Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 45 Let the world feel the pain (please read it, please vote)

At this time, Shimomura Izumi hurriedly came over.

News came from the Metropolitan Police Department that there was a shooting in Tokyo Tower, and Tanaka and others were found!

Immediately afterwards, reporters from various media were swarmed. After investigation, we found out that they had all received invitations from Sato!

Nagai ‘Oops! ’ followed by another angrily: “Why don’t these bastard reporters report the news about Sato as soon as possible? Don’t they understand the seriousness of the problem!”

Shimomura Izumi didn't say much, and immediately led everyone to Tokyo Tower.

At this moment, Nagai suddenly noticed something placed not far away.

Wait a minute, I have a plan.

the other side.

Sato has arrived at Tokyo Tower and joined Tanaka and others.

This 332.6-meter-tall self-standing iron tower in the world is located in Mihuashan Park.

In addition to its main function as a radio tower, it also serves as a landmark building and tourist attraction in Tokyo.

Under normal circumstances, there is an endless stream of people and tourists.

But in recent months, the whole world knows that Tokyo has been shaken several times.

The number of tourists has dropped to its lowest point in 30 years.

Even the local residents are in danger, so of course they have no intention of climbing the tower to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Tanaka and others were experienced and easily killed all the staff and occupied the tower.

The whole thing happened so quickly that if someone in the park hadn't heard the gunfire, no one would have even known it happened.

At this time, a large number of reporters had already arrived at Tokyo Tower. Looking at the corpses of staff scattered randomly on the ground, they couldn't help but feel cold!

It was like a bucket of cold water pouring down on my head, extinguishing a lot of my original enthusiasm for catching big news.

But things have come to this, and it's already too late to leave.

Takahashi and Xian showed a joking smile, holding an M4 carbine, standing on both sides to welcome them.

These reporters knew that if they wanted to turn around and escape, what might be waiting for them would be a merciless bullet!

Tokyo Tower has two observation decks.

The main observation deck at 150 meters, and the special observation deck at 250 meters.

At this time, a figure wearing a peaked cap was standing on the edge of the special observation deck.

At an altitude of 250 meters, it seems to be another dimension, perfectly intertwining the city's prosperity and tranquility, ancient and modern, humanities and nature.

Looking ahead, the first thing your eyes will notice is Mount Fuji.

It's like an eternal picture, standing quietly in the distance.

The outline of the mountain appears particularly clear in the sunlight, and the snow-covered mountain top connects with the sky, just like an ink painting.

Moving closer, the urban area of ​​Tokyo is like a huge chessboard, with densely packed buildings like carefully arranged chess pieces. High-rise buildings and ancient temples complement each other, and modernity and tradition collide here. The sunlight reflects dazzlingly on the glass windows of each building, forming a sea of ​​shining stars.

It's beautiful.

Sato gave his own evaluation.

And it's very inappropriate for such beautiful things to be controlled by dirty humans.

Playing with the AJVX special nerve gas in his hand, this thing is composed of two parts.

The outer layer is an oval high-fiber bulletproof glass, and the inner layer is a spiral test tube containing poisonous gas.

The sound of the elevator came from behind, and a group of reporters had arrived.

Sato turned around, opened his arms and said with a smile: Welcome everyone.

The reporters seemed to have forgotten their fear at this time, and their professionalism immediately took over the high ground.

He set up the 'long spear and short cannon' in his hand and was about to confront Sato.

at the same time.

A live broadcast interface appeared on TVs throughout Tokyo, and even in most parts of the island country.

At the same time, various live broadcast interfaces appeared on the Internet.

These are all opened by on-site reporters.

Although the angles of these live broadcast interfaces are different, he is the protagonist in every scene.


I saw that Sato still had the same squinting eyes and slight smile that seemed to remain unchanged forever.

He said to the camera: Hello, friends from the island country, I am your old friend, Sato.

A reporter immediately raised questions.

I would like to ask Mr. Sato, what is the purpose of proactively announcing that he will hold a press conference this time?

And why was Tokyo Tower chosen as the location? Can you explain it to us?

Sato said calmly: Of course. As he said that, he picked up the AJVX special nerve gas in his hand.

Does anyone know what this is?

The reporters looked confused, and the people in front of TVs and computers who were attracted by the live broadcast couldn't recognize what it was.

Except for a few people.

These are undoubtedly senior executives of FORGE, or high-level government officials who cooperate with FORGE.

His expression immediately changed.

I also thought about the serious consequences that might occur.

On the other side, inside Tokyo Tower.

Sato continued: As you all know, the Association for Research and Management of Asians established by the government is actually an organization that hides evil and uses Asians to conduct inhumane experiments on living subjects to make huge profits.

And this is one of the results of more than ten years of using demi-human experiments.

AJVX special nerve gas!

When Sato said the words nerve gas, whether it was the reporters present or the audience watching the live broadcast.

I felt something bad deep down in my heart!

Sure enough, as Sato slowly explained all the effects and effects of this poisonous gas.

It caused huge panic!

And I will release AJVX special nerve gas at Tokyo Tower today.

Since the government ignores the demands of us sub-humans, then we choose to get it ourselves!

After today, Tokyo will be a special autonomous zone for demi-humans, I hope you all know.


Sato's words were no less than a super bomb exploding!

A reporter looked down from the floor-to-ceiling windows and saw that chaos had begun to appear on the streets of Tokyo!

As time goes by, a large number of people drive to escape Tokyo!

But when most people were terrified, they all swarmed into the streets, and no one provided any guidance.

The direct result was that the streets were all blocked and turned into a mess.

The sound of whistles came and went, and the shouts of curses were endless!

As the saying goes, when fear reaches the extreme, it is anger!

Driven by inner panic, these people quickly evolved from yelling to fighting.

Just because of Sato's words, the whole of Tokyo exploded like a pot of boiling cow dung!

It formed a huge chaos that was more serious than last time and unprecedented!

The reporters finally broke down.

They knew Sato was dangerous, but they didn't expect this result!

Once the AJVX special nerve gas is released, they will be the first to die!


The machine was thrown to the ground, and reporters cried and tried to escape.

However, Takahashi and Xian, who had been well prepared, pointed their guns at them with grins.

Da da da!

Da da da!

Before a group of reporters could experience the smell of AJVX's special nerve gas, they died under gunfire.

But there was only one person, still carrying the machine and not moving.

Instead, he said with a fanatical look: Mr. Sato! I am your loyal fan, and I believe that I am definitely a demi-human!

Please release the poison gas as soon as possible. I will broadcast the entire process live. And after this incident, can I join your team?

Sato smiled.

He said to him: If you are still alive by then, of course you can.

Turn around and look at the scene outside.

At this time, the bustling beauty just now is no longer there.

What replaced it was endless chaos!

“Feel the pain, feel the pain that we demi-humans have felt.

Experience the pain, experience the suffering that you humans have given us.

Accept the pain, accept your destiny.

Understand the pain, become a companion of the Asians, and come and participate in the grand event with me!

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