Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 73 “Sorry, I don’t eat beef.” (First order requested!)

The only thing that still makes people feel uneasy now is an unstable factor.

White Star!

Since the 'Yokota Base Explosion' occurred, Shirahoshi has officially entered everyone's field of vision.

According to the report provided by Yu Tozaki, Shirahoshi is the origin of all this, and is the first second-stage demi-human in the world so far!

They couldn't figure out Bai Xing's attitude at all.

He is not in the same group as Sato, but he seems to be dismissive of the government.

Every time when things are about to get out of control, he will appear and end everything.

Then he disappeared again.

Waiting for the next more serious thing to happen before it happens again.

He is not a completely anti-human, anti-social lunatic like Sato.

He is not like Nagai who can repay evil with kindness and is willing to sacrifice himself to protect the lives of others.

Regarding Shirahoshi, Uejima's evaluation of him is that he is an extremely powerful, extremely dangerous, and elusive existence!

Instead of risking contact with him, the best way is to let him leave the island country as soon as possible!

Dealing with the never-ending government affairs, Shangdao sighed slightly.

I thought to myself: I hope that the United States can really develop according to my wishes, so that the focus of the world will shift to the United States, and we, with Shimomura Izumi, can lurk and conduct the next research with peace of mind.

Unfortunately, things in this world often backfire.

Just as he was about to continue working on the island, the phone suddenly rang.

It was the Minister of Defense of the Ministry of Defense calling.

Moses Moses.

Your Excellency Prime Minister, something serious has happened!

What is it? Tell me slowly!

Kei Nagai appeared in Choshi City and threatened us to hand over Sato, otherwise he will start killing indiscriminately!

Choshi City.

Located in the eastern part of the Kanto region, it is one of the few fishing port cities in the island country.

In this small city of only more than 80 square kilometers, there are about 73,000 residents.

Qiangu Ming Ramen Restaurant.

Nagai sat by the window.

Looking at the hurried and worried people outside.

The boss with a beard came to him: Everyone is worried.

Seeing Nagai turning to look at him, he smiled sheepishly and said, Guest, what would you like to eat? Our ramen here is excellent. Do you want to have a bowl to try?

You just said, what are you worried about?

The boss said with a 'hum': So many things have happened recently, don't say you haven't heard about it!

Tokyo was destroyed, and it's all because of those two damn demi-humans!

Now the whole country is in turmoil, and everyone is afraid that there is a demi-human hiding around them.

Nagai raised his eyebrows and said, Two?

That's right! One is named Sato and the other is Kei Nagai. Especially that Kei Nagai, he is simply a beast among beasts!

The boss became angrier and his voice became louder as he spoke.

Nagai laughed, but his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

He said: A beast among beasts? Why? Do you have a big grudge against him?

My cousin was studying in the United States, but you didn't know that that bastard Kei Nagai was killing innocent people indiscriminately!

Rivers of blood flowed wherever they passed! If it weren't for him, my cousin wouldn't have given a fuck! This bastard, don't let me see him!

Listening to his curse, Nagai smiled.

At the same time, he noticed that many plainclothes police officers had appeared outside and quietly surrounded the place.

A woman with an unsightly face walked in. When the boss saw her, he waved to her quickly and said, Hey, wife, you got off work so early today. Is the office on holiday?

After greeting him, he continued to complain about Nagai.

I tell you, for the sake of my cousin, I will also curse him. This kind of person will definitely give birth to a son without an asshole!

Nagai just looked at the approaching woman with a smile, because she was also one of the plainclothes police officers.

The woman looked at the demon in front of her and her husband who was still cursing him.

I just feel cold all over.

Husband! Stop talking!

The boss then shut up, remembering that now was not the time for idle chatter.

He said to Nagai: I'll give you a bowl of noodles. My beef ramen is the best.

Nagai said calmly: Okay, don't add chopped green onion.

After the boss left, the woman did not leave, but sat opposite Nagai.

Please let the people here go. Your request has been reported and you will be notified soon.

Nagai didn't say anything, but looked at her expressionlessly: Do I look like a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately?

