Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 72 An ordinary dream! (Please order first!)

What's the matter?

Nagai's voice was cold, but he did not hang up the phone.

Don't be nervous, you have to believe that I don't have any malicious intentions, and my contact with you this time is to negotiate a deal!

A sarcastic smile appeared on Nagai's lips.

He didn't know where Eriko was or whether she was really in the Pentagon.

In addition to relieving the inner pain of the endless killings along the way, the most important thing is to shock!

as expected.

The opponent's general took the initiative to find him.

However, Nagai thinks this is not enough!

Don't worry about the deal. When I come to you, I will discuss it carefully with you!

His intention is very obvious, he wants to continue killing!

Kill through the United States, all the way to Washington, all the way to the Pentagon, and see those generals with your own eyes!


Nagai hung up the phone.

But just when he was about to leave, a voice came from behind him.


A metal door opened, and a hard-line man in military uniform, with thin cheeks and two gray beards stepped forward.

Reintroduction, I am Jesper Noor!

There was also a flash of surprise in Nagai's eyes.

I didn't expect that he would actually have the courage to walk in front of me.

And he’s still alone!

Seemingly sensing Nagai's thoughts, General Noor smiled slightly: Sometimes if you want to seize an opportunity, you always need to take some risks.

Is this an opportunity for you?

General Noor nodded: In a war, information is a vital thing.

Whether something happens is a disaster or an opportunity depends on what information you have and how confident you are!

Nagai was not interested in this, and just said stiffly: No matter what you think, hand over Eriko now, otherwise I will keep killing you!

General Noor looked at him: Do you know what the land area of ​​the United States is? 9.37 million square kilometers! Do you know how many people there are in the United States? 327 million!

Can you kill them all by yourself? Even if you kill them all, what will you change and gain?

That's right! You will become the culprit of World War III. The United States will not sit still and wait for death. You will drag the whole world to hell, including your sister Eriko Nagai!

Without giving Nagai any more chance to speak, General Noor continued: If you only want Eriko, maybe you should listen to my advice.

Nagai's face looked very ugly at this moment.

Staring at General Noor closely: Say.

I just want to know the secret of the demi-humans. It doesn't matter if it's you or someone else who tells me.

Coincidentally, I heard that a battle broke out between Shirahoshi and Sato in Yokohama one day ago, and Sato obviously lost again.

He was taken into custody by the island government. If you can help me bring Sato back, we will return Eriko to you.

This is a one-time deal, how about it?

Seeing Nagai fall silent, General Noor continued: I stand here, which already represents enough sincerity. In fact, there is no conflict between us, right? And with your strength, it is enough for you to lead Eriko in this world. Go to any place and start a new life, I believe no one will bother you again, nor will they dare to bother you!

Believe me, what you have done in the past two days has scared the whole world!

Nagai's bottom line continued to collapse amidst blows and pain one after another.

Every collapse caused his heart to suffer a torture comparable to hell.

To this day, his only obsession is Eriko.

It's like a beautiful city gradually collapsed into ruins, but buried in the deepest part of the ruins, there is still a touch of softness.

It was a dream that he had almost given up, forgotten, and determined that he would never be able to achieve again.

A dream about the ordinary!

But at this time, General Noor's words touched this softness.

With his current strength, it is not difficult to change countries with Eriko and remain anonymous.

Seeing the change in Nagai's eyes, General Noor knew that he had succeeded!

I couldn't help but feel excited.

As he said, information is an important factor in war.

It can even determine the final victory or defeat!

During the meeting in the Pentagon, there were actually two messages conveyed by the phone call.

MacArthur had used Eriko to blackmail Nagai, and Nagai's intention to kill the United States this time was probably because of Eriko.

This is just one of them.

There is another very important information!

That was the battle that broke out between Shirahoshi and Sato in Yokohama.

Sato, who was seriously injured after the incident, was taken into custody by the Asian Asian Research and Management Association of the island country.

Then, Acting President Castro also brought good news.

Among the archival reports provided by the island country, in addition to Yu Tozaki's ideas and original plans, there are also detailed information and analytical data about Sato, Nagai and others.

It is precisely because of this that General Noor was able to accurately grasp Nagai's weakness.

Another weakness besides Eriko, a weakness that could prompt him to agree to his deal!

Once Nagai agrees, the first and most important thing is to stop his killing and stop him from continuing to bring trauma to the United States.

Considering how cunning and difficult Sato is in the file, even if he is caught now, he may not really be brought back by Nagai.

At that time, their battlefield will be transferred to the island country, and it is best to fight to the death of both sides!

The reason why White Star was not selected as the target was that General Noor believed that there was a possibility for the United States to mend relations with White Star. What's more, no matter from the files or my own observations, I can easily tell the fact that the strongest among these three people is Shirahoshi!

I believe Nagai also understands this.

Nagai would not accept an impossible task.

And even if Nagai does bring Sato back, what will they do if they don't have Eriko to give him back.

After Nagai leaves, there will be enough time to think about countermeasures.

Whether it's finding a way to deal with Nagai, or taking advantage of these times to find Eriko's true whereabouts.

It would be much better than waiting for Nagai to really kill his way through the United States and arrive at the Pentagon!

Okay, I promise you, but if you dare to lie to me, I will let you know what real hell is!

Island country, cabinet.

Kentaro Ueshima rubbed his temples. All the major events that had happened in succession made him feel like he was almost exhausted.

He has the same fate as Matt Castro, who both reached the top of politics at the most troublesome time.

This is a disaster for them, but it is also an opportunity.

If he can seize the opportunity in this huge change that can affect the world, he can surpass all previous prime ministers on the island and become a truly famous figure in history!

Even if Tokyo was bombed during his tenure, it could never cover up his shine.

But now, the overall situation is actually not particularly bad for him.

According to the original plan, the island country’s conservative bottom line was to master a ‘second-stage demi-human’.

Originally, they had given up on Sato and Nagai, and as for Shirahoshi, they didn't even dare to think about it.

Having Shimomura Izumi in hand is enough.

Unexpectedly, Sato was defeated by Shirahoshi and got another big advantage from them!

The most important thing is that according to the test, Sato's power has disappeared!


In other words, it was blocked.

This is even more exciting.

Not only can he study Sato carefully, but he doesn't have to worry about him escaping again.

Once the research yields results, their island country will surely be at the forefront of this era!

When the huge global changes are really coming, get the most benefits!

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