Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 88 Recover the seeds of power and head to the new world

With the terrifying power of 90,000 horses, the two men were not afraid of the damage from a nuclear explosion that was as powerful as Ivan the Great.

But that's for them at their peak.

At this time, after more than three days of high-intensity fighting, both Nagai and Sato were extremely exhausted.

After such an explosion, although it did not bring any fatal threat to them, it further expanded the consumption.

The most important thing is that both of them thought of a terrible consequence at the same time.

They all turned to look.

I saw that the big stone ball had long been submerged in the sea water, and the hazy steam generated by the high temperature had dissipated.

A figure gradually became clearer.

He felt that the power of the nuclear explosion was being continuously absorbed by Shirahoshi, and knew that if he continued to let it go, he would not be able to fight at all!

The two of them rushed towards Shirahoshi in unison.

The power of ninety thousand horses! Hell's funeral knife·Destroy the sky!!

The power of ninety thousand horses! The power of heaven and earth, the tornado of hell!!

Faced with the full siege of the two men, Shirahoshi had no need to dodge at all.

You two guys, under the nuclear explosion with an equivalent of 50 million tons, you were not able to increase your strength by one step.

Is the potential limited to this?

Forget it, I'll give you one last chance.

Nuclear blast fist·100 million tons equivalent! ——Hmm! !

Shirahoshi superimposed the nuclear blast power he had just absorbed onto his own nuclear blast fist.

Multiplying the two together, an unparalleled power equivalent to 100 million tons instantly burst out!

——Boom, boom, boom! ! !

Even the satellites in the sky couldn't capture anything.

Only the blazing white light of destruction remained.

On October 30, 1961, the former Soviet Union tested a heavyweight hydrogen bomb on Novaya Zemlya.

It was called the King of Bombs by later generations, or Ivan the Great’s Tsar Bomb!

This big thing is 8 meters long, 2.1 meters in diameter, and weighs about 27 tons. The initial designed explosion yield is actually 170 million tons!

Because the Soviet authorities were worried that the nuclear fallout after the test explosion would have a serious impact on the environment, which would cause domestic political problems and diplomatic turmoil, they reduced the explosive yield of the hydrogen bomb to 50 million tons.

But even so, this nuclear bomb is the most powerful one ever tested in human history!

And today.

Just southwest of the island nation of Chiba Prefecture.

The largest nuclear explosion in human history broke out!

With a power equivalent to 100 million tons, seawater evaporates instantly, exposing the seabed below.

Countless materials were washed away by this violent energy tide and quickly disappeared into the sand.

A huge mushroom cloud rose.

Faced with this extremely terrifying attack, Nagai and Sato used all their methods.

Even Xiao Hei, who had not been used for a long time, was summoned.

Although Nagai only has one Xiaohei, his strength has already increased greatly.

It is even comparable to a strong man with [current push] of 300,000 volts.

It's a pity that in this kind of explosion, it doesn't have much effect.

Nagai only managed to resist for a moment before turning into ashes.

Sato can control the 'torrent', but a single Blackie is too weak.

Even if tens of thousands of Xiaohei are summoned at once, it will be of no avail.

In the end, the two of them could only be annihilated in the wash of this terrifying energy.

The 100-million-ton-yield nuclear explosion that White Star used to use the Nuclear Explosion Fist is actually a different concept from the normal release of a 100-million-ton-yield nuclear bomb.

Because Shirahoshi possesses the [Complete Realm], he can concentrate his power even more.

Let it cause maximum damage!

Wait until it's all over.

The uneven ground is covered with black and gray crystal-like substances.

The two balls fell there.

Bai Xing stepped down and stood in front of them.

Look down.

Those heads clearly belonged to Nagai and Sato!

Bai Xing's eyes were full of disappointment.

In this situation, Nagai and the two still failed to burst out with stronger power.

Maybe there will be a chance to become stronger in the future and break through to 100,000 horses, or even 150,000 horses.