Although the woman was a well-trained police officer, she was as frightened as a quail when facing Nagai.

Just shook his head.

Nagai continued: Will I really have no butthole when I give birth to a son?

The woman was silent.

What did I do wrong? I just wanted to protect the people I care about. Do you think I was wrong?

The woman remained silent.


Nagai suddenly smiled.

“I know a guy who loves to play games.

So today, let me play a game with you.

If you lose, I will leave immediately.

Win, you all will die!

As he said that, Nagai looked in the direction of the kitchen.

I'll bet on whether your husband's noodles contain chopped green onions.


The woman originally came in with a mission, and the authority chief wanted her to stabilize the situation.

But I didn't expect that things would develop to this point.

Tears even flowed.

You didn't choose me. He just kept scolding me, so I must have put a lot of chopped green onion in his noodles.

It doesn't take a moment.

The boss came over with a bowl of noodles.

At this time, he didn't know anything.

Guest, the ramen is ready. Eat it while it's hot.

The woman and Nagai looked at the bowl of noodles together.

There is really no chopped green onion at all.

The woman suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

The murderous demon lost and now they should be safe.

Evacuation work is in progress, just wait for the announcement from above

Just when she was thinking wildly.

Nagai suddenly stood up.

Smiled at her: Sorry, I don't eat beef.

A trace of electric arc shot out from his fingertips.


The boss who hadn't gone far was instantly reduced to a handful of ashes.

Ever since he committed a murder for the first time and fell completely into this quagmire, Nagai had lost his bottom line step by step.

The most important thing to him now is his deepest obsession to protect Eriko's safety.

Then go to a place where no one knows or can be found, and start a new peaceful life.

With his current power, an astonishing power of 850,000 volts!

He believed that even Sato or Shirahoshi would never be able to match him!

He is confident enough to send anyone who has the guts to think wrong about him to hell!


Screams reached my ears.

The woman shed tears of pain and ran to catch the scattered ashes.

Unfortunately it was all in vain.

From being frightened and nervous to being relaxed, and then suddenly facing such a tragedy, the ups and downs had made her mentally shattered.

Then the sound of footsteps reached my ears.

She looked up and saw Nagai walking towards him.

And as he got closer, the invisible pressure became more and more obvious.

The woman's sanity was slowly lost under this oppression and hatred.

When people are in a state of collapse, they often do stupid things.


The woman drew her sidearm.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Empty the magazine in one go!

The next second, Nagai's figure disappeared and appeared next to her.

The woman felt as if there was a black hole in her chest, sucking away all the heat and strength from her body.

Looking down, I saw a hand penetrated there.

Hold a beating heart.


The minced meat explodes.

The woman with a hole in her chest fell to the ground on her back and refused to close her eyes.

The change occurred so quickly that the plainclothes police officers around the store realized what was happening.

Seeing his colleague dead, he immediately raised his gun and shot with red eyes!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Several bullets pierced the air and arrived in front of Nagai at supersonic speed.

But it hovered in place for an instant.

Good, that's it.


A bullet reflected back and pierced their skulls.

And the remaining bullets are not idle either.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

They all flew around.

The other police officers around who were ready to take action had no time to do anything.

Under Nagai's control, the bullet directly penetrated the glass and turned in the air.

Kill everyone around you.

Even snipers hiding in the dark are not immune.

Nagai, on the other hand, had already walked out of the ramen restaurant.

“Power is something that brings convenience to people.

Bai Xing, if you saw my current strength, would you still underestimate me?

I remembered that at the crisis center, I was clearly trying to help, but I was punched away by Shirahoshi.

Nagai actually always resented this in his heart.

In the United States, the killings that were originally intended to relieve emotions made those high-ranking generals choose to surrender.

Returning to the island country, Nagai planned to repeat his old tricks.

Tokyo was destroyed, and the place where the demi-humans were originally imprisoned has long been in ruins.

The new location was chosen in a more secluded place, and not even Nagai knew about it.

Instead of looking for it himself, Nagai planned to let them hand it over voluntarily.

And relying on it is his own power that is now invincible in the world!

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