Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 37 Sato’s past, Tozaki’s end

The violent air flow swept across, like a wind knife, cutting criss-crossing ravines on the concrete floor.

One second he was far away, and the next second he was in front of Nagai.

However, Nagai is not the same Goshita Amon of the past. After a month of hard training, when he faced Sato again, he was no longer just passively beaten.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound exploded and the thunder rolled, as if it had angered God.

Wherever the two of them passed, electric current surged. Anyone who could not dodge would either be torn into pieces by the aftermath, or be turned into cokes by the electric current.

The crisis management center was originally a well-defended place, but now it has become riddled with holes.

Sato and Nagai unanimously used the most primitive fighting method.

Fight hard and close to the flesh!

When dealing with ordinary people, it may be more convenient to use the power of magnetic fields to control metals and some other small means.

But against an enemy who also has the power of a magnetic field, being obsessed with those little tricks will only become a burden.

Distract yourself!

The stronger the magnetic field, the more it will return to the essence of power.

Only strong punches can kill the enemy to pieces in the most direct and thorough way!


The power of 130,000 volts exploded, and he punched Nagai hard in the chest.

It immediately shot out like a cannonball, smashing a wall into pieces, but it still couldn't stop itself.

Boom boom boom!

Along the way, whether it was walls, various facilities, or the guards hiding here, they were all shattered into pieces by Nagai's impact.

Forming a death passage filled with smoke and dust.

Sato stood there and did not continue to pursue.

He said calmly: Nagai-kun, actually I have always wanted to ask you a question.

When you were caught by the Demihuman Research Management Association, what were you thinking about when you were lying on the cold operating table every day?

Nagai was lying in the ruins, his body covered with broken reinforced concrete. He only felt sore all over his body and had bruises in many places.

The magnetic field power in his body has been consumed a lot, and he is trying hard to regain his breath at this moment.

Seeing that Sato did not continue, he did not take the initiative again.

Maybe you are just thinking about how to escape, or you are simply afraid of the pain.

He made a rather emotional ‘Ah’ sound. Actually, I was like this at the beginning. It was such a long memory that I almost couldn't remember the scene at that time.

Do you know, I have been locked in a laboratory from birth to adulthood?

They call me the damn monster, or Experimental Subject No. 001, but there is only one true identity for me, and that is a guinea pig!

Not only did they conduct various experiments on me, they also used me as a tool to make money and sold me to private companies.

To them, I am a renewable resource that can be recycled, a true perpetual motion machine, hey, just like a machine that automatically spits out money and does not require an energy supply.

I could be anything but not human!

The look in each of their eyes tells me that I am not the same type as them!

By the way, you must be wondering, how many years have I been imprisoned, right?

I can tell you, it’s twenty years!

Do you know how I have lived these twenty years?

It was not until later that I left the institute due to an accident.

But I sadly discovered that I didn’t know where to go, and I even thought about returning to the institute!

Fortunately, a person appeared and gave me a new personality. I was no longer a toy to play with or a machine that spits out money.

She gave me a name, she told me, my name is Sato!

So, come and tell me, Nagai-kun.

Tell me, why are you helping those who have hurt us?

Under the conduction of the magnetic field, the current accurately sent the information to Nagai under the ruins a hundred meters away.


The broken reinforced concrete shot out like bullets, and Nagai suddenly jumped out of it.

Accompanied by a blast, the sudden burst of speed broke the sound barrier.

Facing Sato's hopeful gaze, Nagai could feel that he really wanted to know the answer.

You have two questions!

Nagai did not answer, or rather he had already answered.

Answer with his fist!

Kuang Gu's own strength, Nagai answered him with a punch of one hundred thousand volts!

Show your attitude!

Sato, you like to play level-breaking games, right? Then I am the bug in your game. I am an existence that is difficult for you to understand, and my existence will eventually destroy your game!

I don't know what the so-called clown is. If that's the case, just defeat me! Hey!

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

A terrifying explosion sounded, followed by shock waves that were like waves.

The agitated air current spreads outward like substance, cutting all tangible materials.