But then I don’t know how long it will take.

Sorry, I can't wait any longer.

Raising their hands, under the pull of the magnetic field, the two guys with only their heads left but still alive came to the front of Bai Xing.

Shirahoshi! What exactly do you want!

Sato was the first to panic.

Because he could feel Shirahoshi exerting that familiar power on himself and Nagai.

The power known as the magnetic field lock!

He was afraid of being locked up again. The feeling of losing power and being slaughtered by others was really not a good feeling!

Don't worry, it will be quick.

What Bai Xing used to seal with the Sky Lock was not their power, but their vitality.

That's why they didn't let them die immediately.

As the white stars stirred up the ancient trees, they seemed to be swaying gently in the boundless void.

A fluorescent root-like object between reality and reality extends into the two heads.

Immediately afterwards, traces of arcs of electricity were continuously absorbed along the roots of the tree.

Nagai and Sato's faces began to twitch, as if they were suffering a lot of damage.

Relax, dizziness is normal.

The electromagnetic seeds planted back then have already taken root and sprouted in their souls.

At the same time, it also became an existence like the daughter of an ancient tree.

It can be completely recycled by the ancient tree itself.

Originally, if Shirahoshi was willing to wait, Nagai and Sato might have a chance to break through the 100,000-horse limit within their life time limit.

It grew to a level of 150,000 or even 200,000 horses.

But it's a pity.

Bai Xing's journey is all over the world!

At this moment, the second branch has absorbed enough nutrients.

Of course I don't want to waste so much time in one world.

So before leaving, Bai Xing planned to make a thorough harvest.

As the ancient tree offspring in the souls of Nagai and Sato were absorbed, Shirahoshi also received feedback from the ancient tree.

Countless insights and moves appeared in his mind.

Hell's funeral knife!

A life-sacrifice killing punch!

A life-threatening fist!

Ruyi four-legged magic formula!

——Buzz! !

The force of the magnetic field is constantly rotating within the body.

Obviously the combined strength of the two of them is not enough to allow Shirahoshi to break through to 110,000 horses.

But he not only increased it to 110,000 horses in an instant, but also hasn't stopped yet!

All the way to a breakthrough of 120,000 horses!

At the same time, the war lines on his face also changed.

Two blades as bright red as blood rose up from his cheeks, like knives from hell meant to slaughter all living beings!

In the center of the destructive war mark on the forehead, the OM war mark is looming in it.

What did you do to us?!

Sato felt the loss of power, and even his own understanding and realm disappeared.

Nagai remained silent, because he understood that he had failed, completely defeated.

He just looked at Bai Xing and said, Destroy me. I know you must have a way to completely destroy me.

Bai Xing shrugged and said: The immortal physique of a demi-human is quite strong. I can only lock you, but I can't completely destroy you.

I don’t think you want to be locked up by me forever, right?

Good luck to you then.

Hope we have another chance to meet again in the future.


Ignoring Sato's shouts, Shirahoshi smashed his head into pieces.

With his whole body shattered, he will randomly choose a resurrection armor to be reborn.

This was the last thing Shirahoshi did for him.

Although he has lost his magnetic field power, Sato is still a battle-hardened demi-human.

As for where he will go from here, Bai Xing has no control over it.

As for Nagai, without the Resurrection Armor, he could only be reborn on the spot as Shirahoshi revoked the Sky Lock.

Standing on the ground, feeling the emptiness in my body, I couldn't adapt to it for a while.

After all, one second he was a powerful man who destroyed the world, and the next second he was back to being an ordinary person.

No one can adapt immediately.

At this moment, the feeling of suffocation suddenly appeared. The high temperature and radiation after the nuclear explosion were simply not something he could withstand now.

Instinctively, he wanted to call for help, but he saw that Bai Xing had already disappeared.

In just a few seconds, Nagai died tragically immediately.

But soon, he came back to life again.

