Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1005 Kiritsugu, your dream is about to come true

The sleeping streets were even quieter than usual. The successive incidents seem to have frightened the residents who like to stay up late. In the past few days, everyone has obeyed the call not to go out at night and stayed at home. There were no cars on the road, only the white light of the street lamps illuminated the cold asphalt road in the cold winter air.

The town is completely devoid of human activity, making it feel like you are in a toy set enlarged to life-size. If a place that ordinary people cannot understand is called an other world, tonight's Fuyuki City certainly fits the description.

In such a strange scene, there was a horse galloping recklessly on the road, and Weber was riding on the ups and downs of the horse to his death. The King of Conqueror's broad and thick chest was right behind him, and Weber could even feel the King of Conqueror's heart beating.

From Miyama Town to Fuyuki Kaikan, you have to cross the Mito River. As long as you cross this river, you can reach the final battlefield.

That is!

Although he was standing on the bridge illuminated by white light, the man's majestic appearance still shone with golden light, as if he was mocking the light created by mankind as nothing more than a false fake.

Even though they were hundreds of meters apart, those ruthless and cold crimson eyes still made Weber tremble and freeze up.

Servant Archer Hero King Gilgamesh.

Weber was not unprepared. He had known for a long time that a battle with Archer would be inevitable. But once he really sees the other person, the oppressive feeling breaks through all the barriers that protect his soul and directly shocks his soul.

Are you scared, boy?

The young man did not try to make a fool of himself, but nodded honestly.

Weber's nervous answer made the Conqueror smile.

That's right. The stronger the enemy, the happier one feels when thinking about the taste of victory wine. Hum, you are getting more and more understanding.

This is the fourth and presumably last time the two parties have met. The original King of Heroes and the legendary King of Conquerors occupied the spacious four-lane lane openly.

For them, the only obstacle ahead is each other. There is only one way on the bridge, there is no way to avoid it, and there is no way to retreat. In the process of the king's competition for dominance, this is the inevitable battlefield of destiny.

It's very courageous to come here with the Master.

When a king goes to war, he always brings his ministers with him.

The King of Heroes' sharp eyes swept across Rider's body like knife marks.

I see. The king's energy that surrounds me is indeed stronger than usual. Huh, it seems like you didn't run up to me without any chance of winning.

Tonight, the amount of magic power emanating from Rider's body was much greater than before. The three command spells that Weber originally planned to consume casually had an unexpected effect.

When using a command spell to activate power, the more abstract the content, the lower the effect. In this regard, Waver's orders just now lacked specificity, and in terms of the purpose of the command spell, it was actually wasted.

But on the other hand, when the absolute command of the command spell is not used to twist the will of the spirit, but is activated by the mutual consent of both parties, the command spell not only has the ability to force, but also becomes an auxiliary means to strengthen the ability of the spirit.

Although Waver's method of use does not have much effect, the content is in line with the Servant's original intention, and he uses three of them in succession, so the Command Spell does have an effect on Rider - as long as Rider acts for victory, he can Received more abundant magic power than the normal supply.

If you want to describe it directly, Rider's current situation is simply extremely good, unprecedented.

In the original work, the two of them did not discuss the topic of using the king's treasure trove to match the king's military strength, and they did not even drink the last glass of wine.

Because the information about Gilgamesh's restraint text has long been circulated, the two parties have a life-or-death relationship, and it is also the purest battle.

Rider showed a fierce smile, once again climbed onto the back of Bucephalus, who was left there, and drew out the sword at his waist.

My compatriots, come here! Let us mark our heroic figure into the strongest legend tonight!

Kuanglan with hot sand seemed to echo the call of the king, blowing away the mist of the river and rushing to the bridge.

Now the Sword of Jupiotis is gathering and weaving the thoughts of those heroic spirits from across time and space who have shared dreams with the king in the past.

Everyone is united, looking at the horizon covered by mirages, wanting to see the other side of the boundless blue sky.

The mental images of warriors pursuing the battlefield across time and space eroded reality, turning the deserted bridge into a cyclone-raging plain.

One after another, the heroic spirits rushed to the prepared stage for the decisive battle.

For Weber, this was the second time he saw the majestic appearance of the Ionian Hetairoi with thousands of troops.

Although he is no longer surprised, now that he knows the true meaning behind this ultimate treasure that embodies the kingship of Iskandar, the awe in his heart is stronger than when he first saw it, and he is deeply shaken. he.

This is the pride of being with the king. This is the thrilling joy of fighting side by side with the king.

The enemy is the invincible King of Heroes - he is our perfect opponent! Men! Let's show our dominance to the original heroic spirits.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh──!!

Rows of sergeants responded to Iskandar's roar and let out loud shouts.

Archer rode alone and faced the mighty army like a raging sea wave, but he didn't show any signs of embarrassment. He just stood calmly and calmly in front of the army.

The shining golden standing posture is like a lonely mountain. Only the demigod heroic spirit has this kind of superb majestic oppression.

Come here, Lord of the Overlords. You will understand what it means to be a true king...

The King of Heroes said coldly and arrogantly. Led by the horse Bucephalas, the heroic army finally began to charge towards the King of Heroes in a wedge formation.

Rider, who was leading the way, roared loudly, and the cavalry also roared in response to his roar. In the midst of this burst of killing sounds that resounded throughout the sky, Weber also opened his tiny voice and shouted as loudly as possible - AAAALaLaLaLaLaie! ! 』-

And near Fuyuki Kaikan.

Ellie was watching her body slowly melt and deform.

Following the relationship between the doll and the doll, the doll lay back on the original Irisviel's body.

Kiritsugu, your dream is about to come true.

Turning her eyes, she looked around blankly. Her will followed the connection in the dark and came to an unknown space.

Many landscapes quickly flashed and disappeared before her eyes. Irisviel looked at all this, and an unbearable feeling of sadness and loss suddenly came to her heart for some reason.

All the scenes that came into view had nothing to do with happiness. These kaleidoscopic scenes have only one thing in common. That is, they all have grief, humiliation, regret, resentment and loss.

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