Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 75 Today, my heart aches Today, my hands tremble (please order first!)

the other side.

Nagai has arrived in Zaya City.

The size of this city is smaller than Choshi City, and the distance between the two cities is not far, only about 23 kilometers.

With Nagai's current speed, he successfully arrived here soon after massacring Choshi City.

Then he continued to vent his anger.

Flames and wails filled the entire city. The creations of modern civilization that humans are proud of, under this terrifying personal power, were as fragile as soap bubbles and could burst at the first touch!

In the midst of the constant killing, Nagai felt like he had understood something.

That is something that can help him make better use of the power of the magnetic field and exert a stronger effect with the same amount!

Even with this realization, the power of the magnetic field, which was originally consumed extremely quickly, actually became slower.

In between killings, it can be replenished by returning breath.

Don't worry about killing people indiscriminately, and in the end you will find that your magnetic field power is exhausted and someone is behind you.

Just as he was enjoying the pleasure of destruction and killing, his body suddenly became stiff!

The whole person stagnated in place.

In his eyes, a look of disbelief flashed, as well as a trace of panic!

Like a doomsday natural disaster, the chaos he caused was definitely not small. There were booms, explosions and vibrations everywhere, and countless residents were wailing and cursing.

Various sounds are mixed together and appear very messy.

But with the power of 850,000 volts, his hearing has also been greatly enhanced.

Among these chaotic sounds, he heard a familiar yet unfamiliar voice!

Nagai Kei and Nagai Eriko actually did not follow their father's surname.

When they were very young, their parents divorced.

Their mother, Ritsu Nagai, raised them alone.

However, Ritsu Nagai's personality is not very good, so the relationship between Kei Nagai and her is not good either.

Especially after work, we basically lose contact.

The thoughts in my mind were like lightning, and I remembered that in the last exchange, my mother did say that she would go to Chiba Prefecture.

Chiba Prefecture, like Saitama Prefecture where they originally lived, is an important part of the Tokyo metropolitan area.

Both Choshi City and Zao City are within the scope of Chiba Prefecture.

Could it be.

Thinking of this possibility, Nagai felt cold all over his body and his eyes gradually turned red.

How can this happen if it's not impossible? It's impossible!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He hit his head hard several times until blood flowed down his face and to the corner of his mouth.

Tasting the excitement of the smell of blood, I reluctantly threw the bad thoughts out of my head.

But he couldn't just leave like this, or even continue killing.

Because fear and panic took over his heart, the original violence was driven away.

Following the sound, we came to a ruins. This was supposed to be a multi-story building, but now the main structure has collapsed, leading to a complete collapse and it has been reduced to ruins.

A huge piece of reinforced concrete flew away with a wave of his hand.



Like a bubble, it seemed to have no weight at all. It burst through the air and set off a roaring storm. It fell heavily on the ground in the distance, making a dent, and then fell apart.

In this way, Nagai continued to open up the broken buildings with unspeakable panic. During this period, he saw various corpses, many of which were wrapped in dark red mud mixed with dust and blood, with no human form at all.

Just when he comforted himself that he probably just heard it wrong.

Suddenly a familiar thing came into view.

That's a bracelet.

He was wearing an arm that stretched out from the ruins.

When he was seventeen years old, he tried to ease the relationship and made a bracelet with his own hands and gave it to his mother as a birthday gift, so it was impossible to repeat the situation.

At this moment, every muscle in Nagai's body suddenly began to tremble visibly.

His eyes, which had never shed tears since the death of his mother-in-law in the mountains, became hazy again.

Even if his strength reaches his level, he still has difficulty controlling his body and stopping its trembling!

At first, her mother said that the bracelet had been lost long ago, and it was that indifferent tone that broke Nagai's heart.

But now it seems that my mother has always attached great importance to it and has always worn it!

She still loves me! But I don't...

His eyes were red, a thunderous sound kept rolling in Nagai's throat, and his hands began to dig wildly among the ruins.

Follow this exposed arm and dig all the way down!


A severed arm was dug out by him.


This feeling that there was still a glimmer of hope but could not be confirmed made Nagai feel as if his whole body was being burned in the fire of hell!

That torturous emotion tortured every cell in his body.

——Zizi! Zizzi!

The voltage keeps increasing.

Nine hundred thousand volts!

Nine hundred and fifty thousand volts!

One million volts!

In the blink of an eye, the strength surged to one million volts!

Finally, Nagai found the remaining bodies.

Looking at that face that was covered in dust and blood, but still so familiar.

Nagai couldn't hold it any longer and fell to his knees, hugging Nagai Ritsu's body tightly.


He roared to the sky, the corners of his eyes were torn, and tears mixed with blood flowed continuously.

Circles of solid white sound waves spread outward, shattering the eardrums of some survivors who were lucky enough to survive, bleeding out, and falling down in pain.

In the end, he was directly killed by this huge sound wave!

The roar continued for a full hour, until Kei Nagai's vocal cords were almost torn, and then gradually stopped.


In the sky, thick dark clouds had accumulated at some point, and it started to rain.

Big raindrops fell, leaving only a crackling sound in the whole world.

Today, my heart aches. Today, my hands tremble

I just want an ordinary life, I just want to protect everything I care about. But why? Why do I lose things one after another?

Why did God give me this kind of pain? What did I do wrong? What did I do wrong? ! !

Mom, Mom, I actually love you very much. I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to be so arrogant! ! !





The rain keeps falling in the sky.

But nothing can wash away the filth on this earth.

I don't know how much time passed before an armed transport plane flew in from a distance.

The roar of the propellers broke the silence of this devastating city.

In the transport plane, Izumi Shimomura felt uneasy and uneasy, as if something bad was about to happen.

He took a long breath: The situation is already at its worst now. Even if something bad happens again, how much worse can it get?

After comforting himself, Izumi Shimomura looked at the white coffin next to him.

This is a thing made of a new type of material. Its main advantage is that it is not easily affected by electromagnetism.

And what is locked inside is naturally self-evident.

On this trip, Izumi Shimomura's main purpose was to surrender on behalf of Kentaro Ueshima and deliver Sato to Kei Nagai.

But somehow, according to the tip, Nagai suddenly stopped in the middle of the massacre in Zaya City.

I don’t know if he is still in the city at this moment.

It rained heavily.

A bright beam of light was emitted from the transport plane.

He kept scanning the situation below, trying to find Nagai who might still be in the ruins.

at this time.

Shimomura Quan suddenly heard a faint voice.


follow closely

Hee hee hee.


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