Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 101 Yixiao officially joins

5449, 5450, 5451~~

On the surface of the South China Sea, a strong man wearing a ballet suit was exercising on a boat. After being attacked by Noah last time, Xiao Feng also took physical education classes in addition to cultural classes, and had special time to exercise.

Yixiao temporarily acts as a teacher and provides special training to Xiao Feng. Originally, Xiao Feng was dissatisfied when he saw an elderly blind uncle as his teacher, but he fell down after being thrown into the gravity field.

‘Damn it, is this slave family the weakest on the ship? ’

Xiao Feng is not wrong to think so. Robin is currently stronger than him. Following Noah for so many years, no matter how little daily exercise he did, he still had enough, and the development of his knowledge, color, domineering and fruit abilities was not too weak.

Robin's problem is the same as Noah's. He has always participated in high-end games and has very few chances to take action.

At this time, Noah was sorting out information with the help of Robin, recalling the plot, and where to recruit people next. Take advantage of this time to find people early and train them early.

The future Golden Emperor Gilder Terzog? One of the young men who was rescued when he first hit Marie Joa. After the retreat from Mariejoia, Noah was already seriously injured and lying on a stretcher. Even the Empress didn't pay much attention to him, let alone the Golden Emperor who didn't have the qualities of a strong man at that time.

At that time, Tezog was probably still a gentle young man with green hair. He was neither several meters tall nor had any fancy clothes or quirks. He blended in with the crowd and returned to Beihai.

According to the time, the Golden Fruit has not yet been obtained at this time, but he has already entangled a group of thugs and formed his own team. After grabbing the Golden Fruit from the Don Quixote family auction next year, he will officially start to make his fortune.

It can be regarded as a person who has been tricked by fate. After experiencing hardships, his outlook has changed, and he stubbornly believes that guys without money will achieve nothing and only be dominated.

Such people made Noah very entangled. When he was young, he could be regarded as a beauty in anger and dared to take action against the Celestial Dragons. After experiencing the slave life, he went to the other extreme. Noah wouldn't blame him for making this choice. There is no such thing as empathy in this world.

It's just a pity for such a talented person. Noah actually valued his mind more than his fruit ability. No matter how powerful his abilities are, he still hasn't reached the level of a general. He has built a financial and entertainment empire from scratch and is very business-savvy. There is a shortage of such talents within the revolutionary army.

Money has value only when it flows. Currently, the revolutionary army has a large amount of gold and some high-end technologies. How to convert it into the value and materials we need and establish a new economic system requires talents to preside over it.

The bigger the stall is, the more the shortage of manpower is felt. Dragon is in charge of management matters. The scientific research department is currently headed by Dr. Tsukimi, and ordinary legion affairs are under the jurisdiction of the four military commanders. Ivankov is in charge of medical care and logistics, while Daxiong is in the supervision department group and goes where it needs to go. Several cadres are already extremely busy.

The publicity and culture department was originally managed temporarily by Noah, but now it has been entrusted to Brooke. There are still many departments without a person in charge, all of which have been handed over to Long.

When Noah was in the boot camp, he was going to be managed by Yixiao and Robin. There will be no problem when the cultural class is given to Robin, and the training class is also stable when given to Yixiao.

Noah's main job is to complete the formulation of the reform part, the formulation of the grand strategy, and the dissemination of ideas.

As for administrative matters, we have already begun internal exploration and training. The training of non-combat capabilities is much faster, as long as the first one or two years are spent.

I will go to Beihai in the second half of the year and also visit Tezog on the way. If Tezog is hopeless at this time, then Noah will not consider bringing this person in even if there is a shortage of people. This is related to the future route and cannot be taken lightly.

I hope Xiao Feng and Boni can grow up as soon as possible.

With the Voyager traveling at full speed, it soon arrived at the Island of Resurrection. Waiting at the dock were Long and Ivankov. Because I heard from Noah that one of the people brought back this time was an admirer of Ivankov, so I came to see it for myself.

As soon as the ship docked, a figure jumped off the ship. Several gorgeous shapes were made in the air, revealing the phantom image of a swan, and landed in front of Ivankov.

Enter Mr. Feng Krei of the slave family! Lord Ivankov, the slave family has finally found you~~~

Xiao Feng burst into tears. The excitement of meeting his idol made him ignore the atmosphere of the scene.

Long looked at Xiao Feng with calm and terrifying eyes, which made Xiao Feng's momentum slip away little by little, and he even broke out in cold sweat. In the end, Ivankov pulled Xiao Feng aside.

The Shemale King and his back immediately chatted in full swing, and they even made various eye-catching looks together, giving the leader of the revolutionary army not far away a headache.

At this time, Noah and Yixiao also got off the boat and walked over.

A few weeks ago, after learning that Noah had recruited a general-level combat force, Long was shocked again. This kind of person standing at the top of the sea, who is not in a big force, or is the leader of a force, how can there be wild people? The top combat power!

But he also knew that Noah was not a random person, and this incident was absolutely true, and that was a great good thing.

After arriving at the pier to pick up the group, I could feel that the strength of this blind swordsman was as deep as the sea, which was extraordinary.

Welcome to join us.

I smiled and saw you all.

The two parties didn't get to know each other so quickly when they met, and it was all up to Noah to mediate the atmosphere. As for the natural atmosphere group, the two guys who practiced the way of shemales were driven away. The current atmosphere is not suitable for them to perform.

When they arrived at the reception room, after everyone exchanged simple greetings, they smiled and started asking questions to Long. After all, the knowledge and theories he had come across before were all from Noah, and he wanted to hear what the leader of the revolutionary army had to say. If he is not satisfied, he will still walk away.

Long also understood that this was the last step for both parties to choose each other. The top combat forces were eligible to choose their forces.

The two had an in-depth discussion about why the world government was overthrown, how to overthrow it, and what to do after it was overthrown. Long's perspective is also different from Noah's. He was born into a naval family and is in a high-level position within the navy. The opportunity for his ideological change is also different.

Yixiao also talked about his life experience and inner philosophy. The two people have many different ideas and even conflicts, but the views of both parties can find a harmonious and unified solution in Noah's theory.

The final conclusion is that Noah was born to do this!

Today’s third update is here. This is also my 100th chapter, which is equivalent to a small milestone for me and is worth commemorating.

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