Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 102 Opening the era of infrastructure construction

Seeing the meteorites falling one after another in the distance and the storm sweeping across the desert island, these two guys were too messy. The sound of fists and swords clashing roared like thunder, and the shock wave hit the sea, setting off layers of waves.

Noah has been here for three days. He was numb when he saw the exaggerated fighting scene. He was curious about how Qingji and the others managed to fight in Punk Hassad for 10 days and 10 nights. Is it really just a competition of wills in the end?

After the last meteorite was torn apart by the storm, the battle finally subsided.

This battle was proposed by both parties. Long wanted to see Yixiao's combat power and fighting style so that he could plan for future combat power arrangements. Yixiao felt that it was a good thing to show off his strength when he was new here, and it was also a self-introduction.

We hit it off immediately, found a desert island and started fighting directly.

By the time Noah arrived at the deserted island that no longer looked like it was, the two of them had finished their business exchanges, and then sat cross-legged on the battlefield to chat about the follow-up work.

As for the job as an instructor in the boot camp, Yixiao happily accepted the order, as long as he didn't teach cultural classes. Recently, the revolutionary army has not prepared to dispatch general-level combat forces. It only needs to take classes seriously. If there are any good ideas, you can take note of them.

A very real problem, the gap between the progress of geniuses and ordinary people is as difficult to cross as a chasm. Although those sent were geniuses recruited by the revolutionary army from various places, in comparison, some geniuses were just ordinary people.

Even if Noah lowers the threshold of swordsmanship again and again, it will not change this problem, it will only increase the chance for ordinary people to slowly step up.

Yixiao was very concerned about training new recruits, but he also said that he had never done any work in this area before and was worried that he would not do well. Noah took care of everything, saying that you can rest assured that it will be fine. He would find out some educational details from friends at the Navy Headquarters who were in charge of the recruit training camp.

When I smiled, I couldn’t help but marvel at Noah’s wide range of friends. After committing such a big case, I still have friends at the Navy Headquarters, and they hold important positions. Responsible for the training of new blood in the navy, at least at the level of major general of the headquarters.

Zefa, who was far away from Ma Linfan, sneezed again, then cursed and went to teach Trick Tou a lesson.

Then Long told Yixiao that there is a sky island of our own 7,000 meters above the Sobel Kingdom, and asked Yixiao not to summon meteorites within this range for fear of something happening. If Bika is unprepared, she may really be pulled down, and then the fun will be great.

Bika's energy reaction hit the ground, basically destroying the country.

I didn't expect it at first, but after discussing with Yixiao, I discovered this problem. The meteorites in the sky were coming one after another. Even if Bika was not pulled down, it would be funny if the meteorites hit the empty island when they were pulled. The Gravity Fruit poses too great a threat to the Small Sky Island. There is no need to worry about the Big Sky Island. It should be difficult to pull it off with human strength.

Speaking of Bika, she happened to ask Long how things were progressing at the base station.

Currently, there are wireless signals in the Kingdom of Sobel and surrounding islands. The signals are emitted from the Bika No. 0 base station. Now the main work is on the construction of other base stations.

Then let the doctor research in the direction of cheap, durable and stable. Although our current economic reserves are very good, if we really start to build infrastructure, we will find that we are poor.

Will it cost so much?

Long was puzzled. After all, the only infrastructure construction on the sea at present was the wharf. Even the construction of the sea train only started in the past two years. In such a wealthy place as the Capital of Seven Waters, only four of them have been built. As for economic matters, the world is still in its infancy.

There is no clear understanding of the cost of infrastructure at all, and it is also related to the operating model of the world.

Think about the Kingdom on the Bridge in the East China Sea. The bridge took 800 years to build and is considered the world's number one project. The workers are all slaves and criminals, and they don't even have enough to eat. When they die, they are replaced by the next batch. There are so many of these unlimited consumables every year, and the material cost for such infrastructure is enough. Oh, and slaves and criminals are included in the material fee.

There are too many places to spend money in the later period. Do you remember the sea train plan, which burned money like a river? The island signal station construction project that is about to start, the education, medical, and social infrastructure in the later period are too many. .Our ultimate goal is to build a new world, and overthrowing the old world is only a very critical node in completing the goal.

Many projects can be carried out after the world government is overthrown, but communications, transportation, and education must be done now. Our funds are still far from enough. More high-quality industries and projects are needed to support it.

Opening up people's wisdom is something that needs to be done at any time. Communication and transportation can connect the sea, which is of extraordinary significance to the economy, people's livelihood, and military.

Even though the funding gap is slightly larger, it’s all worth it.

After saying this, Noah found that Long's eyes were blank. This is.?


Damn it, the Raptors sighed!

Think about it, when the navy wants to attack the South China Sea, our troops can discover the enemy's route through Bika's early warning system, use sea trains to quickly attack, and use electromagnetic signals to communicate. This strategic role is not good. fragrant?

Common people who have become ideologically aware will spontaneously support us who give them a better life. Is this good?

Noah began to crazyly describe a bright future to the two people present. He even smiled and was entranced.


At this time, Long's heart was both excited and painful. Listening to the scene described by Noah, he knew that all of this was achievable. In this world, as long as you make up your mind, you can see obvious results in many constructions in 5 years.

It’s already very troublesome to deal with documents and various things every day. There are too few professionals, and now I have to worry about funds. I really want to go to Mariegio to fight.

Noah, help me dig out some more people. I'm really short of people.

Well, I'll take Tiger to Beihai in a few days. There's a guy who's good at economics who doesn't know what's going on now. He'll give it a try. Then I'll spend a lot of money to invite some scholars who are good at economics to give lectures on this aspect. There is a huge talent gap. There are also people who know actuarial science and engineering. Recruiting people is just a temporary measure and must be cultivated internally.”

We have always been doing something about internal training, and we have opened classes in various places with Majia, but the scale is not large enough and the average educational level is too low.

It's really sad.

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