Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1079 Hanzo’s doubts and Akatsuki organization’s magnanimity

The ultimate goal is to end his rule and steal this shinobi village with false fame.

After all, Danzo's essays were written one after another, and they were written in a clear and logical manner. From ambition to strength, to prestige and people's hearts, he is really a poisonous snake.

As a result, the Akatsuki organization took the initiative and invited Hanzo to send people to directly observe the changes that took place in the camp every day. They let them pass all kinds of information back, and even brought back some literary works written by Noah himself, which was outrageous.

Yahiko even boldly invited Hanzo to inspect in person in the name of the Akatsuki Organization.

Of course, this proposal is impossible to accept. Hanzo, who has lived for these years, has witnessed countless shining ninja beings fall into traps.

For example, the Second Hokage's technique is the Flying Thunder God, and his mobility is ridiculous. Didn't he also die in the pursuit of the Kingdom of Thunder?

The third generation Raikage some time ago, the title of the strongest Raikage was not just blown away. Still, he was beaten by thousands of rock ninjas, and finally died of exhaustion.

Therefore, Hanzo will never be too cautious about himself. What if the other party suddenly turns against him when he gets to the Akatsuki organization's territory.

Three elite jonin plus a mysterious swordsman were enough to threaten him.

The poison of Sanshou Fish is not invincible. If he were invincible, he would have unified the entire ninja world.

Who would have thought that he would go to the Kingdom of Wind in high spirits and be taught how to behave by a woman.

The toxin was quickly cracked, and Chiyo, who was even more proficient in puppetry, let him know that he could only stay in the Kingdom of Rain and be the overlord for the rest of his life.

Hanzo, who had lost his spirit, could only continue to hesitate while looking at the energetic organization and Danzo's essay.

Noah in the camp will never dislike the large number of people, but the more people, the better, especially the literate ninja class.

There are very few ninjas in Rain Ninja Village, or none at all. Hanzo's clan members are just ordinary ninjas without any blood heritage or anything like that.

Therefore, it can be said to be a gathering place for low-level ninjas. Whether it is the Rain Ninja Village or the Akatsuki Organization, they will all be warlike and friendly comrades in the future.

Class has started, students.

Noah, who looked a little tougher, walked up to the podium and first told the beginning of a long story to warm up the audience.

After all, the course content itself is a bit complicated and boring, so stories should be used to soften everyone's resistance.

It still takes some effort to get this group of people into the classroom. But Noah has a lot of means, Xiaolu can do it with one hand.

The entertainment life of ninjas is also very scarce. Before productivity reaches a certain level, the development of the entertainment industry will definitely be hindered.

Noah's story is simply a dimensionality reduction blow, much better than Momotaro's story.

For example, there is a huge kingdom in the distant sea that rules countless islands. There is a legend within this kingdom that there is a supreme secret treasure on the mysterious island.

After talking for about twenty minutes as a warm-up, it was over. Regardless of the expectant looks in the eyes of the people below, we got straight to the point.

The content of the course is not difficult either, starting with the causes of the war.

The causes of the Third Ninja War were economics, internal conflicts, and...

He started with the economy, which was something that the ninja community had never considered.

What they think of war is hatred, incomprehension between people and other very superficial things.

Including Nagato, Meme, Jiraiya and other positive characters with strong combat power.

It seems that eliminating hatred and then infecting others with faith can eliminate war.

The third Ninja War happened because the Kazekage was killed by the Leaf Village and the hatred exploded.

Next, Noah, the three-view tearer, came online to analyze the essence layer by layer, while Xiaonan sat on the other side to record.

When it comes to the beginning of the third Ninja War, we must talk about the end of the last Ninja War. In fact, all countries

Most of the big country's economy is controlled by noble daimyo, and ninja villages are maintained by the funds from the upper class. Of course, places like the Land of Fire are special, and the economic situation of Konoha Village itself is also good. Sunagakure Village is... slightly Showing poverty.”

The amount of funding can actually control the expansion speed of a military group, or conversely control the number of people.

What we are mainly talking about today is a public situation, so the Kingdom of Rain.

Some people were thoughtful, most of them were people from the Akatsuki organization. Since they are willing to follow Yahiko, it means they still have some enthusiastic ideas.

The people coming from the Rain Ninja Village were a little impatient, but they could listen to some of it. After all, they were here to collect information for Lord Hanzo.

After the class, the ninjas were asked to go back to work. Noah began to take Konan to organize the previous contents and prepare to hand them over to Hanzo.

Teacher Noah, I feel that some people don't understand these very well and are not very interested.

Xiaonan thought about it for a while before boldly giving her own opinion.

Of course, ninjas themselves are used as tools. They only need to be literate and able to execute orders.

But the Akatsuki organization can't. If you want to make the world peaceful, you must understand why there is peace and what to do to achieve peace.

This is not something that the three of you plus me can accomplish. This is a goal that requires the entire Rain Ninja, the entire Rain Kingdom, and the people of the five major countries to work together.

The Akatsuki organization is destined to take on more responsibilities. When the literacy rate is so low, what the Kingdom of Rain needs are ninjas with ideas to lead ordinary people forward.

It will be fine when I find a better method of teaching fire transmission later.

As the original leader of the Akatsuki organization, you must lead by example so that you can lead the people below to work together.

So your good days have just begun.

The Xiaonan trio all felt very tired after hearing this. This was different from the way they thought at first to make the world peaceful.

The way to eliminate war actually involves so many things. Economy, politics, people's livelihood, science, social development, and even agriculture.

Teacher, isn't this something the daimyo should consider?

Yahiko was a little confused and asked a very stupid question.

No, this is what we need to care about. As for the daimyo, he might also want to experience the life of an ordinary person in the future.

Noah also has a big head and misses the dragon for the 10,086th day. If it were a pirate world, the revolutionary army would be excited because the ninjas here are too rigid.

Suddenly, I have more and more admiration for that cool guy with long hair. The breakthrough from zero to one is really a world-shaking move.

Forget it, go and sort these out and give Hanzo one as well.

As the nominal leader of the rain ninja, you still have to fight for and respect him.

Okay. Paper. Copy Book

Clatter, clatter, the paper began to scroll as if it was alive under Xiaonan's hands. The words began to be copied page by page at high speed and then automatically bound into a book.

By the way, let's ask the representative of Yu Ninja Village when we can visit Master Hanzo again.

The war progressed faster and faster, and Noah decided to take the initiative. Not just to survive the danger, but to gain an edge in this most chaotic of times.

At this time, a monster similar to a pitcher plant came to the Kingdom of Rain.

That's the Akatsuki organization.

In the past few days, I have regained my health and thought about the general process of Naruto.

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