Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1066 The seeds of dreams want to bloom

Noah did not go out rashly, but stood under the eaves and watched everything.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head and went into the house. He needed to think about it again.

The next day he came out again and saw Yahiko returning injured in the rain, and this time he saved some people.

In the Ninja World War, those who can still be saved alive are the lucky ones.

At this time, Yahiko walked to Noah's side, sat on the muddy ground and began to let Xiaonan help him treat his wounds again.

Noah, on the other hand, watched this scene quietly.

I'm sorry, didn't I scare you? There are wars everywhere now, so sometimes there will be some emergencies.

This guy thought Noah's eyes were frightened, so he made a special explanation.

That's not true, I'm just confused about your behavior.

It seems that your strength is not enough to save everyone, so what are you trying so hard to do?

Yahiko thought for a while and said seriously.

Of course we are saving this country that has been crying.

Compared with ordinary people, I already have the power of a ninja, so I have to bear responsibilities that exceed those of ordinary people.

After that, this guy continued to yell and started to lead the newcomers to build a simple shed.

Behind him were several genin and ordinary people.

Noah returned to the room and frowned in thought.

Yahiko Nagato Uchiha Madara Danzo Sansho Fish Hanzo.

The next few here are particularly troublesome people.

On the third day, it was a rare cloudy day without rain, and a commotion broke out in the corner of the gathering point in the mud.

A hungry beast emerged from the forest and snatched a child away.

Nagato rushed over and rescued the child, but it was too late.

In this era, even if there are complete medicines, they may not be able to save people, let alone in a place like this.

In the ninja era, the beast was still a powerful force that many genin were unable to fight against in their panic, let alone ordinary people.

And in places where there have been years of war, humans have already entered into the diet of beasts, and the cruelty here is like the most primitive era.

Even Noah didn't have time to take action, and his broken body was forced to be glued together by his will.

The remaining strength can no longer see what is happening in the distance.

Yahiko came over to comfort his partner. He was also sad but could not give up.

There are too many such things in this world.

After feeling sad for a while, he patted his cheek and continued busy, but this time he was stopped by Noah.

If you want to help more people, the current carrying capacity of the gathering point has almost reached its limit.

Just a few of you cannot protect so many people. Wild beasts, rogue ninjas, bandits, famine, epidemics, and panic will all come at any time.

The 14-year-old responded to Noah in a firm tone.

Then I will continue to do it.

“No, I mean you need to rearrange this gathering point.

For ordinary beasts, it is useless for you to rely on fences and walls connected like ordinary villages.

At the very least, a trench should be laid out along the perimeter, and those trees used to create deer deterrents and traps.

Then build a decent set of walls and mark the Land of Rain on them.

Build watchtowers at the four corners of the wall, not higher than the surrounding tree canopy, which will attract the attention of the ninjas.

Yahiko was surprised at first, and then nodded repeatedly. Konan and Nagato also came over curiously.

Noah continued with his advice.

“Categorize the people receiving assistance here and let those who are capable mobilize.

There is also a hygienic situation. This place is rainy and humid, so there are a lot of various germs.

Noah told everything about what he had observed in the past two days and what could be improved.

Yahiko's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide. I was completely shocked by the young man in front of me.

Is that so?

Finally, bring those ordinary people with you. Even if ninjas surpass ordinary people, they are not gods. This world needs ordinary people to build it together.

After listening, Yahiko walked out in a daze and began to arrange things according to what Noah said. If he didn't understand something, he would continue to come to ask for advice.

The three little ones learned some basic ninja skills and common sense from Jiraiya.

Jiraiya would not teach him knowledge such as setting up camp and conducting battles. He just wanted his three children to be able to protect themselves.

Noah helped these children open the door to a new world today.

In fact, with their wisdom, they can figure it out on their own in the future, but it won't be as fast as this kind of to-the-point guidance.

Yahiko gathered all the people who had been absorbed into the Akatsuki organization.

In fact, many of the refugees here are ordinary people with a little bit of martial arts, some of whom are not even considered ninjas.

After all, ninjas are a very valuable resource in the entire world.

Standing on the high platform, Yahiko was full of energy. Having a clear guidance plan made him feel more confident.

Everyone will follow my instructions.

Nagato led people to build a watchtower at the four corners, taking care not to be higher than the tree crown. Xiaonan led people to re-register everyone. People with special talents are marked and then assigned work.

Yamada took people to dig a trench along the surrounding area, and Oguri Shun went to divide the sanitary area.

Then there you go. And you go...

Is everyone clear? !

Then the people who dispersed began to be busy in full swing.

Yahiko may be lacking in ability, but his leadership and will are worthy of recognition.

I just made arrangements immediately after listening to it. In just three days the gathering place transformed into what at first glance looked like a military outpost.

After three days of rectification, Yahiko felt more and more mysterious about this guy named Noah.

He was amazed by the opponent's military and defense talents, and he was very professional in people's livelihood and personnel management.

This person is very extraordinary, ordinary people have no access to these things.

Mr. Noah, come and help us!

Yahiko extended the invitation when he approached Noah again to ask questions. As for the honorific, it had been changed three days ago.

This idiot, who would never be greedy for credit, has already spread the name of Noah in the camp. Scholars from the East, kind-hearted people with profound knowledge.

Although Yahiko was very enthusiastic and sincere, he still refused.

Let me think about it again.

All right.

Yahiko is not a fool. Noah is definitely his second chance in life and the greatest help in realizing his dream.

In addition to profound knowledge and eyes that can spot problems, there is also a quality that is very rare in this world.

Hmm. Equality. Yes, that's the word.

Because among the ninjas he had seen, no one except Mr. Jiraiya would show such a peaceful expression to ordinary people, and would even comfort some children who lost their loved ones in the war.

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