In a hotel.

Bai Xing took a comfortable bath and put on new clothes.

The long black windbreaker and dark brown vest are held up by muscles, giving the look of a tights.

He was wearing black trousers and a pair of deerskin military boots.

Most of the previous clothes had been destroyed in the battle, and Shirahoshi crossed over directly without even a dime on him.

But this doesn't bother him.

After recovering the ancient tree bodies of Nagai and Sato, all their martial arts became the 'Wedding Dress Magic'.

As the saying goes, bitter hatred presses the golden thread every year to make wedding clothes for others.

That's right, everything about them became Shirahoshi's.

Under the effect of 'magnetic field assimilation', Shirahoshi can come and go anywhere freely even if he is a Kuroto.

Lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

Shirahoshi seemed to suddenly be back to the time he was at Shijo Yume Residence in Kyoto.

I didn't expect that I would end up in a bad situation again.

Last time, he checked the electromagnetic fruit in the hotel, and this time, also in the hotel, Bai Xing planned to carefully check the newly born second fruit to see what magic it had.

Even Shirahoshi couldn't help but feel curious about this.

However, considering the commotion caused when he swallowed the electromagnetic fruit for the first time, Shirahoshi took the lead and waved his hand to arrange a layer of electromagnetic force field protection in the room.

Consciousness touches the second branch of the ancient tree that comes back to life.

Different from the three-color current that is constantly rotating on the electromagnetic branch, the background color of this branch is black and gray, and it is covered with various incomprehensible esoteric runes. These runes are all outlined by white fluorescent streamlines. out.

At the end of the branch, three shiny white fruits like apples were hanging there.

Shirahoshi was the first to use his consciousness to pick off the nearest one.

When he opened his eyes, the fruit indeed appeared in his palm.

Take a firm bite, and the juice explodes in your mouth. The pulp is soft and glutinous, with a rich and mellow aroma.

Even if it's just to satisfy your appetite, the fruits produced by this ancient tree are absolutely top-notch!

After the whole fruit was eaten, a white core was left.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Xing felt a special power surge inside his body.

At the same time, just like last time, a sudden realization appeared in my mind.

Let him know the effect and specific functions of this fruit.

Closing his eyes, Shirahoshi digested the information.

The fruit born from this newly unlocked branch is called the Fruit of Life.

Therefore, this branch is also called the branch of life by Bai Xing.

Swallowing the Life Fruit can provide Bai Xing with a kind of life energy.

This energy has two effects.

First, using energy can enhance the body, which is the five basic human qualities.

Strength, speed, agility, endurance and flexibility!

Second, use energy to enhance the essence of life. The stronger the essence, the longer the life.

However, the amount of energy required will definitely be higher.

It should be noted that these two cannot be done at the same time!

In other words, if a piece of life energy is chosen to enhance the basic quality of the human body, it cannot be used to enhance the essence of life.

If you choose to enhance the essence of life, you cannot use it to enhance the basic quality of the human body.

Improving the basic quality of the human body has little appeal to Shirahoshi.

What surprised him the most was that it could enhance the essence of life!

This increases lifespan!

Even in some high-end fantasy worlds, lifespan cannot be increased by one's will.

It is indeed a fruit of life! It is actually something that directly increases life span!

Bai Xing opened his eyes, a look of surprise flashed deep in his eyes.

Compared to the electromagnetic fruit, this thing is even better!

After all, even those with strong magnetic fields will only have a lifespan of about three hundred years if they don't reach the ultimate level.

As for the subhuman physique, although it can be reborn infinitely, it is also limited by its lifespan.

One way to kill demi-humans is to imprison them until they die.

And with this fruit of life, you can continue to increase your life span until you have eternal life!

Of course, the most important thing is the core!

Bai Xing shifted his gaze and looked at the fruit core lying in his hand, glowing with white light.

It is somewhat similar to the electromagnetic fruit, but not the same.

Life cores can also be planted, but after planting, they will not copy the knowledge and physique of the planter like electromagnetic cores.

Instead, a contract will be formed!

First of all, the vitality of the plant will be overdrawn.

This life force will be used to greatly enhance his basic human quality.

But at the same time, he was destined to not live long since he had overdrawn his vitality.

Depending on the individual's potential, he or she will have a lifespan of three days to three years.

At this time, the second characteristic appears.

Planted people can replenish their life energy through killing!

Every time you kill a creature, you can absorb the life energy of that creature!

After absorption, he can also choose.

Should the absorbed life energy be used to strengthen one's basic physical fitness or to enhance the essence of life?

But no matter what he chooses, one thing cannot be changed.

That is 70% of this energy, which will be fed back to Shirahoshi!

In addition, it is the same thing as the electromagnetic fruit. When the cultivator becomes stronger and stronger, whether it is the increase in basic physical fitness or the increase in life essence, nutrients will be produced.

Absorbed by white stars and ancient trees.

Used to give birth to more fruits.

It can also restore the life of more branches.

After understanding the purpose of the life core, even Bai Xing couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

The expression is a little weird.

He originally sighed that this fruit was good, just like its name and function, it contained the weight of life.

As a result, its core actually has such effect!

This is fucking like a loan shark, isn't it?

As long as you plant the life core, your vitality will become stronger instantly.

As he becomes stronger, his lifespan is about to run out, creating a sense of urgency.

Forcing the cultivated to kill to replenish their life energy.

And when they obtained life energy, they discovered that they could become stronger and increase their lifespan without limit.

Who can resist this temptation?

I'm afraid not everyone will turn into a lunatic and a murderer!

No matter how many people they kill or how strong they become.

The ultimate beneficiary will only be White Star!

Because every time they absorb the life energy, Bai Xing can take away 70% of it!

