"What's next?" After

killing the monitor, the house was also vacated.

There are indescribable objects on the third floor.

The first floor was blown up by gas tanks.

Only the second floor, barely able to settle.

Several people sat around a table.

Jojo asked.

Karya took out a map from his pocket.

Spread out on the table: "As everyone knows, the hand of Y City can almost manipulate the local government, and these intersections are supervised by him using the power of the government, and no matter where he goes, he will be hunted down." If we resist, our existing strength is far from enough, and the next step is to find more helpers.

"Where to find more help?" Axe questioned.

"I said, City Y has now gathered a large number of KING Academy substitute messengers who come to do five-star missions, just as we found you, the next step is to find more substitute messengers who either act alone or go together, only by uniting can there be hope of fighting against the hand of Y City."

"Because there are the eyes of the Y City Law Enforcement Team everywhere, we don't dare to investigate too much, except for Axe, there is only one piece of intelligence left."

Karya said, pointing to a spot on the map.

"Even here, there is also a foreign stand-in messenger hidden here, and the person is also from the Action Law Enforcement Team, according to my intelligence, his stand-in ability is very strong, if he can join us, it will be a big help."

"This place is a little close to the branch, is this person actually hiding under the nose of the hand of Y City?"

Jojo shook his head, the geographical location of that area looked very dangerous.

"On the contrary, you've been to the branch recently, haven't you?

The Hand of City Y was busy cleaning up the more famous emissaries who he thought threatened him with the status of heir, and almost all the forces were not in the division.

"After we find the hidden substitute messenger, we can even attack the branch, and maybe we can detect some valuable information." Karya spoke.

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder we went to the branch and only saw a substitute messenger." Qiao Qiao suddenly realized.

As Karya said, now it is the enemy's division, which is extremely lacking in strength.

Just do it, and a few people quickly set off for their destination....

"Is this the place?" , the group got out of the taxi, and in front of them was a very ordinary residential building.

This is an old-fashioned residential building that has been around for a long time.

The wall skin is all peeling off.

Axai couldn't help but speak, "Generally, the law enforcement team should not be short of money when doing some tasks, it seems that this is an extremely low-key person." Jojo

coughed dryly, remembering the house in the slum of his town....

"It smells of blood here." Kevin shook his head and signaled everyone to be careful.

"My tracer is very sensitive to smells, there is a good chance that there has been a fight here, and there is still a smell of blood in the air."

Several people were nervous, and a fight had just broken out.

That would signal that the enemy has not left yet.

"Go up and take a look," Kevin beckoned and entered the corridor first

, but in front of the steps, several of Team Seven's stand-in messengers looked at each other.

"Don't worry, there won't be so many stand-in abilities that come out of the ranks," Qiao Qiao shook his head

, these people were really afraid of the well rope after being bitten by snakes for ten years

, and then stepped on the stairs first, and everyone hurried to follow.

Just turn a corner.

When I came to the second floor, I saw a corpse in the center of the stairs, and it is worth noting that the right hand of the corpse was missing, and the broken flesh was blurred, obviously dragged down with great force.

"What a familiar handwriting," Qiao Qiao shook his head,

remembering the habits of the [Love] organization.

Could it be, he?

Jojo remembered the [Love] organization, the only person who escaped.

"Moo, hahahaha,"

the next moment, a familiar smile came from the corner of the stairs on the higher floor.

"Is there a new collection?" the voice stopped abruptly.

"It's actually you!!" The owner of the voice was none other than Blue Tiger, and I saw him looking at Qiao Qiao with a look of horror.

"You are really haunted, obviously I have left the town." Blue Tiger suppressed his fear, his face gloomy.

"This..." Karya and the others also rushed over.

Looking at the corpse at the staircase, he spoke in horror.

"We were looking for him, but we didn't expect to be killed."

"So many people?" Blue Tiger's face became more and more gloomy.

"You have nowhere to escape, Blue Tiger," Jojo said, pointing to Blue Tiger.

"Presumably this is the murderer," Liao Sha, who had questioned Jojo, stepped forward.

