Sato laughed loudly when he saw this scene.

He rarely does this, and only laughs out loud when he is truly happy.

The reason why I am laughing at this moment is because I am laughing at myself for winning!

Shirahoshi shared the power of the magnetic field with him and Nagai so that they could fight like crickets, which was a fun game.

Now, Shirahoshi was so obviously losing patience with Nagai that he even punched him away.

Naturally, it proved that he defeated Nagai in this game.

Others may be angry at being treated like crickets in a jar, but Sato just thinks this game is fun.

You will feel really happy to win the game!

The most important thing is that he not only won the battle with Nagai, but also successfully drew Shirahoshi into the game.

Bai Xing, who was originally overlooking all this and controlling the situation behind the scenes, appeared before the eyes of the world because of the American army's surprise attack.

Of course, he also has to pay a price for it.

280,000 Volts·Machine Gun Fist x Death-Sacrificing Fist!!

Machine gun punch.

Bai Xing learned a new move under the firepower of the American army.

It is said to be a new move, but it is actually an upgraded version of Rapid Bullet Punch.

What stands out is that on the basis of the original strong penetrating power, the attack frequency is increased.

When the punch comes out, it's like a machine gun firing.

Directly forming a fire coverage, the whole world is a shadow of fists, and every punch is real!

Make the enemy unable to hide and escape!

The Life-Sacrificing Fist was created by Sato's inspiration when he died from the Shirahoshi Fist.

It's just that the structure is simple, and after the first confrontation, Shirahoshi was able to understand its principles.

If you want to reproduce it, there is no difficulty at all.

At this moment, Shirahoshi added the Death-Sacrifice Fist to the newly created Machine Gun Fist.

Every punch that is covered by firepower contains 200% lethality!

Boom boom boom boom boom! ! !

Even the formless air became as viscous as liquid under this overbearing, fast and powerful fist. It started with little ripples like water, and soon evolved into waves, and then to stormy seas!

The substance-like gray-white air flow, mixed with countless explosive lightning currents, surged in all directions.

The American army outside the ruins was immediately in bad luck!

Armored vehicles and tanks were directly overturned, and the steel armor that could protect against artillery shells was torn apart by the storm and detonated by arcs.

Even though those soldiers were wearing insulated combat uniforms, they were still like delicate flowers and plants in a level 15 super typhoon, torn to pieces in just an instant.

Not to mention the whole corpse, even the mutilated corpse could not be found at all.

The armed helicopter in the sky fell crookedly, and its rotating propellers chopped some soldiers who were blown up into the sky into pieces by the strong wind.

The blood and organs were swayed by the wind, and turned into a dark red viscous substance in the aftermath of the shock, and finally dissipated into the horizon.

boom! boom! boom!

Armored vehicles fell over, tanks exploded, and armed helicopters exploded into billowing fireballs after falling.

They may never have imagined until their death that they did not die on the frontal battlefield, but actually died in the aftermath of the battle of a truly strong person.

When the storm subsided completely, Bai Xing couldn't help but let out a heavy breath.

The Death-Sacrificing Fist itself is a move that can injure the enemy a thousand times and cause eight hundred damage, let alone when used in conjunction with the machine gun fist.

Although the power is unparalleled, the load on the body is too severe.

So much so that even with Shirahoshi's physical fitness, he couldn't help but have his muscles broken, his bones broken, and his blood flowing like crazy!

Suicide and rebirth refreshed his physical condition.

Bai Xing's body slowly floated into the air.

Looking down, we can see that the land is devastated.

The crisis management center has long since disappeared, and the surrounding area hundreds of meters away is in ruins.

You can still vaguely see the remains of some tanks and the remains of human beings that were burned to coke.

Sato, who was facing the White Star offensive, had been completely beaten to the point of being vaporized, with not even a trace left.

There was deathly silence all around, like a scene from hell.

But in this hell, there are still two living people.

Kei Nagai, who had completed his rebirth, struggled to get up.

Looking at the man in the air, his eyes were filled with fear.

The other person kneeling on the ground was the naked Shimomura Izumi.

