Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1004 Three Command Spells and an Unknown Breath

That pattern is...

The lights of different colors... four and seven... those are 'Emperor' and 'Chariot'. Shooting that kind of smoke means... Doesn't it mean that the Holy Grail War has been decided? Alright?

Weber's interpretation made the emperor frown.

What does that mean? I'm still here, who do you think can leave me and take away the victory?

Strange indeed. How could such a declaration of victory count?

...And the direction there is completely different from that of Fuyuki Church. It's so strange. The smoke may not have been released by people from the Holy Church Church.

Ah, what? If that's the case, I understand.

To put it simply, there is an impatient guy who is singing a victory song. It is a provocation, telling others, 'If you have any objections, come to me.' In other words, that person has already decided where to win. Negative, looking for an opponent.

The emperor seemed quite satisfied. With a brave smile, he looked directly at the wolf smoke shining in the night sky.

Very good, very good. This will save you trouble. You don't have to look for people everywhere. No soul can remain silent after being provoked like that. Everyone who is still alive will gather at the place where the smoke is emitted─Hmph Huh, just as I expected, it seems that tonight is indeed the climax of the decisive battle.

The tall and muscular body of the Conqueror King trembled with joyful fighting spirit.

Weber looked at the mighty figure of the heroic spirit as if looking at something far away and out of reach.

Really? This scene is──the last.

Rider drew out the sword of Jupiotis and raised the tip of the sword to the sky.

My mount, come out!

In the void that was cut open with a call, a ray of light tore through the space and burst out. The handsome horse that Weber had seen once before jumped out into the darkness with the brilliance of a heroic spirit.

Bucephalas, the horned heroic horse, once carried the legendary iron hooves of the conquering king who ravaged the world. Now she traveled through time and space again and came to her ally, screaming and pedaling on the asphalt, as if looking for the next battlefield.

When Iskandar invited Weber up as usual,

The master just smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Only a hero is worthy to sit on the back of that unparalleled horse. It is definitely not a place where humble and insignificant people can set foot.

It's like an incompetent magician who can even make mistakes in the basics of hypnosis, a clown who doesn't even know how many layers he has and can only hinder the king's domineering steps.

The glorious road that Conqueror King Iskandar is heading forward must not be soiled by others. The boy raised his right fist, revealing the Command Seal that he had saved until now and had not been used yet.

My servant, Waver Fairwit orders you with a command spell.

Rider, you must win the final victory!

He felt very calm as he watched the first command spell emit contract magic and then disappear.

Then I command you with the second command spell──Rider, you must get the Holy Grail!

I will order you again with the Command Seal. Rider, you must control the whole world. You will never fail.

The three holy marks were released in succession, releasing miraculous magic power that produced several whirlwinds and then disappeared without a trace. As a magician, Weber probably wouldn't have a second chance to use such huge magic power in his life, but for the first time in his life, he felt happy about his actions from the bottom of his heart.

Of course he will not regret it. This gift is more than enough as the price of losing everything.

...Okay, now I am no longer your master... nothing.

Weber heard Rider respond calmly, and then his neck was suddenly grabbed and lifted up. The next second he was gently carried onto Bucephalas' back.

Of course I will go on an expedition immediately, but since you have given a lot of orders in a long and verbose manner, of course you are mentally prepared to witness it until the end? Until I complete all the orders.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid! You, you... hey, hey...!

His own will was easily overturned, and Weber was so embarrassed that even his voice changed.

Even if you are not the Master, you are still my friend.

The defense was broken. Unexpectedly, the naive emperor broke the princess's heart in one fell swoop.

Weber shed too many tears in an instant. When the tears flowed down to the bottom of his nose, they mixed with his nose water, making his whole face a mess. He couldn't even breathe properly, let alone want to speak. But he couldn't help but choked and asked:

...I, someone like it really okay...can I...can stand by your side...

You and I have gone through so many battles together, and you are still saying such stupid things. Didn't you once fight against powerful enemies with me? Then you are friends. You should hold your head high and be upright. Walk side by side with me.

The Conqueror King didn't care that the young man was crying until he was out of breath, as if he was hearing drunken talk at a banquet, he smiled and patted the young man's thin shoulder.

Weber forgot to laugh at himself. He had put behind him the humiliation of the past, the anxiety about the future, and the fear of facing death at this moment.

Weber is now with the king, without defeat or humiliation. If you can believe in the king's road to dominance and walk on this road, no matter how weak your feet are, you will definitely reach the end of the world one day - Weber is now convinced of this.

Then let's fulfill the command of the first command spell. Boy, you have to keep your eyes open and see clearly.

...Okay, fulfill my order. Right in front of me!

The legendary horse neighed like a cry of victory. In order to send the overlord and the magician, who share the same spirit, to the place of decisive battle, they began to run at full speed.

The place of destiny that Langyan pointed out was Fuyuki's fourth-ranked spiritual place on the other side of the Miyuan River.

The Conqueror King Iskandar joins the battle, and the second journey to the other side of the world begins.

Jin Shining also felt the fighting spirit of the Conquering King and smiled.

To seize the Holy Grail, we must first remove the head of this reckless man.

No one can covet my treasure!

Noah, on the other hand, appeared outside the citizen hall and was unable to transform into a spirit when the ceremony was about to begin.

So he prepared to see the last journey of the Conqueror King. It must be a thrilling battle and an unparalleled heroic battle.

If Iskandar still loses this time, then saving Weber's life is the greatest support for this ally.


Boom! !

The asphalt road was smashed, and the King of Knights dropped from the sky holding a golden sword and stopped in front of Noah.

Saber directly dispersed the Wind King's barrier at this moment. The operation of blocking the sword blade was of no use to the person in front of him with extremely exaggerated swordsmanship.

The determination in her eyes told Noah that she was ready to fight to the death.

I'm not here to support the Conquering King, I just want to witness the winner of the duel.

It doesn't matter, Aili's request is to stop you, no matter what you do!

Such an irritable King of Knights, but it must not be an illusion, the color of her armor is actually a bit dim, and where is my king's stupid hair?

That is the reverse scale of dragon bloodline.

Saber's aura is constantly rising, and the surge of magic power makes people feel an unknown aura.


I said that the Fourth Holy Grail War will be over soon, don’t you believe it yet? I have extensive experience in estimating time. Just so tired

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