It's really raining, someone hands an umbrella, someone is sleepy, someone hands a pillow.

Qiao Qiao couldn't help but be overjoyed, and was worried that [love] was difficult to deal with, so he sent a helper.

Even the impression of that king academy is very good.

"How to say it is also a matter in our town, and I am obliged," Qiao Qiao was indignant, patted his chest, and said very seriously.

"Good," Edzhu burst into tears with excitement, "It's worthy of being a good son of my Yuntian Town."

Even Axe looked at Jojo twice.

"I can't imagine that you are still a good person," Akse said.

"Ahem, how to talk. Jojo coughed dryly.

"How much do you know about this [love]. "

I don't know anything about it," Axe said, quite straightforward.

"Ah this, I don't understand anything and come directly recklessly?" Qiao Qiao pouted helplessly, this Axai looked quite clever, and he couldn't think of a reckless man.

"[Love], there are several people in the organization, who the leader is, what the leader's ability is, I don't know anything. However, there is no need to know. My black bondage is not something they can resist," Axe said disdainfully, his eyes full of confidence.

"Still a megalomaniac," Jojo said sarcastically

, he had fought with members of [Love], whether it was the Blue Tiger, or Black Flash, or the [Crowd] that had just been defeated, each of which was not easy to deal with.

"I'm here with some intelligence. Edzhu suddenly spoke.

"Oh?" Aksai and Jojo were both surprised.

"In recent homicides, most of the corpses have missing limbs or missing facial features, and most of the members of this [love] have some kind of perverted desire to collect, or their leader has a perverted desire to collect, and they are responsible for execution. Edju analyzed.

"If they are foreign, even if they are residents of the town, they have only appeared in the last five years, then it is very likely that they were inexplicably acquired five years ago."

"Do you remember the fire five

years ago?" Jojo's brain raced to extract information from five years ago, and although he had only traveled a few months, the original owner of the body he replaced had indeed lived in this town for a long time.

"You mean, the fire in the Akron Mental Hospital?" Jojo finally extracted the memory of the original owner of the body about a fire five years ago.

"This makes sense, these people, or the leaders, have a perverted desire to collect, nine times out of ten are psychosis, and they have only appeared in the last five years, five years ago, the mental hospital had a fire, that mental hospital, it is very likely to have the information of the [love] organization." Axe analyzed.

Edju nodded, exactly what he meant.

"However, that fire burned very violently and burned the mental hospital to the ground," Qiao Qiao thought of something and frowned.

"Don't worry about this, the director of the Akron Psychiatric Hospital is a man with an extraordinary memory, and he should remember the patient's information very clearly. Edju explained.

"That's fine, so take me to the dean," Axe said, about to act.

"It's really a character that can do it, and he is a reliable helper at first glance," Qiao Qiao couldn't help but be sure.

"I'll let Xiao Kuan accompany you," Edzhu nodded and called Li Kuan.

Li Kuan said yes, first handed the prepared money to Qiao Qiao, and then led the way in front.

"You better not go, I will live at eighteen Bronze Lane, come to me tomorrow, and I will tell you the situation." Axai said.

Qiao Qiao nodded, he also meant this, he has been targeted by [Love] people, the goal is too obvious.

"Well, be careful,"

Axe nodded, and the two waves of people moved separately.

The residence of the dean of Akron is the opposite of the Shanghe Courtyard.

It's also normal to think about it, how can a director of a psychiatric hospital, how to say that he also has a little money, how can he live in a slum.

Qiao Qiao shook his head, it was already noon, the snack bars and restaurants on the side of the road were the hottest time, and the road was full of pedestrians.

Now that Qiao Qiao was nervous when he saw the crowd, and once again confirmed that he had been Euler's [crowd] brother, Qiao Qiao was finally relieved.

Turning the main road, I quickly returned to the alley where I lived.

The alley is very quiet, and there are not many residents on either side of this street.

"Blue Tiger!" came a familiar roar.

Then, the blue figure galloped in.

"Dare to come and die?", this blue figure is naturally a blue tiger who has regrouped.

"This kid, I really don't understand the truth that the boss is not as good as a dog," Qiao Qiao mocked. A gust of Euler's fist punched out

, "Bang bang," cast the extremely fast Platinum Star, the speed was not what Blue Tiger could imagine.

Suddenly, there were many times when Euler punched and hit Blue Tiger hard in the face

, "Wait? I just came to deliver a message," and Blue Tiger lay on the ground, already beaten into a pig's head.

"Guess what's wrong with the old mayor?" Blue Tiger's face turned grim and he laughed proudly.

"Still dare to calculate our organization, moohahahahahaha, that old man, is already lying on his summer-style floor, dead or not, I want you to go and see." "

You guys are following me" Qiao Qiao's face was gloomy, and he couldn't imagine that this would harm the old town mayor.

That respected old man, that looks like a reassuring figure.

"Unforgivable!!," Jojo shouted anxiously, "wait

... I've already lost," Blue Tiger looked terrified

, "don't come here,"

Qiao Qiao walked step by step with a monstrous anger, and

this anger rose up in the sky.

No, Euler is not enough to be angry among the people.

"Five meters ... Two meters... One meter," Qiao Qiao quickly walked up to the blue tiger and lifted his sandbag-sized fist.

"Don't come here... , I lied to you" The fear in Blue Tiger's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a treacherous laugh that had succeeded in the conspiracy.

"Not good," Qiao Qiao shouted and was about to dodge

, but it was too late, a black flash flashed, and with a punch of monstrous power, it hit Qiao Qiao the chest.

"Poof," Jojo spat out a mouthful of blood.

The body flew out upside down and fell heavily to the ground.

The voice of the "Enemy Blue Tiger Detected,,, Enemy Black Flash ,,, Detected" system came.

"It turns out that this is a trap. Jojo braced himself to get up, and this punch was so severe that half of his ribs collapsed.

Only defeat the enemy and let the system dad reward the healing, otherwise, at least half a month will have to lie down.

"Moohahahahaha. "Blue Tiger came step by step.

"In a state of rage, you really lost your mind, and you could have calmly analyzed my weaknesses in the battle, but after hearing the news from the old town mayor, you really made a big mess.

Blue Tiger smiled treacherously: "What we are waiting for is your big mess."

Jojo stood up and felt the injuries on his body.

At least two ribs were broken, and blood kept dripping.

Opposite are two full enemies, the imposing Blue Tiger, and the black flash hidden in the shadows, ready to attack.

The situation does look very dangerous.

"Hahahaha, hiss..." Qiao Qiao suddenly laughed, accidentally grinning at the wound, and couldn't help but gasp.

But the words are really not in a hurry.

"I have at least one chance to turn around. "

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