Through the bay window, look at the scattered pedestrians on the road.

Jojo thought of the enemy who didn't know where to hide and where he had arranged the stand-in ability.

Inexplicably felt a pang of emptiness.

Why do you have to go through this never-ending battle all the time?

An enemy in a small town almost killed him.

What's more, this huge Y City? After completing this series of tasks, all you get is to go home with the ability to substitute, but what did you pay? The price is too expensive.

It seems that Tan heard Jojo's thoughts.

The system, which had been relatively silent, suddenly spoke.

"This is your destiny."

"Actually, you are not the first person chosen by me to cross into this world, but only your awakened stand-in is Platinum Star! Only this stand-in has the possibility to complete the terrifying mission in the future.

"The people here, to me, are just passers-by, these enemies are obviously so strong, you can also see, a monitor, the ability is terrifying to this extent, even if the enemy wants to destroy and rule the world, I am just a passerby."

Qiao Qiao responded inwardly.

"I can only tell you that in the future, that battle will affect your original world, think of your friends and relatives in that world, and this world's Axe, Fangel, Xiangqing, only you can save them."

The sound of the system no longer seems to be cold, but heavy.

"What your enemies are plotting, you can't imagine, since your awakened stand-in is the Platinum Star, you should take on the heavy responsibility of saving the world."

Jojo sighed. Shaking his head, he gave up his defense.

The system continues, "Think of the people you've always looked up to? Think about the golden spirit they have? And what are they facing? Ultimate creatures? Devils trying to rule the world? The fanatics who create the so-called paradise? What did they complain about in the face of these enemies?

"If your awakened stand-in was something else, I wouldn't have put these on your shoulders."

"However, your stand-in is the Platinum Star! With great power comes great responsibility. Your destiny is to inherit the golden spirit. "The system's words are getting heavier.

"Only you can save all this, only the Platinum Star can do it,"

Jojo nodded, his gaze returning to clarity.

yes, what did they complain about? Although he does not have the blood of Joestar, he can also inherit the golden spirit.

"I can only say that if you can't even step through a Y city, you should give up as soon as possible, and the enemies you will face in the future will be stronger than them." The system finished the last sentence and fell silent.

Qiao Qiao's dull eyes were also hot.

He took a deep look at the "purple evil spirit" standing beside him.

After all, my stand-in is you.

Saving the world, sounds like a joke.

But isn't that what the people he admires do?

"You guys wait here, I'll come when I go," Jojo looked at the seventh squad behind him, as well as Axe.

Everyone was stunned, and they also felt that the man in front of them seemed to have a fire lit on his body.

"According to your arrangement, after completing a series of tasks one after another, can it be called saving the world."

Jojo laughed.

The system did not respond, but a warm current was transmitted, which restored Jojo's physical strength.

Jojo took a step and the platinum star showed.

Directly smashed the bay window, and the whole person jumped towards the ground.

Before landing, check the ground with a meteor finger to confirm that it is not contaminated by the enemy's avatar ability.

"Ah..." Seeing someone jump down from the building,

the already few pedestrians in the vicinity ran away with a puff of smoke.

"You should, still hide on the first floor." Jojo looked at the three-story building in front of him.

Step by step to the first floor. At each step, a meteor finger is first used to probe the ground for abnormalities.

The first floor of the building has an exterior wall with many flower beds operating between the exterior wall and the house.

But it's already autumn, so it's all over the place.

"Huh?" Jojo walked to the edge of the flower bed and was about to step over when he suddenly sensed danger.

Quickly cast the Platinum Star and gently threw a punch to his own body and dodged the attack.

"Bang," a bullet, almost against Jojo's forehead, bombarded the doorpost behind.

Suddenly, the doorpost that touched the bullet was missing a masonry out of thin air.

"Did you actually attach the stand-in ability to the pistol bullet to make up for your lack of speed?"

Qiao Qiao's face was solemn, "It's a little tricky." "

The speed of the platinum star, although far above the bullet, but the enemy's ability is too strange, he does not dare to use the stand-in to touch the items with the enemy's ability.

So, if this bullet attacks his body.

He could only use the Platinum Star to forcibly push his body away to dodge!

"It seems that you can do an experiment," Qiao Qiao quickly hid behind the doorpost, and

the light in the right hand of the platinum star flowed, and a black glow was actually attached.

This is the reward given to the system dad after completing the first series of tasks.

Axe was required to put absolute defense on him.

However, after defeating Wren that time,

his platinum star actually obtained a ray of seed from the black bondage! He obtained the absolute defense of the black bondage!

It lasts about four seconds with full force. It is a pity that the range of this absolute defense is only 1 meter, and it cannot be worn on dead objects.

Qiao Qiao deliberately tilted his head, and sure enough, there was a subtle gunshot under the silencer.

"Euler!" The platinum star waved his big hand, and his right hand, which was accompanied by absolute defense, blocked the bullet. At the same time, the left hand waved fiercely, if there was a mutation, he would not hesitate to cut off the right hand, in order to test whether the absolute defense could resist the opponent's ability, he did not hesitate to block a hand.

Didn't go away!

"That's enough."

Qiao Qiao smiled, exhaled deeply, and released the tension that had lasted too long.

"You can't break through absolute defenses."

In the next instant, absolute defense is circulating throughout the body.

Then, cast full speed.

Step on the flowerbed and run at speed.

"You... Don't come here," the figure around the corner hurriedly blasted with a pistol.

Each bullet comes with a stand-in ability to stop Jojo's attack.

However, the black man flowed and endured everything.

"Euler, Euler, Euler!"

The fierce fist wind poured down like a violent wind and rain.

The monitors were utterly defeated.

The ground is dyed red.

This enemy stand-in ability is too weird, properly applied, and too threatening to them, and Jojo can't show mercy.

"Come down," Qiao Qiao greeted, raising his fist that was still dripping blood, looking at the third floor.

Several people on the third floor who had been paying attention to the battlefield, except for Axe, were all sweating. Shoot ruthlessly and show no mercy to the enemy. They were very glad that they were not the man's enemy.

Qiao Qiao glanced at the corpse that the watchers could no longer distinguish.

There are no waves in the heart.

"What we pay may be more expensive than this planet, so you must also be enlightened."

"Bursting your heads is the fate of the Platinum Star."

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