Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1026 Death-seeking behavior from the mysterious side

This can train concentration and physical strength, which is also an alternative kind of practice. It is also a manifestation of strong luck, because if you are unlucky, you will be blown up long ago.

When he opened the door and took Shirou Emiya back, the young man looked back at the sea, feeling that what he just saw was a very incredible scene.

At this time, I accidentally looked up at the sky. He was so shocked that he was speechless.

It turns out that it wasn't just the sea that was cut open.

For the next five years, he continued to go to the Omniscient Tree every month to consult on the art of swordsmanship. After all, teachers are also very busy. They are running around all over the world and cannot cause trouble to each other.

As for the progress of swordsmanship training, Noah will always say it is average and okay. It's a little worse than the disciples I recruited before.

Shirou also understood the teacher's helplessness towards him for failing to live up to his expectations, because he couldn't even do the basic task of cutting open the sea, which was indeed a bit embarrassing.

Now he is still practicing cutting iron. It is said that those who could not cut iron before were not even qualified to join the teacher's disciples.

The broken swords in the warehouse were all scrapped during practice, and there were also many broken iron stakes.

Daily things like Frost Moon Secret Medicine are also passed down to strengthen the magician's physique.

In addition to his natural talent, Shirou also had no shortage of external strength when it came to practicing swordsmanship.

Illya mobilized the resources of the Einzbern family to easily meet these needs. After all, these resources are easier to obtain in modern society. The quality may not be as good as that of Dahai, but there are still many substitutes.

In this way, the Emiya boy walked towards an unknown path. The best he can do now is to barely cut through the same steel with an iron sword. He will feel weak after cutting at most 10 pieces in one go.

Of course, I still can't touch and cut off the edge of the sea, and I can't even cut off the hills. It's too difficult.

Based on the idea of ​​​​study and practice diligently, every day of practice is very fulfilling. In his view, every step before embarking on the journey of becoming a righteous companion is laying a foundation.

In fact, Noah is very satisfied with the boy Emiya Shirou. In terms of will and talent, she is actually not inferior to Guina, or even better.

The talent of being in the shape of a sword from body to soul really makes ordinary people jealous.

Therefore, after the monthly kendo instruction, I would also ask the other party to read more books. Even if you are young, you must first read clearly some of the things he has written.

We can't train another uneducated person like Emiya Kiritsugu, or someone like Hong A who ends up being ruined.

After all, I have accepted him as a disciple, and I should do my best.

And based on Shirou's current progress, if his magic ability keeps up, it is not impossible to fight against the Servant with his physical body.

Set a small goal: after the explosion, kill the red A under a specific environment.

While the distressed girl Illya and the ignorant Shirou Emiya were practicing in the Emiya mansion, others were also busy.

After all, the news that the 5th Holy Grail War is coming cannot be blocked. The distribution of qualifications for the war has begun.

Some people paid the price, and some people got the assignment. All have obtained their own qualifications.

The war 10 years ago only destroyed the carrier of the Little Holy Grail. The underground spiritual veins are still gathering power, so the time for the fifth advent has been advanced.

There are people who have always been thinking about this thing secretly. Even if there is that monster stationed in the forbidden area, it cannot stop people's greed.

For example, how could the Clock Tower, the base camp on the magic side, be given up so easily?

Bazett Fraga Macremis. An ancient magical family from Ireland. He is also a descendant of the Red Branch Knights, the knighthood to which the hero Cu Chulainn belonged during his lifetime.

An executor of the designated seal bureau of the Magic Association, possessing superb magic and fighting skills. Carrying the back-light sword, an offensive Noble Phantasm with the concept of Later Strike, First Strike and One Hit Kill.

A dagger held by the war god Luger MacEsolen in Celtic mythology. According to legend, the sword will unsheath itself without the owner having to draw it, killing the enemy before he can draw it.

These are the participants chosen by the Clock Tower. Although he comes from a famous family, he is crushed by power internally.

Although he has superior strength, he is now dispatched without hesitation as a testing chess piece.

And the other party readily agreed. Because she has a desire to restore the glory of her ancestors. He has a strange obsession with Cu Chulainn.

Rose-red short hair and pupils. There is a mole under the left eye. A beauty in men's clothing wearing a red bean-colored suit and a rose-colored tie. The medium for engaging in war has been prepared.

The holy relics are also ready, such as Ruen stone earrings. The Lancer was her target.

It is expected to arrive in Fuyuki City eight days before the start of the Holy Grail War, and is still checking information in Ireland.

Be ready to recite the summoning spell at any time. I can't wait to see the perfect knight from my ancestors.

Although this time there is no betrayal by Kotomine Kirei and the fate of seizing the Command Seal, the Lancer's lucky E affects the Master together, woman.

There is another person with a relatively awkward position on the magic side who is also preparing.

Atram Gari Ashtar, a magician from a new family in the Middle East, is good at using money as a weapon. Purchased the right to participate in the Fifth Holy Grail War with a large sum of money. Participating in the Fifth Holy Grail War in order to gild the family line.

A beautiful young man with brown skin and blond hair. Uphold elegance and uphold aesthetics. The temperament is like that of a brown vampire noble.

But he is a cold little person by nature. Have a kind attitude, straightforward tone, refreshing eyes, and always smile. However, his lips gave him away, and when he laughed there was a hint of disgusting contempt for others. When he is completely panicked (showing his true nature), he will put on a cold face that is close to expressionless.

In terms of magic ability, he is very average. However, only real money can open the way to the mysterious side, so he is looked down upon by most families inherited from ancient times.

The Clock Tower does not even recognize the mysteries of local customs (so-called spells) as scholarship and scorns them as such.

Atram has prepared everything in the Middle East and is ready to rush to Fuyuki City at any time.

In his opinion, as long as you have money and resources, you can break the boundaries. As for the taboo in Fuyuki City, no one had told him about it.

The Golden Fleece was his second choice after failing in the fight for the Dragon-type holy relic. He also secretly prepared several children’s small sources/vitalities to be transformed into magic crystals.

From this incident on, this guy's fate has already been marked.

Others were not idle either.

The girls who came to Fuyuki City in advance also had their own preparations.

Such as Sakura. The main reason for participating in the Holy Grail War this time was to practice magic. There are no ambitions for the Holy Grail itself.

I don’t want to use the Holy Grail to achieve anything, maybe I just want to show the teacher the results of my practice over the years.

In the eyes of Guanzi, only the Cup of Heaven is worth exploring, and Cheng Zi is not a traditional magician.

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