Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1080 The second trip to Yuyin Village

This productivity is a bit hard to understand, but it seems to be very powerful.

In this economic situation, is the economic structure of Yuren Village so bad?

What this guy said was too ruthless. What does it mean that Hanzo lacks certain financial means and brains? If it would

Is this mocking me? Or are you insulting me?

Sanshouyu Hanzo felt that he had done a good job, and he was very proud of maintaining the stability of the core area of ​​Yuren Village, but now he was pulled out to criticize him, and what he said made some sense.

So the 3rd Ninja World War is so closely related to the 1st and 2nd Ninja War?

Can the relationship between Ninja Village and Ninja Village be predicted based on the economic situation?

His sudden rise in the Second Ninja War is actually not that important to the great powers.

They were just willing to keep a buffer zone and do a favor to increase Hanzo's reputation.

In case the next controller of the Kingdom of Rain is someone who is unclear, they just need a strong neutral person to sit here.

As long as Hanzo doesn't mess around, they won't take action.

The Country of Fire turns out to be so powerful, and it is definitely the first among the five major countries in terms of comprehensive national strength.

Moreover, its war potential has not yet been fully utilized. It seems that letting the Sannin go was the right choice.

It is said that we will talk about some political differences in a few days.

As the leader of a village, Hanzo can not surprisingly accept the content here, because he stands higher than those ordinary ninjas and has already felt various constraints in the development of the village.

Including the workload of building towers and Yu Ninja Village, as well as the nature of the tasks, they have been troubled over the years.

Even though he is so famous, he can only pick up the leftovers that are not wanted by the five major countries.

The daimyo's financial support for Yu Ninja Village has always been stuck at a very subtle point, which makes it impossible for the Ninja Village to vigorously build but at the same time there is no dissatisfaction.

The gap here suddenly made him realize. Could it be that the daimyo who seemed to be in no danger actually had such financial means.

Or is it like Noah said, it is an invisible restriction imposed on ninjas by each daimyo and their class.

It's scary to think about it.

It turns out that those weak ordinary people are also plotting against these powerful ninjas who are like gods?

Sanshouyu Hanzo felt like he had seen through many things at this moment, as if he had never seen clearly what it was like under the ninja world in the past few decades.

It's really a bit scary.

The more thorough he saw, the more frightened he became. This veteran strong man no longer wanted to know the truth about the world. But I was deeply tempted by this feeling of peeking into the reality.

What does Noah want to do?

The other party has such an accurate grasp of the operation of the world and human nature, so the hidden purpose behind his words when he jointly built the Rain Ninja Village last time should have been seen through.

This is really troublesome, Akatsuki Organization.

At this time, in addition to the joy of gaining knowledge and the cheerfulness of sudden enlightenment, Hanzo also became more and more murderous, and even had a part that was biased towards Danzo.

Regardless of whether Yahiko's innocence was feigned or not, at least it didn't make him so anxious.

But this Noah’s methods are really powerful. There is one method after another to demagogue people's hearts. The men specially sent there spoke highly of this man.

Even I got a lot of inspiration from the other party's words. With such a person to assist the Akatsuki organization, it will soar into the sky and be unable to limit it.

The Akatsuki organization continued to gather the support of ordinary people and ninjas in the Land of Rain. At the same time, the speed and vigor of its development made him feel jealous.

He is weak and has difficulty moving. There are no calluses on his joints. His body shape is far different from that of a ninja. He seems to be seriously injured.

He has a gentle temperament and does not have the characteristics of a strong man, nor does he have any sense of danger.

Unknown background, suspected to be from the Eastern Sea, which is even further away than Kirigakure Village. I like to tell stories about pirates and navy.

Hanzo felt that the people he sent out were not good enough.

Was the sword intention that made people feel chills that day fake, or was he seriously injured and unable to make a move?

Does this mean that we can get rid of this dangerous person first? I'm a little excited.

It's a pity that he has such talent and knowledge, but he will still be hard-hearted in the face of power. It is better to destroy talents that do not belong to you.

Danzo writing so many letters of cooperation was also a great catalyst, it seemed like the end of the Akatsuki organization was coming.

After flipping through the information, I saw the communication letter sent by the other party at the end, and wanted to meet Hanzo-sama again.

The content also stated that it would involve some very confidential information, so I requested an interview.

At this time, the leader of Yuren Village was hesitant, whether to see him or not.

Finally he agreed, he also wanted to chat with the man named Noah again.

And if the other party is willing to join him, and the Akatsuki organization also agrees to be included, then everyone will be happy, and he will definitely reject the methods of the Country of Fire.

Kanda, go tell Yahiko that I agree.


When the news that Hanzo was willing to meet came back, Noah started preparations. He never fought an unprepared battle.

For example, I sorted out the list of all registered civilians in the Akatsuki organization and the information on the fields currently cultivated during the war.

These are their achievements so far, and it is normal for them to report to the boss of the rain country's military department.

But the subsequent operation was very confusing. He asked Xiaonan to start crazily typing some strange letters on some scrolls.

Yahiko was extremely puzzled after seeing it.

Teacher, isn't this a void search for an enemy? Do you want to fabricate an enemy to threaten Hanzo, and use this method to keep our Kingdom of Rain in a stable state?

This Danzo seems to be the guy you told us about in Konoha who often does bad things, right? You also told us to be careful about this unscrupulous guy.

There's nothing wrong with giving a sword first when we meet, but will Hanzo believe it?

Noah also taught the application method of threat theory in the small class. Basically, it is to transfer internal conflicts to the outside. This is what the Kingdom of Wind did during the three wars.

But Nagato and Konan were different. They always felt that this story seemed familiar.

correct! This story was told by Noah when he inspired Nagato's Samsara Eye, but now it was solemnly written down on paper, which made them feel a little weird in their hearts.

Hanzo will believe it. Our Akatsuki organization is not unknown to those big countries now.

Even if there is no Danzo from Konoha as a secret enemy, there will still be ANBU from other countries targeting us.

Okay, let's go.

After saying that, the four of them set off secretly to the high tower in the Rain Ninja Village.

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