Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1025 The inheritance of the seaside

Especially in the first year after Ally's death, he had to study hard and live a good life. A person practices magic on the verge of death, and he has to firmly support Illya from the outside to reassure the other person.

This is a bit too much for a young person, so the number of times he goes to the library will unconsciously increase.

Until one day the man stood up, took out a real knife and threw it to Shirou.

Then he took him to a strange place. That was also the first time he saw Mr. Noah's magic.

In just a blink of an eye, he broke through space and arrived on a deserted island with strong sea breeze.

I once said that you are very suitable for practicing swordsmanship. Because your soul, your bones and swords are all very well suited to each other.

So if you can't persist, go practice swordplay. You can cut off the confusion and cut off the shackles of heaven and earth.

The boy holding the real knife was a little panicked at first, but he quickly calmed down.

I recently went to a kendo club to learn kendo.

The boy said to Noah very firmly, but after these words were spoken, the other person's expression looked a little strange. He seemed to be remembering something.

The Kendo Club, I once went to the Kendo Gym to study. That gym is called Shuangyue Gym.

Shirou Emiya didn't expect that Noah, who seemed to be very famous in magic, also specialized in swordsmanship. Although Ilia heard that among magicians, professional magicians like those who lead magicians also attach great importance to physical skills, but those who specialize in swordsmanship are still rare.

Moreover, it was quite rare to be named Shimozuki. He had only heard of traditional swordsmanship schools such as Niten Yiyi or Xiaoqianba style.

Noah was watching the moon on the beach and lost in memories.

At Airi's tomb, he asked Emiya Shirou to practice swordsmanship mainly because he was a little bit shy about his talent.

He once took on a swordsman disciple, and he lived up to expectations and became a great swordsman.

The girl named Gu Yina broke the barrier of Shuangyue Kendo and created the Sparking Fire Sword Technique, and reached the pinnacle of Kendo step by step.

So when I saw Emiya Shirou, who was also very talented in kendo, I wanted to give him some advice.

He is destined to leave this world, and Emiya Shirou is determined, talented, and ideal. Although he is also extreme, he is not completely stubborn.

So I have a little thought about the inheritance of my own swordsmanship. There are even some ideas for ideological guidance.

How far do you think kendo can be compared to magic?

Shirou thought for a moment but had no answer. Because in his opinion, swordsmanship is a mortal skill, while magic is a miracle that transcends the norm.

Although this is the case based on his knowledge, he cannot say such words. It seems that a persistent thought deep in his heart is telling him that swordsmanship can also create miracles.

You have a good eye, take a good look at the boy.

He didn't take out the sword, but used his arm as a blade and raised it casually under the moonlight.

Dong Dong~~Dong Dong~~

Then Emiya Shirou felt his pupils shrink, the pores on his body were sweating unconsciously, and his heart was beating uncontrollably. It seemed that all the death was concentrated on the opponent's arm.

The sharp feeling stung the skin all over his body, and his whole body seemed to be cut into countless pieces.

But the young man stubbornly did not look away, even though his eyes shed tears unconsciously.

Instinct told him that if he missed this scene, a door in his life would be completely closed, so he stood firmly on the spot, while holding the ordinary knife tightly in his hand.

Saw it!

That's not an arm, that's a sword! A peerless sword that transcends miracles!

As the arm swung down, the sword slowly slashed down. The speed is very slow, and it is obviously void but seems to be cutting on something.

In his ears he heard the whisper of the sword and the sound of glass breaking. I heard joy, I heard anger, I heard sadness, I heard many, many voices.

The cold sword energy broke away from the arm and turned into a bright moon. A cold light blooms in the void from here.

At this moment, Emiya Shirou's spirit was taken away, because what happened next was beyond his imagination. No matter how magnificent and mysterious the stories Aili told were, they couldn't compare to the sword in front of her.

Blah blah blah.

The sea before our eyes is parted!

I don't know how many tons of seawater were cut open and unable to gather together. It seemed that there was an unparalleled sword intent blocking these invisible seawaters.

The thousand-meter-deep sea exposed the seabed, and a huge rift valley appeared in front of you. It was not the traces of time and time, but the power of human beings. Because the cut is as smooth as a mirror.

After stagnating for a while, the sea finally slowly closed. The collision of majestic ocean currents triggered waves tens of meters high. White sea foam splashed on his face, awakening his body's instincts.

The bones, blood, and heart are trembling. It is a tribute to the pinnacle of swordsmanship, and it is also a yearning and impulse.

In Japanese miscellanies, a swordsman's swordsmanship is described as very powerful, and it is often described as splitting mountains and seas. But today he saw the actual scene of mountains and seas being closed. This scene is forever imprinted in my heart.

It turns out that this is the way of the sword.

Yes, this is Shuoyue Kendo. It is the kendo that I inherited from Master Shigetsuki Koushiro, who is the supreme master of the East China Sea. Although I later broke through the barriers and found my own path, the foundation of Shuoyue Kendo is extremely solid. Dividing mountains and seas is only the most important step. Basic introduction.”

Come in, get started?

Noah had no consciousness of deceiving a child and nodded seriously. Anyway, he was not the only one who fooled the boy.

Besides, with the level of a great swordsman and the strength to break through the upper limit again, this level is indeed an entry level.

As for the inheritance of Lime Sword Master and Siege Martial Arts, he does not intend to spread it in this world. After all, this idiot-like guy definitely can't grasp the essence. Guina is still smarter.

In Shirou's eyes, this must be the supreme expression of kendo, but he didn't expect that it was just an introduction. What kind of magical swordsmanship is this?

A fire suddenly lit up in his heart. He wanted to learn, and he wanted to learn even with all his life.

Want to learn? I'll teach you.

As if he saw the boy's thoughts, Noah made his decision very calmly. Once you have an idea, go ahead and implement it. The world will not get worse anyway, but if there is a great swordsman who is destined to embark on the path of a righteous partner, he can suppress the arrogance of the mysterious side to some extent.

Shirou understood and knelt down directly on the ground, formally worshiping his teacher on this deserted seaside.

Under the moonlight, Noah taught the opponent the foundation of Shuangyue Swordsmanship, as well as a sublimated version from beginner to swordsman.

From now on, you can use this official knife to practice. Anyway, your magic ability is just right enough that you don't have to worry about such losses.

Noah still wouldn't interfere with Shirou Emiya's life-defying practice of magic every day.

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