Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 46 You are so stubborn, I have lost my patience with you. (Please read and vote)

Stop talking!!

Before the roar of the propeller approached, a loud shout sounded outside the window.

Surprisingly, it is Kei Nagai!

Seeing through the glass that Sato was about to release poisonous gas, Nagai couldn't care anymore.

He jumped out of the helicopter and smashed the reinforced glass of the special observation deck.


At the same time that a large amount of glass shards exploded, the twisted and broken metal steel frame also wrapped around Sato's arm like a rope under Nagai's control.

Try to control it in order to seize the AJVX special nerve gas in the shortest possible time.

It's a pity that Sato is faster than him!

Pulling back his hand slightly, the wrapped steel will tear easily like cloth.

It makes a tooth-piercing, harsh 'squeaking' sound.

He ducked slightly and dodged Nagai's attack.

The two sides exchanged several moves, and Sato once again had the upper hand.

He raised his foot and kicked Nagai in the abdomen.

With a dull explosion, Nagai vomited a large amount of blood from his mouth.

But his goal was achieved.

Possessing the power of magnetic fields, they use magnetic field currents to transmit information and can shorten the communication time to a few tenths of a second.

The moment he jumped out of the helicopter, Nagai conveyed the plan to Shimomura Izumi!

He knew that he was definitely no match for Sato.

So he attracted Sato's attention head-on.

And Shimomura Izumi, the woman ignored by Sato, took the opportunity to sneak into Tokyo Tower.

Even if Nagai is not his opponent, Sato's subconscious protective behavior will make Sato turn back the hand holding the AJVX special nerve gas.

This is Shimomura Izumi's opportunity!


Sato felt a chill on his forearm.

Blood spurted out of it.


The hand holding AJVX special nerve gas was cut off from the forearm!

With the strength reaching 190,000 volts, Sato's body has already far exceeded that of ordinary people.

Even without activating any magnetic field power, the physical body alone can withstand the metal storms continuously shot by submachine guns.

Forget about ordinary swords, even sharp weapons produced by famous craftsmen, it is impossible to cause any damage to his body.

At this moment, with just one blow, his forearm was broken.

Even Sato showed a hint of shock.

Turning around to look, I saw Izumi Shimomura holding the severed arm in his hand and quickly retreating.

The other hand is holding a blue knife!

The black handle is filled with electromagnetic power, forming a blue electromagnetic knife.

There are also fine and dense arc flashes on the edge.

It can achieve that terrifying cutting power through high-frequency vibration.

This is a research project that Tozaki Yubin invested in before.

But so far, there is only one finished product, and it is now in Shimomura Izumi's hand.

This thing is actually of little significance to the island country. Not to mention the difficulty of manufacturing, the fact that ordinary people cannot use it eliminates the possibility of mass production.

Only by mastering the electromagnetic force can you use this sharp blade.

Sato finally paid a price for his arrogance and immediately turned around to snatch back the AJVX special nerve gas.

But how could Kei Nagai sit idly by and ignore it?

Instantly entangled again.

Continuously take the initiative to launch offensive.

Get away!

The furious Sato punched out loudly, but Nagai was like candy, not afraid of getting hurt at all, just to hold Sato back.

Sato lost one hand, and his performance was slightly affected.

But it is still not comparable to Nagai.

Electricity flashed, and he used the fatal sacrificial fist to break half of Nagai's body with one punch.

And he himself quickly refreshed his body's negative state through suicide and rebirth.

After flexing his regrown right hand, Sato suddenly jumped down from the tower.

Just after Izumi Shimomura got his arm, he immediately chose to run away.

During this period, Tanaka, Takahashi and others tried to stop her, but these ordinary demi-humans were simply vulnerable to her with the power of the magnetic field.

With a little bit of use, they were wrapped in a steel frame and restrained.

Even if Tanaka could summon Xiao Hei, he wouldn't be able to get rid of so many twisted steel frames for a while.

This scene was all broadcast live by the only remaining reporter.

Many people who are watching all this closely can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Shimomura Izumi had a firm look in her beautiful eyes, suppressing the grief and anger in her heart.

Seeing Sato again, the scene where Yu Tozaki was killed came to mind again.

But she couldn't do anything, because the top priority was to snatch away the AJVX special nerve gas and send it to a safe place.

Revenge for Yu Tozaki can only be put aside first, and the overall situation must be put first!

But she still underestimated Sato's strength.

After quickly getting rid of Nagai's entanglement, Sato jumped directly from 250 meters away.

In the full burst state, the power is as high as 200,000 volts.

However, Izumi Shimomura was planted for too short a time. Even if he was motivated by hatred, Nagai was there to train him.

But it only has the power of 30,000 volts.

Even before he could escape from Mihuashan Park, Sato caught up with him.


The violent current was like a dancing snake, hitting Shimomura Izumi at extremely fast speeds.


The clothes on Shimomura Izumi's back immediately burst into pieces, and his entire back became charred black.

It smells burnt.

He fell heavily to the ground.

You are also a demi-human, why do you want to be my enemy?

Let's work together to build a beautiful home for Asians, wouldn't it?

Blood dripped from the corner of Shimomura Izumi's mouth. He turned around and looked at Sato, who was slowly approaching.

He spat and said with firm eyes: You cannot represent all demi-humans. No! You are not human at all, nor are you demi-humans. You are just a devil!

Sato sneered: Devil. What a scary title. So the question is, is it scarier, the devil, or the humans who are good at creating demons?

Shimomura Izumi was speechless. In fact, deep down in her heart, she sympathized with the demi-humans imprisoned in the laboratory.

It's just that the situation she was in at the time didn't allow her compassion to overflow.

If Yu Tozaki hadn't needed her protection, I'm afraid she would have been sent to the laboratory long ago.

Moreover, she is deeply in love with Yu Tozaki. Under the filter of love and having never truly experienced the cruelty of the laboratory, her little sympathy is nothing.

But when faced with Sato's question, she didn't know how to answer it for a moment.

But soon, Shimomura Izumi's belief became firm again.

Because she understood that no matter how nice Sato said, it could not change the fact that he was an anti-human and anti-social lunatic!

Therefore, regardless of right or wrong, regardless of reality, the most correct thing to do at the moment is to do everything possible to stop Sato!

Protecting AJVX's special nerve gas with all his strength, driven by hatred and belief, Izumi Shimomura felt that the power in his body was growing!

On the other side, Nagai also rushed up in time.

You are so stubborn. I have lost my patience with you.

Sato's voice was slightly cold, and before his voice fell, his fist had already landed in front of Shimomura Izumi.

boom! !

Violent air waves surged outwards, with traces of electric current mixed in them.

The surrounding trees immediately swayed, and even some were ignited by electric arcs, quickly bursting into flames.

The heavy blow Shimomura Izumi imagined did not come. Looking closely, it turned out that Nagai had blocked her in front of her in time!

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