Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 76 The hope of traveling through all the worlds (Additional update! Thank you for your vote


Yamaguchi-gumi Division.

This place has become Shirahoshi's residence.

After the Tokyo Extinction Incident, the Takahashi Group was almost wiped out, leaving only Hitomi Takahashi.

But fortunately, Shirahoshi still controls Yamaguchi Kazuo and has a younger brother to dispatch, so he won't waste energy on trivial matters.

Whether it's money or power, they actually don't have much appeal to Shirahoshi.

And his goal has always been very clear, which is to master more power and have fun in the process.

God knows how happy he was when he saw Nagai trying to kill through the United States.

The only pity is that Nagai, this ignorant guy, gave up halfway!

There has been no movement since the last news stopped in Kansas.

Fortunately, it didn’t take too long after that, and Nagai gave him a big job again!

If Sato saw this scene, he would definitely be very happy, right?

At this moment, Bai Xing suddenly felt an obvious influx of nutrients.

With such high quality, the only possibility is that it was cultivated and successfully broke through to the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation]!

Who is the one?

Bai Xing rubbed his chin and listed the people he had planted fruit pits in his mind one by one.

In the end, Shirahoshi targeted Sato.

As a demi-human who had been imprisoned for twenty years, although he appeared to be indifferent when he broke into the laboratory again, in fact the laboratory was his biggest obstacle.

Sato has already gone insane, as evidenced by the two traits he exhibits.

It has always distinguished demi-humans from humans, whether it was revenge, assassination operations, or even the subsequent annihilation of Tokyo and the nuclear explosion that wiped out the land.

In fact, they are not symptoms of his epilepsy.

After all, a person who has been imprisoned for twenty years and suffered inhuman torture is understandable for doing these things.

He is crazy, in addition to being an Avenger, he is also a fun-loving person!

This is reflected in the fact that every action must be given to the enemy. Shirahoshi does not feel insulted at all when he is treated like a cricket in a jar. Instead, he finds it very interesting.

He also intends to drag Shirahoshi into the water and participate in this game together.

After single-handedly leading the 'Tokyo Extinction Incident', Shirahoshi was asked to rate him, as if it was all just a game to him.

Bai Xing also had high hopes for him, pressing him every time he was at his best, and the results were gratifying.

Because every time Sato returns, he will become stronger!

Now that Shirahoshi has successfully broken through [Magnetic Field Rotation], if Sato cannot keep up, his value to Shirahoshi will not be that great.

In order to force out his potential, Bai Xing used the magnetic sky lock to lock all his magnetic power last time, so that even Xiao Hei couldn't summon it.

Make him the most ordinary sub-human.

Sent to the laboratory again.

Under this kind of stimulation, it seems reasonable to be able to break through [magnetic field rotation].

Apart from this, what really surprised Bai Xing was that the Ancient Void Tree finally changed after absorbing this nutrition.

Since the last time, Bai Xing has distributed all the newly acquired nutrients on another withered branch.

Under the continuous nourishment, this branch has gradually regained its vitality.

The whole body is black and gray, with white fluorescent lines intertwined with each other to form profound runes.

It looks very gorgeous.

With this injection of nutrients, in addition to these white lines becoming a little brighter, the white star also has a strange feeling.

When his consciousness touched the branch, there was a faint pulling force of space and time.

Bai Xing also understood its function at the moment of contact.

Time travel!

When this branch completely gets rid of withering, becomes reborn, and is able to bear fruit, you can choose to use this branch to travel to another world!

At this moment, Bai Xing finally understood how he traveled from his original world to this 'demi-human' world.

After figuring this out, two emotions arose in Shirahoshi's heart.

A wave called excitement!

A stock called Lucky!

I am excited to see all the worlds and infinite scenery!

After all, both the electromagnetic branch and the branch that is about to come to life can take you through a world.

There is no reason why the branches in the future cannot be traveled through, right?

If each branch represents a special fruit, it also represents an independent traversable world.

That white star will have the hope to travel across the heavens and all realms!

As for being lucky, it’s because I haven’t put much effort into this world.

There is no one he particularly cares about, and he has no forces or people of his own.

These fetters will only slow down my ability to travel through all the worlds!

In the infinite world, find stronger power and have more fun!

This is what Shirahoshi is pursuing.

Knock knock knock!

There was a knock on the door.

come in.

Hitomi Takahashi pushed open the door and entered.

He walked up to Bai Xing and said, Shiro-chan, Yoshikawa Junzan seems to have some ideas, what should we do?

Yoshikawa Junzan is the head of the Yamaguchi-gumi branch in Yokohama.

Shirahoshi only controlled Yamaguchi Kazuo, but the Yamaguchi-gumi was a large international organization.

Even with Yamaguchi Kazuo's orders, people's minds will still have different ideas.

In addition, Shirahoshi never wastes his energy on such unimportant things.

So much so that Yoshikawa Kimiyama felt dissatisfied with the transcendent status of Shirahoshi and others, and was even ready to take action.

After hearing Hitomi's words, Bai Xing waved his hands indifferently: Just deal with these things and don't bother me.

Hitomi was not surprised at all by his words, obviously she had already figured out Shirahoshi's temper.

Just his eyes flickered slightly, and he followed up: Shiro-chan, I heard that there are many people in the Yamaguchi group who have some complaints about Yamaguchi Kazuo's decision and our existence. Do you need me to deal with them all?

Bai Xing raised his eyebrows slightly and turned to look at her.

After a period of hard training, this woman's strength is quite good, and she has reached nearly three hundred thousand volts.

And now, immediately after taking control of the power, will that unwilling desire for power be revived?

Obviously, this is Hitomi’s real purpose of coming to report to Shirahoshi!

It's just Yoshikawa Junshan, but it's not worth a special trip.

As long as Shirahoshi nods, Hitomi is confident that she can take down the Yamaguchi group to fill the gap left by the destroyed Takahashi group!

Everyone has their own pursuits, and Shirahoshi will not specifically block Hitomi.

So I just glanced at her and said directly: You can figure it out yourself.

Although she has simulated it dozens of times in her mind, she is 90% sure that Bai Xing will agree to her suggestion.

But when this moment actually arrived, Hitomi still felt like she was breathing a long sigh of relief.

A fire seemed to be ignited in my heart. I suppressed my excitement and nodded: I will definitely not let you down!

After Hitomi left, Shirahoshi originally planned to go and see the live scene of Nagai massacre.

There must be nothing more joyful than the Holy Mother turning into the Demon King of Destruction.

But at this moment, another source of nutrition was suddenly absorbed.

It is no less than the previous one, indicating that another cultivator has broken through to the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation]!

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