Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 42 The storm is rising, and the specially selected group for Asia is established

Before meeting Shirahoshi, Sato had been lurking in the dark with Tanaka, always preparing to cause trouble.

Of course you have to have weapons to do things.

Sato's method of obtaining weapons is also very simple and crude.

Relying on the demi-human immortality, he asked Tanaka to remove the organs from his body and preserve them.

Then he commits suicide to complete his rebirth, so that the organs in his body will grow again.

Those that have been saved in advance are sold on the black market.

One of the black market arms dealers who cooperated with Sato was Nekozawa whom Tanaka mentioned before.

Demi-humans are such a magical new human species.

It’s no wonder that Yu Tozaki, and even the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, value Asia so much.

Even if we don't mention the secret of the immortal body, just think of demihumans as organ extraction machines.

You can make huge profits from this!

According to the law of rebirth of demi-humans, if it is divided into pieces, it will be reborn on the largest piece of corpse.

Among the ruins of the crisis management center, Sato was attacked by Shirahoshi with all his strength. Not to mention his corpse, not even his flesh could be found.

He was completely beaten to the point of vaporization.

But he still didn't really die.

Because he has been selling organs on the black market all year round, no one knows how many of his organs have been transplanted into other people's bodies around the world.

And these all became his resurrection armor!

Unfortunately, the liver transplanted by Anzai Kuranosuke was the largest of all organs.

So, Sato completed his rebirth directly inside his abdomen!

Two days later.

Island country, cabinet.

The luxuriously decorated conference room was filled with smoke.

Everyone sitting here is a powerful person who can shake up the island country with just a stamp of his feet.

But they all looked sad, and there was only the sound of smoking, but no one dared to be the first to speak.

Sitting at the top of the list is Kentaro Ueshima, the former deputy prime minister and finance minister who succeeded Tetsuya Abe.

The following cabinet ministers are the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Reconstruction and so on.

Everyone, please tell me, what should we do in this situation?

In the end, it was Kentaro Ueshima who spoke first.

It was only after the battle at the Crisis Management Center that everyone saw clearly the true combat power of the demi-humans.

The chaos in Tokyo has just calmed down, but compared to this, the troubles of the demi-humans and the pressure from the United States are the real headaches for them.

Not to mention that their most elite SAT troops have suffered several defeats at the hands of the Asians. Even the American troops stationed on the island can only be reduced to cannon fodder.

There is absolutely no way they can do anything to these demi-humans!

Finally, it was Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Hidero Shintani who stood up and took out a stack of documents.

He handed it to Kentaro Ueshima: This is the plan for Asians compiled by the deceased head of the Asian Research and Management Association Tozaki Yu during his lifetime. Please give it to the Prime Minister for review.

Kentaro Ueshima actually has no choice. Now that he is pushed to the position of prime minister, he feels very headache.

The ex left behind a lot of mess, and if he didn't handle it well, he might have to follow him.

At this moment, it seems that someone has finally come up with a method. Although I don't know if it is reliable, I still have to take a closer look.

Immediately afterwards, the only sound left in the entire conference room was the sound of Kentaro Ueshima turning pages.

a long time.

Kentaro Ueshima put down the plan in his hand, frowned, and thought carefully.

Do you think it's feasible to use demi-humans to fight demi-humans?

Turning to look at Hidero Shintani, he said in a deep voice.

“According to the ‘Law of Demihuman Stages’ proposed by Yu Tozaki, demihumans at the first stage do not pose much of a threat.

Those who can truly pose a powerful threat are the ‘second-stage demi-humans’!

And now, there are currently four ‘second-stage demi-humans’ that have been identified.

The mastermind of terrorist activities such as the ‘Institute Explosion’, ‘Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Aircraft Attack’, ‘Eno General Hospital Flood Outbreak’, ‘Assassination’, ‘Crisis Center Explosion’ and other terrorist activities, Sato!

There is also no trace of the origin at all, all the information only has one name, and he is also the instigator of the Yokota Base Explosion Incident, Shirahoshi!

and Yu Tozaki’s original assistant, Izumi Shimomura.

and Kei Nagai, who agreed to help capture Sato.

Among them, Sato is extremely dangerous and is determined to be a target that must be eliminated!

Shirahoshi is no less dangerous than Sato, but he and Sato are not in the same group, so perhaps contact attempts can be made to some extent.

In addition, Izumi Shimomura and Kei Nagai have high utilization value!

Perhaps, we should cultivate and control the two of them as weapons against Sato.

As for Bai Xing, they can adopt a wait-and-see attitude and avoid conflicts unless absolutely necessary.

Regarding Hidero Shintani's proposal, Kentaro Ueshima couldn't help but nodded slightly after hearing it.

Hidero Shintani continued: Although the Pentagon is clamoring for us to hand over the murderer Shirahoshi, in fact, what they really want is the 'second-stage demi-human'!

In the face of interests, the death of those big soldiers is not worth mentioning at all.

My opinion is to cultivate Izumi Shimomura and Kei Nagai into our own ‘second-stage Asians’.

Then capture Sato and send him to the Pentagon to eliminate the anger of the sovereign!

Kentaro Ueshima looked at Hidero Shintani with even more surprise.

As expected of a man who survived two attacks from Sato!

However, he also raised his doubts: What if Sato cannot be caught in the end? Besides, the Pentagon will not have the patience to wait too long.

Then we have to sacrifice Kei Nagai or Izumi Shimomura. Anyway, we will only have the bottom line of a 'second-stage demi-human'.

Okay! Mr. Shintani, I will appoint you as the person in charge of the new crisis management center, and now set up a 'Special Selection Group for Asia'. I will leave it to you to find a way to persuade Izumi Shimomura and Kei Nagai to join, and to recruit new members!

Eh?! Hidero Shintani didn't expect that he would be directly pushed to take on this important task just by relaying Yu Tozaki's plan before he was born.

Suddenly confused!

But everyone else silently turned their attention away from him, and Kentaro Ueshima looked at him with encouragement and trust.

Hidero Shintani knew that he couldn't shirk it.


Sakura Medical Center.

Shimomura Izumi stood in front of the door, followed by Nagai Kei.

What did you bring me here for?

Since the battle at the Crisis Management Center three days ago, Kei Nagai and Izumi Shimomura have been taken into custody by the Self-Defense Forces who arrived later.

During this period, Izumi Shimomura was the first to be called for a talk by the new person in charge, Hidero Shintani, the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare.

And agreed to serve as the captain of the special group of anti-Ya.

But Nagai didn't know anything about all this.

It was just today that he was released inexplicably, and then he was picked up by Shimomura Izumi in his car.

After leaving downtown Tokyo, I came to this private medical hospital with elegant environment and remote location.

Your sister Eriko is receiving treatment here. In addition, I also want to take you to meet another person who is also here.

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