Qiao Qiao looked gloomy and walked in front of the [crowd] who fell to the ground.

"Your ability is indeed very long-range. The crowd phantom can last a large area,"

Qiao Qiao paused, "However, every time you want to attack me, you have to switch to the nearest few figures, at this moment, as long as I attack the nearby figures at the same time, I will definitely be able to attack your stand-in!!"

In this way", [the crowd] looked terrified.

"You... You won't hit me, I'm already seriously injured,"

Jojo's face darkened, "Then tell me, who is the leader of the [Love] organization?

"Well, I can't say

" "Then you will die, I said, I want Euler to you a thousand times!" said Jojo, and raised his sandbag-sized fist, while

the platinum star was also ready to attack.

"I said I said!", [the crowd] hurriedly spoke

, "Our organization, the specific number of people is unknown, but at least, there are more than ten." As for the leader, we are all layered commanders, a three-person squad, I am under the command of the captain, and I am not yet qualified to meet the leader.

Qiao Qiao nodded, his face fierce.

"Aren't you, don't you hit me?"

"Minus you five hundred times!!"

, ten minutes later, Qiao Qiao clapped his hands

, the [crowd] stand-in, can no longer threaten him, on the ground in the distance, as the stand-in is defeated, the body of the [crowd] is also seriously injured and falls to the ground.

"It turned out to be a bad old man".

Qiao Qiao didn't look much, so he continued to walk towards the old mayor's house.

A series of tasks is exactly to destroy

[love], first of all, we must collect intelligence and find out what is going on with this [love].

The old mayor is well-informed and may know some.

The tall walls are different from the European-style buildings common in wealthy areas. This building is quaint, traditional summer style.

The gate is also wooden and quaint.

Here, it was the old mayor's home

Jojo who went up and knocked on the door, and after a while, the door opened from the inside.

"It's Jojo,"

the one who opened the door was an old man wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and a very attentive gaze. It's very capable to look at.

"Uncle Kuan"

This old man's name is Li Kuan, and he is the housekeeper of the old town mayor.

In the past, Qiao Qiao also brought the task of Shangge Academy to visit the old town mayor, so naturally he had seen it.

"The mayor is waiting for you in the reception room. Qiao

Qiao nodded, followed Li Kuan's guidance, and stepped into the town mayor's home.

The mayor's residence is all in the summer style.

The door of the reception room is also wooden, the wood has a clear texture, and if you get close to smell it, it is fragrant.

It is said to be a precious incense wood.

At this time, there were two people sitting in the reception room.

One is an old man, with a childlike appearance, strong spirits, wearing a set of cloth, and looking very extraordinary.

It is the old mayor of Yuntian Town, who loves Dezhu.

The other was a teenager, dressed in black, with a handsome face, but a cold face, and it was not easy to approach.

"Master, Mr. Qiao is here," Li Kuanyu reported.

Edzhu nodded and motioned for Li Kuan to step down.

"Old Town Mayor" Qiao Qiao greeted and stepped into the reception room.

"Jojo is here, sit down. This is the tea sent by my friend from Xia Guo, a precious tea picked before the rains in spring. A small box is worth a lot, you come and taste.

Edju greeted.

Poured out a cup of tea and placed it in front of Jojo.

Qiao Qiao thanked him and tasted it.

"Good tea", this tea is fragrant in the mouth, with a bit of refreshment, and in an instant, it seems to be under a waterfall. Every cell has a feeling of water impact.

"Not only is the tea good, the water used by the old town mayor, as well as the water temperature, are just right, and the brewing time is also very particular, and the tea will be too fragrant after a long time." The time is short, and the fragrance is not full enough. Jojo exclaimed.

This is indeed the best tea he has ever drunk.

"The money is ready, you'll take it with you in a moment." That's enough for a few months' expenses for Shangge Academy," Edzhu

said, and then his face turned bitter, "Hey, the children of my Yuntian Town have a miserable life, so many children have to go through this kind of thing, why are there so many perverted killers."

"Old mayor, I just have something to ask you," Jojo said.

"Oh?, what do you have to ask me about this old fellow. Edju bewildered.

"Do you know about the stand-in messenger?"

"You say, the substitute messenger?" the boy next to him, who had been silent, suddenly spoke

, "Well, of course I know," Edzhu nodded.

"Jojo, you are also a stand-in messenger. Qiao

Qiao did not hide it either, and released the platinum star on the spot.

"This clear figure, and this sense of power. Your stand-in is very strong. The boy in black exclaimed in admiration.

The mind floated, and there was also a stand-in phantom emerging behind him,

it was a pitch-black stand-in with obvious muscle lines.

"The name is unknown. Force B, Speed A, Growth C Precision Action C, Sustained Force C Range A" The voice of the system also sounded in Jojo's mind.

"This stand-in is also quite outrageous," Qiao Qiao couldn't help but secretly admire.

"I forgot to introduce you, this is Axe, and also a substitute messenger," Edju said, "This is Jojo, maybe he can help you complete the mission of the academy."

Jojo and Axe nodded to each other.

"Mayor, since you know the stand-in ability, it is easy to say that the recent large number of homicides in the town, and a large number of orphans, are all thanks to a group of substitute messengers. Jojo said.

The mayor nodded, his face solemn: "[Love]."

"Do you know this organization too?" said Jojo.

"Yes, this Axai, the purpose of coming to our town is this organization. Edju pointed to Aksai next to him.

Axai slowly spoke: "Twenty years ago, a large number of capable people suddenly awakened, and many substitute messengers whose strength far exceeded ordinary people appeared. Suddenly gained great power, many people transcended the rules, the shackles of the law, the torture of ordinary people, the impact on order everywhere, and when the whole country was in despair, the man standing at the top appeared, created the King Academy, became the king of the stand-in, re-specified the rules, restrained the substitute messenger, and created order again. Give ordinary people a normal living space, people call him, the king of substitutes!"

Qiao Qiao's eyes are also solemn, there is actually such a man, single-handedly, guarding order.

"But there is no shortage of people who storm the order, there is an organization that destroys order in this town, [love], King Academy also has a law enforcement team in order to deal with these people, and I am a member of the law enforcement team."

Axai said.

"My goal is the [Love] organization. "

#替身名: Crowd

Force D Speed B Sustained Force A Range A Precision Action E Growth C

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