The ground was torn apart, forming dark gaps, and the dilapidated buildings around it completely collapsed.

It turned into ruins and ruins.

Everyone who was paying attention to this battle was stunned by the scene before them.

A month ago, the two had fought on the top floor of Eno General Hospital.

Although it caused a lot of damage, it was nothing compared to what we saw.

In such a short period of time, the two of them had achieved such obvious growth, and a chill filled everyone's heart.

What will be the consequences if we continue to let them go?

No one can imagine it, no one dares to think it!

But at this moment, the battle situation had changed.

[Magnetic field rotation] is an idealistic force.

Although you can practice, what really makes people grow is fighting!

Exploding seeds during battle is a common occurrence.

This is especially true when there is strong emotional catalysis.

Sato, who was affected by painful memories, raised his power to 150,000 volts and completely suppressed Nagai.

Even if the other party summoned Xiao Hei to help, it would be of no avail.

Because Sato also has a trump card.

Come out, Torrent!

A large number of IBMs appeared around Sato. In this month, he actually mastered the initiative to trigger the 'flood phenomenon'!

Nagai was completely suppressed, and Sato's punch came right after him.

The violent electric current turned into a sharp blade, causing flesh and blood to explode, and Nagai's limbs were instantly broken.

Blood spurted out, and Nagai, who was left with only a human stick, was held down by Xiao Hei.

At this moment, the powerful vitality given by the power of the magnetic field becomes a liability.

An ordinary person would bleed to death within a few moments.

But Nagai will not die so easily.

Immortality means that you cannot be reborn to refresh your status.

You just watch here, watch me kill everyone here, watch Yu Tozaki you protect die in front of you.

And this is just the beginning. I am not afraid to tell you in advance. My next step is to make Tokyo a place where only Asians can live.

Only demi-humans are the real future mouths of this world! !

With blood spurting out of his mouth, Nagai tried to struggle, but to no avail.

He yelled angrily: What on earth are you planning to do!

Sato just smiled: The game has just begun, you just need to watch from the side.

There was no need for Sato to take action himself, Xiao Hei swept through every inch of the ruins of the crisis management center.

The safe house was easily found.

The hard defense could not withstand the claws of the black men, and the desperate cries of the top government officials inside only made Sato excited.

The bloody storm is coming around me, and the next moment I become one of them.

Even a senior demi-human like Shimomura Izumi who could summon Xiao Hei only resisted for one more second before being cut into pieces on the spot.

He easily grabbed Tozaki Yu from inside.

Throw it in front of Nagai, who has no power to resist.

Tozaki-kun, it seems that good luck has not befallen you.

When things came to a close, Yu Tozaki didn't have much fear of death.

Turning to look at Sato.

The situation has been completely out of control. The United States has announced that it will completely intervene in this matter. You are strong, but your ending will never be better than mine. I am waiting for you below!

I recommend a Water Margin fic that the author has been reading recently. It’s quite decent. The protagonist travels through time and becomes Li Gui and goes on a killing spree.

The heaven and the earth are unkind and treat all things as stupid dogs. They will not punish anyone just because they do evil.

There is no way in heaven, and there is no reward for good and evil!

Li Gui weighed the ax in his hand and decided to act on behalf of heaven and be the living retribution for those in power!

In this era of cannibalism, he doesn't understand technology, farming, or military skills... he doesn't know how to make the world a better place.

He's just a rough guy who only knows how to swing an ax and chop, chop, chop, chop!

But as long as all the people holding the world back are dead, the world will naturally find its own direction!

Anyway, after more than ten years, the land will be filled with fishy smells and rivers of blood will flow, so we might as well play Mowing Warriors in this world of Outlaws of the Marsh!

PS1: This book is like Water Margin Unparalleled, where one ride can defeat a thousand, but it is limited to the cheating protagonist.

PS2: It won’t be written as a fantasy or fairy tale, and the Taoism is limited to the category of Water Margin, the kind that can break the blood of a black dog. As for the balance of force issue, there are other methods, please be patient and read below.

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