"You kid likes to be in the limelight, let you see this time, our seventh squad is not vegetarian, this murderer will be handed over to me," Then, Liao Sha stretched out his hand and stopped Qiao Qiao.

"The venue here is too narrow to be opened, do you dare to follow me to the open space downstairs."

Liao Sha pointed to the blue tiger and spoke.

"Moohahahaha, there are many of you, you can do anything, but you have to duel with Uncle Ben, unless you promise to lose and don't let them wheel fight."

Blue Tiger shook his head and said.

"There will be no chance of wheel fighting, I will easily kill you, if you win, I will stop them from shooting,"

Liao Sha said confidently.

, followed by walking downstairs to the open area before everyone.

"Moohahahaha, someone died for you today, you are not qualified to learn my newly learned moves," Blue Tiger dropped a cruel word at Qiao Qiao.

Also went downstairs.

Blue Tiger, standing opposite Liao Sha. The crowd gathered from afar.

"What a duel, what a duel," Karya said anxiously.

Munch stopped her from talking.

"It's okay, let others not take our seventh team too lightly." When he said this, his eyes glanced at Jojo, who was now with Axe.

"Qiao Qiao, is this the member of the [Love] organization that you forced to quit? His breath, a little strange ah, in a while in case Liao Sha loses we can't make a move? Such an enemy, let go is a hidden danger.

"If we make a move, we will trample the honor of their squad, and people will have no face to cooperate with us, so let's watch." If Liao Sha loses, he can only let the blue tiger leave. I'll sanction him later," Jojo shook his head.

In the other battle group, the two were already ready to strike.

Liao Sha released a huge gray double, and the

muscle stripes were relatively clear, obviously a close-range strength type.

The "strength C, speed B, precision C, range C, continuous force A, growth C"

system also reported the panel of Liao Sha's double in time

, Qiao Qiao frowned, this panel can only be considered decent, but I don't know what his ability is.

"Hmph, you can also be regarded as a virtue, and it is also considered an honor to be able to see my stand-in, [Gray Rat], who died under his hands." Liao Sha said.

"Moohahahaha, gray rat, it's not a secret, the next stand-in, called the blue tiger" The blue tiger laughed and released the blue weirdo.

Liao Sha did not come up to use the ability, both sides began to test each other

, suddenly, Liao Sha disappeared, just under everyone's nose, disappeared.

"Is it getting smaller?" Qiao Qiao's eyes froze, and with the precise movements of the platinum star, he captured the moment when Liao Sha disappeared, and he actually turned into the size of an ant, hovering around the blue tiger.

Extremely fast, yet extremely discreet.

"What about people?" The blue tiger looked around, but did not expect that the opposite side was getting smaller.

"It worked," Munch breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it proved to the seventh squad.

They knew Liao Sha's ability to know that he was getting smaller, and as for the enemy, it was generally impossible to trace.

I saw that Liao Sha had become the size of an ant and had come behind the blue tiger, just when the blue tiger was looking for it.

Restore the prototype again and punch the back of the blue tiger's head!

Although Liosha's strength is not as good as his own, Munch believes that such a surprise punch with full force, the enemy can not resist.

Sure enough, Blue Tiger didn't react at all and was hit hard by that punch.

"It worked," everyone in Team Seven was ecstatic.

The action of sniping the monitors made Jojo shine, and they were all holding their breath.

Qiao Qiao shook his head, "It's useless,"

Sure enough, the next moment, everyone's joy turned into shock.

I saw that the blue tiger took a hard punch and actually stood in place, unharmed.

Not only that, I saw him suddenly turn around, punch out heavily, and Liao Sha, who had no time to dodge, suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew out upside down.

"This!" Qiao Qiao's face was shocked, and the punch that Blue Tiger had just made surpass the degree he encountered last time.

"Moohahahaha, Uncle Ben didn't waste his time, I also learned a new trick, I originally planned to keep it for you, count you lucky, someone will die for you first," Blue Tiger looked arrogant and arrogant.

"Let you see, Uncle Ben's newly learned moves,"

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