Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1065 A country that is always crying

Noah was sniped when he came to this universe, and the terrifying power almost crushed him.

Otsutsuki is really a terrifying thing, transcending time, soul, and power, and approaching the true sense of God.

Fortunately, when he was approaching the Ninja Continent, the Sage of Six Paths raised his hand, otherwise he would have really died.

The sun and moon mark on the hand is both a surveillance and a seal. The inability to use power outside the world can also be regarded as a kind of protection for the world itself.

The old man surprisingly let Noah in without being very conservative.

It's just that this time is a bit awkward. Xiaonan, who has never experienced a blow, still lacks the awareness of a ninja and revealed some information.

The middle and late stages of the Third Ninja War took place in the Land of Rain.

A country that is always crying is also a time when the trio is about to encounter disaster.

The biggest trouble facing him now is probably the possibility of falling into Uchiha Madara's sight.


While he was thinking, a young man with orange hair walked in carelessly.

Hey, good afternoon, my name is Yahiko.

Your name is Noah, right? Welcome to the Kingdom of Rain, I am the leader of Akatsuki.

As he spoke, he also made a full-of-energy pose, a bit like an idiot protagonist.

Behind him were an introverted boy with long red hair covering his eyes, and Xiaonan, a girl who liked to pick up people.

In fact, Xiaonan had already told her friends about the situation she had checked.

He is young, and it is a miracle that he is still alive despite his injuries. He does not have the physical characteristics of a ninja, and his temperament is like that of an educated aristocratic young master.

Xiaonan originally wanted to talk about a teacher who had read a lot of books, but her age prevented this idea.

Well, there are actually a lot of misunderstandings here.

He didn't die because Noah's body had reached the inhuman realm after being reorganized by the evil in this world. If the person who did it hadn't been someone higher than the entire ninja world, he wouldn't have been injured to this extent. He survived by relying on the power of the Six Paths Sage. In the world.

The same is true for physical characteristics. The physical evolution of a strong person is moving towards perfection, and naturally there will be no deformation after exercise at the beginning.

As for age, the reconstructed body theory is only ten years old, which is embarrassing.

Anyway, Yahiko was temporarily relieved after hearing Konan's analysis. This time, when Noah's energy improved a little, this guy came to play straight. He is not the kind of person who hides his words.

Um. Now that the ninja world has been united, how did you come to the Country of Rain as the junction of the Three Kingdoms?

It was obviously a direct interrogation without any disguise, but the tone was not very hostile.

Even this kind of operation makes the two friends behind him unable to bear to stare. It is useless for people who really have questions to ask, but this is also the charm of fools.

Ahem, the East, the scholars who came across the sea.

With a little bit of force and some knowledge, I can come here.

As for why he was picked up by Xiaonan, it is naturally because he is not strong enough.

Noah smiled back, telling the truth.

Nagato nodded from the side. His intuition was accurate most of the time. This person had no ill intentions.

Noah's first impression of Yahiko was not bad, and the attitude of this straightforward idiot who came over to ask directly was also very responsible.

Such people are always easy to get along with, and their simple desire to make the world peaceful is also very worthy of appreciation.

Afterwards, in order to show off his knowledge, he casually showed off his skills. The three little ones who listened were a little confused.

Ah~~I see. Then you can recover from your injuries here, and then you can consider continuing to travel after the war is over.

As expected, Yahiko immediately believed this argument and ran away, because it was embarrassing not to understand.

Noah found it a bit funny. No wonder you guys became so extreme and read less books.

Yahiko and others who left the hut had a casual discussion and stopped worrying about this person.

Analyze their ninja careers and life experiences.

Noah really doesn't look like a ninja. The temperament of a cultured person cannot be easily disguised.

And with a body that could kill him if he moved, he didn't look like someone who could cause any trouble.

As for saying to wait until the injury is healed before leaving, it is to comfort the other party, because after Xiaonan's examination, it is not surprising that this body will die on the second day.

So he felt very sympathetic towards such a poor man.

Then Yahiko left here with his friends. There were still many things to be busy with outside.

Although the Kingdom of Rain has Hanzo in charge, the war has not continued to spread to the core of the Kingdom of Rain, the Hidden Rain Village.

However, the range that Hanzo can protect is not very large, and the fighting around him has not stopped.

There are still refugees and some disaster-stricken people coming here to seek refuge with the Akatsuki organization.

In the few years after leaving Jiraiya, the Akatsuki organization has gained great prestige within the country, and even those ninjas who want to change the status quo of the country have come to join them.

Sanshouyu Hanzo was just monitoring this and took no further action.

So with the accumulation of time, they even had their own gathering place. After all, Yuyin Village would not accept so many refugees.

Noah is also planning his own direction at this moment.

It is a foolish dream to leave this body with this body now. Maybe any super-standard jounin could knock him out.

There are many types of attacks in the world of Naruto, from matter to soul, space, time, and omnipotent sealing techniques, all of which must be guarded against.

Even a compassionate technique like the Fireball Technique can have very terrifying killing effects in the hands of some people.

So after much deliberation, he decided that he could only stay here to recuperate slowly. As for when he would be healed, it was a bit difficult.

The Holy Grail allows one to slowly adapt to the rules of this world, but it takes time.

And which power is better to choose? The disadvantages of chakra are really a bit big. Pure power of nature? It's not a good thing to contact someone rashly.

The biggest problem at this time is that if you stay here, you will probably attract the attention of the old immortal, and any arbitrary arrangements will put you in danger.

Besides, that old guy Danzo is also going to target the Akatsuki organization at this time. The strength of Sansho Hanzo, the demigod of the ninja world, is very difficult for Noah at this time.

It is expected that we will have to face this within a year or two, and it will be a hell of a start.

After a few days when his health got better, he was slowly able to go out with a cane.

Looking at Yahiko and Konan Nagato who were busy arranging and mobilizing people in the pouring rain, Noah unexpectedly felt the life of this world.

The ideals and actions of the entire Akatsuki organization at this time should be very rare in the entire Naruto world.

Not much utilitarianism, just saving ordinary people. The greater ideal is world peace.

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