too many wishes, or it doesn't have enough time. The conspirators in this world are taking action all the time, and Noah is fighting for time with those people.

The root Danzo, the dying Uchiha Madara, the eternal Black Zetsu, and various people are all planning. The biggest change in the world is coming.

External enemies and internal daimyo all need a strong organization and strong people to resist at this time.

Yahiko has not yet matured, Nagato's fighting power has not yet been formed, and his body has not yet recovered.

Although Sansho Hanzo is old, his power and deterrence can still be maintained for a while, making him the best target.

Noah is eyeing Hanzo and the entire Country of Rain.

It seems that I have given everything, but in fact I have given nothing.

First, lure them with benefits. Use the current resources and future development resources, as well as the resources provided to the Ninja Village to shake the opponent.

However, the Akatsuki organization itself is currently half-cultivated and has not harvested even a single grain of food. In theory, the farmland after the war does not belong to you, so you have paid nothing.

Even asking Yu Ninja Village to continue supporting supplies for several months later was completely empty handed.

At the same time, it also opened Pandora's box, causing irreparable cracks in the ruling system of daimyo and nobles. This is the most critical point.

As long as this heart appears, it can never go back.

The Rain Ninja Village has seized the fields, but what about the other Ninja Villages? Big countries don’t care, but what about small countries? Without enough tasks, they can only continue to weaken. This is the limitation of ninjas as mercenaries.

Then came Xu Zhi and Ming. Don’t strong people have a bad reputation?

Even a weak person will always be happy if he is praised.

Moreover, the honorary leader of the Akatsuki organization can't do anything anymore. This organization can still operate only with the core headed by Yahiko. This is a crushing of the system.

Even if Hanzo wants to intervene, let him, because getting more ninjas from the Rain Ninja Village to join in has already succeeded. Let them learn to copy the model and then spread it.

Noah will not focus solely on the gains and losses of an organization.

What is emancipating the mind, this is it!

Break past habitual thoughts and restraints, and face your own desires.

The sword of fame and fortune is even easier to use than a great swordsman when used properly. It can easily stir the hearts of countless strong men.

This is how Noah convinced Yahiko in the camp. He could let ordinary people live a good life in advance without paying anything. Only a fool would not do it.

The next thing lacking is intimidation.

At this time, Noah handed another pile of paper to Hanzo.

Hanzo opened it and almost cursed.

Danzo! Your %$ # % grandson is really too insidious.

It turns out that there are copied letters here.

There is a copy of a letter sent to the Akatsuki organization by a mysterious figure.

It talks about some very sensitive and confidential content.

For example, Hanzo wants to set a trap to surround the Akatsuki organization's intelligence. Including a plan to capture Xiao Nan and then induce internal fighting and chaos to completely annex the organization.

The letter also proposed that he and Yahiko would fight back against Hanzo. From now on, the Rain Ninja Village would have to be handed over to young heroes to lead the village on the right track.

All kinds of details and some things that outsiders didn't know made Hanzo think that it was the dick hair that did it.

Inside he was filled with rage.

You one-eyed dragon, while provoking me to join forces with the roots to kill the Akatsuki organization, you turned around and told the Akatsuki organization to kill me, the leader of the Rain Ninja Village.

You want to eat both sides and completely disrupt the Kingdom of Rain, dragging us into the quagmire.

It is truly the root of Konoha and the darkness of the ninja world. How could this man's heart be so dark?

He was so angry that he couldn't control the murderous look in his little eyes, making the entire conference room feel very dull.

Our Akatsuki organization has received many letters from unknown people during this year. The other party is very cautious and never leaves any traces. Once we almost found that person, but the other person died directly in front of us, and his brain was rotten. A mess.

They may think that our Akatsuki organization is a violent organization that wants to seize the Kingdom of Rain, and they have been encouraging us to engage in internal fighting.

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