This fruit of life is not heavy at all, but it is very evil!

Swallow the remaining two fruits of life.

Bai Xing felt the life energy in his body, and then tried to use one-third of it to improve his basic human quality.

The remaining two-thirds are used to enhance the essence of life.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Xing felt that his five basic qualities of the human body had undergone slight changes.

If he didn't have the [Complete Realm], he could feel all the changes in the body in detail.

The enhancement is not even noticeable!

It seems that a little bit of life energy has little impact on my current strength.

As for the essence of life

Shirahoshi only had a very hazy perception.

It seems like my lifespan has increased.

But specifically how it was increased and how much it was increased.

Even he couldn't feel it.

Forget it, as long as it's useful, it's just a matter of adding up a little.

After hiding three fruit cores shining with white light into his body.

Bai Xing planned to search for information online.

This world generally seems to be in the 21st century.

Nothing unusual has been found yet.

If, like the demihuman world, information about demihumans could be found everywhere, it would be very helpful for Shirahoshi to quickly understand this world.

I'm afraid that the extraordinary system of this world is hidden under the water, and there may even be no extraordinary system at all, just an ordinary parallel world.

Just as Bai Xing turned on the computer in the hotel room, he heard a noise coming from outside.

Huh? Are you here for me?

Shirahoshi felt a little confused when he felt the hostility.

He had just entered this world, how could he offend others?

In the corridor, a group of men came to the door.

The leader suddenly went up and kicked him hard.


The door deformed instantly and the locks were disconnected.

But it didn't open as directly as he imagined.

Instead, he bounced the man away.


He hit the corridor wall behind him hard.

He fell to the ground with a face full of pain.


The remaining people suddenly became furious and took out pistols directly from their clothes.

There was a volley of fire directed at the door.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Unfortunately, even if the bullet penetrated the door, it was still blocked by an invisible force.

At this time, Bai Xing in the room remembered that he had laid down a layer of electromagnetic force field protection just in case.

Undo it with a wave of your hand.

At this time, people outside were already trying to knock on the door.

Thinking that something was blocking it, the three of them tried their best to hit it with their shoulders.

As a result, the already overwhelmed door shattered.

The three of them immediately became gourds on the ground.

Bai Xing sat on the sofa, looking at this funny scene with a slightly raised eyebrow.

The two people behind quickly entered and pointed their guns at Bai Xing.

That's him! The bastard who murdered Brother Akazawa, please die!

boom! boom!

Without further ado, just shoot.

The bullet that came out of the barrel was hovering in mid-air.

Before they could show their shocked expressions, 'magnetic field assimilation' had enveloped them.

Tell me what's going on.

The five people with dull expressions stood in a row, and you and I explained clearly the cause and effect.

It turns out that the man who was directly given death for speaking rudely to Shirahoshi on the street was actually an officer of the Inagawa Society.

His younger brother called the surveillance camera afterwards and saw something strange about Bai Xing.

So he decided that he was the murderer and planned to avenge his eldest brother.

Shirahoshi didn't care about that little Kalami at all. Killing him was like stepping on an ant while walking on the road.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an island gang again!

He let out a 'tsk' sound and said to himself: My relationship with these gangsters in the island country is really quite close.

Rubbing his chin, he looked at the five guys in front of him.

In addition to investigating the properties of this world as soon as possible, another important thing is to plant fruit cores.

These gang members who just draw their guns and shoot without saying a word are a good choice.

In addition, in the demihuman world, Shirahoshi felt that it was necessary to control a group of subordinates to handle various chores for him.

He randomly picked the Yakuza member who had just fired the most decisive weapon and asked, What's your name?

Masayuki Nakamura.

Very well, it's you.

Opening his palm, a white fluorescent fruit core appeared.

Nakamura Masayuki fell to his knees and lowered his head in front of Shirahoshi.

As the palm of the hand pressed on the top of the head, the fruit core also disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Nakamura Masayuki stood up again, and his body began to change.


His muscles were swollen and veins popped out on his face.

The whole person grew bigger in a short period of time.

Even my shoes were bursting and my clothes were tight.

From an ordinary Yakuza member who was about 27 or 27 years old and 1.78 meters tall, he instantly turned into a muscular man about 1.85 meters tall!

Not bad, overdrafting vitality seems to be quite effective in increasing basic physical fitness.

He rubbed his chin and said, I just don't know what the combat effectiveness is like. He looked at the other four people and said, You four, you can use any weapon except guns. Give me all your strength to kill him.

Upon hearing Shirahoshi's order, the four Yakuza members all pulled out a short sword from their arms.

This thing called Richa is very sharp and easy to carry.

With a roar, he rushed towards Nakamura Masayuki.

Nakamura Masayuki, under Shirahoshi's instructions, would certainly not let others take advantage of him.

Launch a counterattack immediately.

The two sides struggled for a while.

As a Yakuza member, fighting is his specialty.

Although it doesn't look like much in Bai Xing's eyes, it is still much better than ordinary people.

Nakamura Masaki lowered his head, dodged the knife, and followed up with a punch as big as a sandbag.


One of them was directly blown away and hit hard against the wall.

The sound of broken bones sounded clearly, and the bones in his hands fell to the ground.

Blood spurted out of his mouth. Although he was alive for a while, he had no fighting ability.

On the other side, Nakamura Masayuki could only instinctively raise his arms to protect his head when facing the life-threatening attacks from others.


The blade cut across the arm, but was blocked by muscles that were tougher than beef, and could only make a shallow wound.

Immediately afterwards, Nakamura Masayuki seized the opportunity and eliminated all the remaining three people with three strikes, five additions, and two moves.

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