Lying on this piece of land, Nagai completely gave up any struggle.

To him at this moment, the subhuman physique was like a devil's curse.

Now that we have failed, it is so difficult to even think about dying!

At this moment, a black shadow covered the sky above him.

Nagai managed to open his eyes and look.

That was clearly his Xiao Hei.

A little black who still retains a power comparable to [current push] three hundred thousand volts!


Xiao Hei, who was obviously self-aware, grabbed Nagai.

He put it on his shoulders and ran towards the distance.

High in the sky, Bai Xing, who was about to leave, noticed this scene.

He suddenly raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Unexpectedly, after the ancient tree's sub-body was extracted, Xiao Hei, who had been affected by the force of the magnetic field, could still remain in his original state!

Is it because of the black particles? It's really magical.

Rubbing his chin, Shirahoshi thought that maybe Sato could also keep it.

Although Sato's Xiaohei is not as strong as Nagai's, he has long been able to freely control the 'torrent'.

Summoning tens of thousands of Xiaohei at once, even if the official comes to visit him later, he doesn't seem to be afraid of anything.

Hey, I don't know how this world will develop in the future. Maybe one day, I can come back and have a look.

But now, Shirahoshi is planning to leave.

As for Shimomura Izumi, Yajima Masao, and Takahashi Hitomi, Shirahoshi was too lazy to retrieve the seeds in their bodies.

A group of useless people who haven't even been able to enter [Magnetic Field Rotation] are not worth the effort.

Without saying goodbye to anyone, Shirahoshi is not a procrastinating person.

Now that you've decided to leave, act now.

After rising into the sky, Bai Xing connected the second branch with his mind.

At this moment, it can be seen that the branch is emitting white fluorescence, and profound and complex runes appear on the surface.

It has been completely brought back to life!

During this battle, Nagai and Sato provided nutrition many times.

The subsequent recovery of the ancient tree spores provided a large wave of nutrients at once.

Bai Xing saw that there were even three fruits hanging at the end of the branch!

It's a fruit that looks a bit like an apple.

The overall appearance is white and flawless, full of gentle and mellow scent.

When Bai Xing completely touched the branch, the force of adsorption and pulling came again.

This time Bai Xing did not resist and allowed his body to be pulled by the power of time and space.

Didi! !

The sound of car horns rang in my ears.

Wait for Shirahoshi to open his eyes again.

Looking around, I saw that I was standing in the middle of a busy road.

Hey! Bastard! Are you stupid? Don't block there! Go away!

The whistle sounded one after another.

Shirahoshi is still recalling the feeling of traveling through the world.

“It’s really amazing, I didn’t feel anything at all, it was like I suddenly changed places.

Is this really another world?

Bai Xing raised his head and looked around. The bustling streets were full of people and the wide roads were busy with traffic.

There are many high-rise buildings around, and the language used by those people talking through the billboards.

Bai Xing then learned something that even he couldn't help but feel surprised.

This is still an island country!

But he was finally sure that he had truly traveled to the new world.

Because this is Tokyo!

Tokyo has experienced poison gas extinction and nuclear bombing.

It is absolutely impossible to restore prosperity so quickly.

Baga! Didn't you hear what I said? Get out of my way! Otherwise, I will make you look good right away!

Didi didi!

During the few seconds when Bai Xing was stunned.

The driver who was blocking the way forward started yelling obscenities.

He even poked his head out of the car window to see a middle-aged man with a sinister face and a fierce look.

Bai Xing glanced at him and flicked out an arc of electricity.

Then get out of there.

follow closely


The car exploded instantly!

It immediately caused a burst of screaming from the surroundings, and many people gathered around to watch the excitement.

Only Bai Xing left this place without looking back.

He now needs to find a place to study the effects of the fruit born from the second branch.

Then investigate further to find out what kind of world this world belongs to.

Is it like the previous 'subhuman world', a world that I know well?

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