Faced with the aftermath of the battle at close range, she died several times in a row just now.

Even the body was torn into pieces.

He was reborn again with his subhuman physique.

What she found unbelievable was that when she faced the violent aftermath again, a steady stream of inexplicable power grew in her body.

It helped her offset the impact. Although she was inevitably killed in the end, her death was not so clean and tidy.

At this time, she was in a daze, whether it was the death of Yu Tozaki or the horrific destruction caused by the battle between Sato and Shirahoshi.

Or maybe it was the inexplicable power within her body.

It all made her feel a little overwhelmed.

Apart from the two of them, there were actually some people who survived.

It was Tanaka Koji and others who were previously captured by Nagai and Tozaki Yu.

It's just that they were all imprisoned in the cell, and now that the cell collapsed, they were trapped underneath.

Even though he would not die in the aftermath, it would be difficult to escape from the ruins for a while.

However, Tanaka and others can summon Xiao Hei, but if they are faced with this dilemma, if no one takes them in in time, it may only be a matter of time before they escape.

Shirahoshi ignored Nagai and glanced at Izumi Shimomura.

The seeds of strength have been planted for her.

Whether it can take root, sprout, blossom and bear fruit depends on her own ability.

Now that things were over for now, Bai Xing flew away without any regret.


Owada Hospital.

Today is the thirteenth day since Ansai Kuranosuke became the head of Higashida Co., Ltd.

But it was his tenth day in the hospital.

In the first half of his life, he worked hard and climbed up while walking on thin ice in the workplace.

Finally, in his forties, the vision was achieved.

He officially took office as the head of the department and even suppressed his old enemies.

Unexpectedly, just three days after taking office, he suddenly suffered from severe liver failure.

The liver must be replaced.

But for a while, there was no liver that could successfully match his liver.

After a few days of delay, Anzai Kuranosuke heard that the board of directors was dissatisfied with him and was even meeting to revoke his promotion.

This made Anzai Zangunosuke very anxious, so he asked someone to spend a lot of money to inquire about it on the black market.

Finally, we successfully found a suitable liver source.

Although the price is a bit expensive, it is worth it in order to recover as soon as possible and return to work to shine!

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. The operation was over at this time, and Anzai Kuranosuke was also transferred from the intensive care unit.

It only takes a while to cultivate and you will be able to fully recover.

Lying on the bed, Anzai Kuranosuke felt more relaxed than ever.

Turn on the TV, which is broadcasting real-time reports about Tokyo.

Looking at the chaotic Tokyo in the picture, the relaxed mood gradually disappeared.

He couldn't help but sigh: These damn Asians! They are really causing trouble to the world!

At the same time, Anzai Zangnosuke couldn't help but feel worried.

After all, Yokohama is less than thirty kilometers from Tokyo.

He was afraid that the chaos would spread here.

Just when he was thinking about whether to send his family to another place to avoid the limelight.

Suddenly I felt a pain in my abdomen, and then the pain came like a wave.

Under Anzai Zangunosuke's horrified gaze, a bulge appeared in his abdomen, and the bulge was getting bigger and bigger.


The newly stitched incision was also torn.

Blood shot out from the body.

And an even more chilling scene happened.

A bright red mass of flesh emerged from his abdomen, and soon his hair and facial features grew.

His skin looked very white, his eyes were narrowed into slits, and there was a smile on the corner of his blood-stained mouth.

Hi, how are you?

Phew! Phew!

The man was getting bigger by now.

At the same time, Ansai Zangunosuke's chest and abdomen were actually eliminated in the process.

The whole picture is extremely bizarre!

It's hard to imagine a naked and bloody man emerging from another man's belly.

And with his appearance, the man's chest and abdomen were disappearing, replaced by his body.

Anzai Zangunosuke felt that his breathing was getting shorter and shorter, becoming more and more rapid.

Below his sternum and above his hips, his body completely disappeared, and one-third of his body seemed to have been cut off.

But he's not dead yet.

On his deathbed, Anzai Kuranosuke saw the man emerging from his belly. He stood by the bed without any scruples, picked up the peaked cap from the top of the clothes hanger, and put it on his head.

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